Prof. Dr. Cyrus Samimi

Wissenschaftliche Abschlüsse
2002 | Habilitation: Geographie, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
1995 | Promotion: Geographie, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
1990 | Magister: Geographie, Geologie, Biologie, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Beruflicher Werdegang
Seit 3/2013 | Professor für Klimatologie, Universität Bayreuth |
2010 – 2013 | Professur für Geoökologie, Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, Universität Wien |
2008 – 2010 | Gastprofessur für Geoökologie, Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, Universität Wien |
2007 – 2008 | Vertretungsprofessur für Ecosystem Services, Universität Bayreuth |
2004 – 2005 | Vertretungsprofessur für Physische Geographie, Institut für Physische Geographie, Universität Frankfurt am Main |
1991 – 2002 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Assistent, Institut für Geographie, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |

- Subsahara-Afrika
- Zentralasien
- Naher Osten, Mittlerer Osten
- Süddeutschland
- Alpen
- Klimatologie
- Ökologische Klimatologie
- Biogeographie
- Landwirtschaftsökologie
- Fernerkundung

Ausgewählte Publikationen
Zandler, Harald; Samimi, Cyrus
Cooling Potential of Urban Tree Species during Extreme Heat and Drought : A Thermal Remote Sens ...
In: Remote Sensing Bd. 16 (2024) Heft 12
doi:10.3390/rs16122059 ...
Arabi, Behnaz; Moradi, Masoud; Zandler, Harald; Samimi, Cyrus; Verhoef, Wouter
Developing a novel index for detection of optically shallow waters using multispectral satellit ...
In: International Journal of Remote Sensing Bd. 45 (2024) Heft 14. - S. 4788-4819
doi:10.1080/01431161.2024.2368931 ...
Moradi, Masoud; Arabi, Behnaz; Hommersom, Annelies; van der Molen, Johan; Samimi, Cyrus
Quality control tests for automated above-water hyperspectral measurements : Radiative Transfer ...
In: ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Bd. 215 (2024) . - S. 292-312
doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2024.07.011 ...
Arabi, Behnaz; Moradi, Masoud; Samimi, Cyrus; Verhoef, Wouter; Zandler, Harald
Developing A New Index for the Detection of Optically Shallow Waters in Complex Coastal Areas f ...
AGU 23, San Francisco, CA & Online
Li, Qirui; Samimi, Cyrus
Assessing Human Mobility and Its Climatic and Socioeconomic Factors for Sustainable Development ...
In: Sustainability Bd. 15 (2023) Heft 15
doi:10.3390/su151511661 ...
Samimi, Cyrus
Environmental Change : Populism, Lobbyism, and Injustice
A new Age of Extremes? : Anti-political Politics and Identity Remaking in the early 21st Century
Bayreuth , 2023. - S. 147-177 . - (University of Bayreuth African Studies Online; 10)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006772 ...
Moradi, Masoud; Arabi, Behnaz; Hommersom, Annelies; van der Molen, Johan; Samimi, Cyrus
Radiative transfer model for quality control of above-water hyperspectral downwelling irradianc ...
In: Proceedings of SPIE Bd. 12728 (2023)
doi:10.1117/12.2684363 ...
Arabi, Behnaz; Moradi, Masoud; Samimi, Cyrus; Verhoef, Wouter
Two decades water quality monitoring using time-series of multispectral satellite images over t ...
In: Proceedings of SPIE Bd. 12728 (2023)
doi:10.1117/12.2684352 ...
Dreiser, Anja; Samimi, Cyrus
Frontiers in African Digital Research : Conference Proceedings
Hrsg.: Kroeker, Lena
Bayreuth 2022. - 245 S. . - (University of Bayreuth African Studies Online; 9)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005720 ...
van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Zandler, Harald
Climate variability and institutional flexibility : Resource governance at the intersection bet ...
Drylands Facing Change
London : Routledge, 2022. - S. 15-31
doi:10.4324/9781003174486-3 ...
Adams, Julia; Samimi, Cyrus; Mitterer, Christina; Bendix, Jörg; Beck, Erwin
Comparison of pasture types in the tropical Andes : Species composition, distribution, nutritiv ...
In: Basic and Applied Ecology Bd. 59 (2022) . - S. 139-150
doi:10.1016/j.baae.2022.01.005 ...
Khan, Saeed Akhtar; Vanselow, Kim A.; Sass, Oliver; Samimi, Cyrus
Detecting abrupt change in land cover in the eastern Hindu Kush region using Landsat time serie ...
In: Journal of Mountain Science Bd. 19 (2022) Heft 6. - S. 1699-1716
doi:10.1007/s11629-021-7297-y ...
Drylands Facing Change : Interventions, Investments and Identities
Hrsg.: Kronenburg Garcia, Angela; Haller, Tobias; Samimi, Cyrus; Dijk, Han van; Warner, Jeroen
London : Routledge, 2022
doi:10.4324/9781003174486 ...
García Kronenburg, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Warner, Jeroen; Samimi, Cyrus
Drylands, frontiers, and the politics of change
Drylands Facing Change
London : Routledge, 2022. - S. 1-12
doi:10.4324/9781003174486-1 ...
Gashure, Sibilo; Wana, Desalegn; Samimi, Cyrus
Impacts of climate variability and climate-smart agricultural practices on crop production in U ...
In: Theoretical and Applied Climatology Bd. 150 (2022) . - S. 1495-1511
doi:10.1007/s00704-022-04244-9 ...
Sowe, Sulayman K.; Schönfeld, Mirco; Samimi, Cyrus; Steiner, Petra; Schürer-Ries, Anke
Managing North-South Research Collaboration Projects During the COVID-19 Pandemic : An Empirica ...
In: International Journal of Information Technology Project Management Bd. 13 (2022) Heft 1
doi:10.4018/IJITPM.312255 ...
Li, Qirui; Samimi, Cyrus
Sub-Saharan Africa's international migration constrains its sustainable development under clima ...
In: Sustainability Science Bd. 17 (2022) . - S. 1873-1897
doi:10.1007/s11625-022-01116-z ...
Huisl, Jonas; Fichtner, Myriel; Eisenhuth, Philipp; Baumann, Oliver; Schönfeld, Mirco; Jablonski, Stefan; Samimi, Cyrus
Towards an Integrated and Contextualized Research Data Management at the Cluster of Excellence ...
Frontiers in African Digital Research : Conference Proceedings
Bayreuth , 2022. - S. 155-172 . - (University of Bayreuth African Studies Online; 9)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005720 ...
Sowe, Sulayman K.; Schönfeld, Mirco; Samimi, Cyrus; Steiner, Petra; Huisl, Jonas
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for North-South Research Collaboration : An Experience Report
Companion Volume to the Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Open Collaboration
Madrid : ACM, 2021. - S. 18-21 ...
Kassam, Karim-Aly; Ruelle, Morgan; Haag, Isabell; Bulbulshoev, Umed; Kaziev, Daler; Louis, Leo; Ullmann, Anna; Edwards, Iriel; Khan, Aziz Ali; Trabucco, Antonio; Samimi, Cyrus
Engaging Transformation : Using Seasonal Rounds to Anticipate Climate Change
In: Human Ecology Bd. 49 (2021) Heft 5. - S. 509-523
doi:10.1007/s10745-021-00269-2 ...
Essien, Etido; Samimi, Cyrus
Evaluation of Economic Linkage between Urban Built-Up Areas in a Mid-Sized City of Uyo (Nigeria ...
In: Land Bd. 10 (2021) Heft 10
doi:10.3390/land10101094 ...
Haag, Isabell; Kassam, Karim-Aly; Senftl, Thomas; Zandler, Harald; Samimi, Cyrus
Measurements meet human observations : integrating distinctive ways of knowing in the Pamir Mou ...
In: Climatic Change Bd. 165 (2021)
doi:10.1007/s10584-021-02988-3 ...
Vanselow, Kim André; Zandler, Harald; Samimi, Cyrus
Methods of Assessing Vegetation Dynamics and Pasture Potentials in Arid Mountain Regions
Exploring and Optimizing Agricultural Landscapes
Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2021. - S. 373-382
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-67448-9_16 ...
Nabavi, Seyed Omid; Nölscher, Anke; Samimi, Cyrus; Thomas, Christoph; Haimberger, Leopold; Lüers, Johannes; Held, Andreas
Site-scale modeling of surface ozone in Northern Bavaria using machine learning algorithms, reg ...
In: Environmental Pollution Bd. 268, Part A (2021)
doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115736 ...
Sabatini, Francesco Maria; Lenoir, Jonathan; Hattab, Tarek; Arnst, Elise Aimee; Chytrý, Milan; Dengler, Jürgen; De Ruffray, Patrice; Hennekens, Stephan M.; Jandt, Ute; Jansen, Florian; Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja; Kattge, Jens; Levesley, Aurora; Pillar, Valério D.; Purschke, Oliver; Sandel, Brody; Sultana, Fahmida; Aavik, Tsipe; Aćić, Svetlana; Acosta, Alicia T. R.; Agrillo, Emiliano; Alvarez, Miguel; Apostolova, Iva; Arfin Khan, Mohammed Abu Sayed; Arroyo, Luzmila; Attorre, Fabio; Aubin, Isabelle; Banerjee, Arindam; Bauters, Marijn; Bergeron, Yves; Bergmeier, Erwin; Biurrun, Idoia; Bjorkman, Anne D.; Bonari, Gianmaria; Bondareva, Viktoria; Brunet, Jörg; Čarni, Andraž; Casella, Laura; Cayuela, Luis; Černý, Tomáš; Chepinoga, Victor; Csiky, János; Ćušterevska, Renata; De Bie, Els; Gasper, André Luis; De Sanctis, Michele; Dimopoulos, Panayotis; Dolezal, Jiri; Dziuba, Tetiana; El‐Sheikh, Mohamed Abd El‐Rouf Mousa; Enquist, Brian; Ewald, Jörg; Fazayeli, Farideh; Field, Richard; Finckh, Manfred; Gachet, Sophie; Galán‐de‐Mera, Antonio; Garbolino, Emmanuel; Gholizadeh, Hamid; Giorgis, Melisa; Golub, Valentin; Alsos, Inger Greve; Grytnes, John‐Arvid; Guerin, Gregory Richard; Gutiérrez, Alvaro G.; Haider, Sylvia; Hatim, Mohamed Z.; Hérault, Bruno; Hinojos Mendoza, Guillermo; Hölzel, Norbert; Homeier, Jürgen; Hubau, Wannes; Indreica, Adrian; Janssen, John A. M.; Jedrzejek, Birgit; Jentsch, Anke; Jürgens, Norbert; Kącki, Zygmunt; Kapfer, Jutta; Karger, Dirk Nikolaus; Kavgacı, Ali; Kearsley, Elizabeth; Kessler, Michael; Khanina, Larisa; Killeen, Timothy; Korolyuk, Andrey; Kreft, Holger; Kühl, Hjalmar S.; Kuzemko, Anna; Landucci, Flavia; Lengyel, Attila; Lens, Frederic; Lingner, Débora Vanessa; Liu, Hongyan; Lysenko, Tatiana; Mahecha, Miguel D.; Marcenò, Corrado; Martynenko, Vasiliy; Moeslund, Jesper Erenskjold; Monteagudo Mendoza, Abel; Mucina, Ladislav; Müller, Jonas V.; Munzinger, Jérôme; Naqinezhad, Alireza; Noroozi, Jalil; Nowak, Arkadiusz; Onyshchenko, Viktor; Overbeck, Gerhard E.; Pärtel, Meelis; Pauchard, Aníbal; Peet, Robert K.; Peñuelas, Josep; Pérez‐Haase, Aaron; Peterka, Tomáš; Petřík, Petr; Peyre, Gwendolyn; Phillips, Oliver L.; Prokhorov, Vadim; Rašomavičius, Valerijus; Revermann, Rasmus; Rivas‐Torres, Gonzalo; Rodwell, John S.; Ruprecht, Eszter; Rūsiņa, Solvita; Samimi, Cyrus; Schmidt, Marco; Schrodt, Franziska; Shan, Hanhuai; Shirokikh, Pavel; Šibík, Jozef; Šilc, Urban; Sklenář, Petr; Škvorc, Željko; Sparrow, Ben; Sperandii, Marta Gaia; Stančić, Zvjezdana; Svenning, Jens‐Christian; Tang, Zhiyao; Tang, Cindy Q.; Tsiripidis, Ioannis; Vanselow, Kim André; Vásquez Martínez, Rodolfo; Vassilev, Kiril; Vélez‐Martin, Eduardo; Venanzoni, Roberto; Vibrans, Alexander Christian; Violle, Cyrille; Virtanen, Risto; Wehrden, Henrik; Wagner, Viktoria; Walker, Donald A.; Waller, Donald M.; Wang, Hua‐Feng; Wesche, Karsten; Whitfeld, Timothy J. S.; Willner, Wolfgang; Wiser, Susan K.; Wohlgemuth, Thomas; Yamalov, Sergey; Zobel, Martin; Bruelheide, Helge; Bates, Amanda
sPlotOpen – An environmentally balanced, open‐access, global dataset of vegetation plots
In: Global Ecology and Biogeography Bd. 30 (2021) Heft 9. - S. 1740-1764
doi:10.1111/geb.13346 ...
Vanselow, Kim André; Zandler, Harald; Samimi, Cyrus
Time Series Analysis of Land Cover Change in Dry Mountains : Insights from the Tajik Pamirs
In: Remote Sensing Bd. 13 (2021) Heft 19
doi:10.3390/rs13193951 ...
Samimi, Cyrus; Ghosh, Aditya; Fickert, Thomas
Die tropischen Zyklone Idai und Fani im Jahr 2019
In: Geographische Rundschau Bd. 72 (2020) Heft 4. - S. 34-37
Haag, Isabell; Jones, Philip D.; Samimi, Cyrus
Central Asia's Changing Climate : How Temperature and Precipitation Have Changed across Time, S ...
In: Climate Bd. 7 (2019) Heft 10
doi:10.3390/cli7100123 ...
Essien, Etido; Samimi, Cyrus
Detection of Urban Development in Uyo (Nigeria) Using Remote Sensing
In: Land Bd. 8 (2019) Heft 6
doi:10.3390/land8060102 ...
Krüger, Fred; Samimi, Cyrus
Environmental management and the reshaping and respacing of livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa : ...
In: African Geographical Review Bd. 38 (2019) Heft 1. - S. 48-53
doi:10.1080/19376812.2017.1286244 ...
Zandler, Harald; Haag, Isabell; Samimi, Cyrus
Evaluation needs and temporal performance differences of gridded precipitation products in peri ...
In: Scientific Reports Bd. 9 (2019)
doi:10.1038/s41598-019-51666-z ...
Haag, Isabell; Kassam, Karim-Aly; Samimi, Cyrus
Ökologische Kalender im Pamir : Anpassung an den Klimawandel auf dem Dach der Welt
In: Geographische Rundschau Bd. 71 (2019) Heft 12. - S. 26-31
Bruelheide, Helge; Dengler, Jürgen; Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja; Purschke, Oliver; Hennekens, Stephan M.; Chytrý, Milan; Pillar, Valério D.; Jansen, Florian; Kattge, Jens; Sandel, Brody; Aubin, Isabelle; Biurrun, Idoia; Field, Richard; Haider, Sylvia; Jandt, Ute; Lenoir, Jonathan; Peet, Robert K.; Peyre, Gwendolyn; Sabatini, Francesco Maria; Schmidt, Marco; Schrodt, Franziska; Winter, Marten; Aćić, Svetlana; Agrillo, Emiliano; Alvarez, Miguel; Ambarlı, Didem; Angelini, Pierangela; Apostolova, Iva; Arfin Khan, Mohammed Abu Sayed; Arnst, Elise; Attorre, Fabio; Baraloto, Christopher; Beckmann, Michael; Berg, Christian; Bergeron, Yves; Bergmeier, Erwin; Bjorkman, Anne D.; Bondareva, Viktoria; Borchardt, Peter; Botta-Dukát, Zoltán; Boyle, Brad; Breen, Amy; Brisse, Henry; Byun, Chaeho; Cabido, Marcelo; Casella, Laura; Cayuela, Luis; Černý, Tomáš; Chepinoga, Victor; Csiky, János; Curran, Michael; Ćušterevska, Renata; Dajić Stevanović, Zora; De Bie, Els; de Ruffray, Patrice; De Sanctis, Michele; Dimopoulos, Panayotis; Dressler, Stefan; Ejrnæs, Rasmus; El-Sheikh, Mohamed Abd El-Rouf Mousa; Enquist, Brian; Ewald, Jörg; Fagúndez, Jaime; Finckh, Manfred; Font, Xavier; Forey, Estelle; Fotiadis, Georgios; García-Mijangos, Itziar; de Gasper, André Luis; Golub, Valentin; Gutiérrez, Alvaro G.; Hatim, Mohamed Z.; He, Tianhua; Higuchi, Pedro; Holubová, Dana; Hölzel, Norbert; Homeier, Jürgen; Indreica, Adrian; Işık Gürsoy, Deniz; Jansen, Steven; Janssen, John A. M.; Jedrzejek, Birgit; Jiroušek, Martin; Jürgens, Norbert; Kącki, Zygmunt; Kavgacı, Ali; Kearsley, Elizabeth; Kessler, Michael; Knollová, Ilona; Kolomiychuk, Vitaliy; Korolyuk, Andrey; Kozhevnikova, Maria; Kozub, Łukasz; Krstonošić, Daniel; Kühl, Hjalmar; Kühn, Ingolf; Kuzemko, Anna; Küzmič, Filip; Landucci, Flavia; Lee, Michael T.; Levesley, Aurora; Li, Ching-Feng; Liu, Hongyan; Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela; Lysenko, Tatyana; Macanović, Armin; Mahdavi, Parastoo; Manning, Peter; Marcenò, Corrado; Martynenko, Vassiliy; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Minden, Vanessa; Moeslund, Jesper Erenskjold; Moretti, Marco D.; Müller, Jonas V.; Munzinger, Jérôme; Niinemets, Ülo; Nobis, Marcin; Noroozi, Jalil; Nowak, Arkadiusz; Onyshchenko, Viktor; Overbeck, Gerhard E.; Ozinga, Wim A.; Pauchard, Anibal; Pedashenko, Hristo; Peñuelas, Josep; Pérez-Haase, Aaron; Peterka, Tomáš; Petřík, Petr; Phillips, Oliver L.; Prokhorov, Vadim; Rašomavičius, Valerijus; Revermann, Rasmus; Rodwell, John S.; Ruprecht, Eszter; Rūsiņa, Solvita; Samimi, Cyrus; Schaminée, Joop H. J.; Schmiedel, Ute; Šibík, Jozef; Šilc, Urban; Škvorc, Željko; Smyth, Anita; Sop, Tenekwetche; Sopotlieva, Desislava; Sparrow, Ben; Stančić, Zvjezdana; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Swacha, Grzegorz; Tang, Zhiyao; Tsiripidis, Ioannis; Turtureanu, Pavel Dan; Uğurlu, Emin; Uogintas, Domas; Valachovič, Milan; Vanselow, Kim André; Vashenyak, Yulia; Vassilev, Kiril; Vélez-Martin, Eduardo; Venanzoni, Roberto; Vibrans, Alexander Christian; Violle, Cyrille; Virtanen, Risto; von Wehrden, Henrik; Wagner, Viktoria; Walker, Donald A.; Wana, Desalegn; Weiher, Evan; Wesche, Karsten; Whitfeld, Timothy; Willner, Wolfgang; Wiser, Susan; Wohlgemuth, Thomas; Yamalov, Sergey; Zizka, Georg; Zverev, Andrei
sPlot : A new tool for global vegetation analyses
In: Journal of Vegetation Science Bd. 30 (2019) Heft 2. - S. 161-186
doi:10.1111/jvs.12710 ...
Kassam, Karim-Aly S.; Ruelle, Morgan L.; Samimi, Cyrus; Trabucco, Antonio; Xu, Jianchu
Anticipating Climatic Variability : The Potential of Ecological Calendars
In: Human Ecology Bd. 46 (2018) Heft 2. - S. 249-257
doi:10.1007/s10745-018-9970-5 ...
Reinhardt, Katja; Samimi, Cyrus
Comparison of different wind data interpolation methods for a region with complex terrain in Ce ...
In: Climate Dynamics Bd. 51 (2018) Heft 9/10. - S. 3635-3652
doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4101-y ...
Mayr, Manuel J.; Malß, Sophia; Ofner, Elisabeth; Samimi, Cyrus
Disturbance feedbacks on the height of woody vegetation in a savannah : a multi-plot assessment ...
In: International Journal of Remote Sensing Bd. 39 (2018) Heft 14. - S. 4761-4785
doi:10.1080/01431161.2017.1362132 ...
Mayr, Manuel J.; Vanselow, Kim André; Samimi, Cyrus
Fire regimes at the arid fringe : A 16-year remote sensing perspective (2000-2016) on the contr ...
In: Ecological Indicators Bd. 91 (2018) . - S. 324-337
doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.04.022 ...
Vanselow, Kim André; Zandler, Harald; Samimi, Cyrus
Methods of Assessing Vegetation Dynamics and Pasture Potentials in High Mountain Regions
Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia. Vol. III. Landscape Monitoring and Modelling
Moscow , 2018. - S. 209-213
doi:10.25680/1490.2018.71.71.003 ...
Nabavi, Seyed Omid; Haimberger, Leopold; Abbasi, Reyhaneh; Samimi, Cyrus
Prediction of aerosol optical depth in West Asia using deterministic models and machine learnin ...
In: Aeolian Research Bd. 35 (2018) . - S. 69-84
doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2018.10.002 ...
Samimi, Cyrus
Klimatologischer Überblick
Die Physische Geographie Deutschlands
Darmstadt : WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft), 2017. - S. 167-179
Nabavi, Seyed Omid; Haimberger, Leopold; Samimi, Cyrus
Sensitivity of WRF-chem predictions to dust source function specification in West Asia
In: Aeolian Research Bd. 24 (2017) . - S. 115-131
doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2016.12.005 ...
Zandler, Harald; Morche, Thomas; Samimi, Cyrus
Wind and solar power as possible energy alternatives in peripheral high mountains? Insights fro ...
In: Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories Bd. 9 (2017) Heft 4. - S. 343-354
doi:10.21177/1998-4502-2017-9-4-343-354 ...
Romankiewicz, Clemens; Doevenspeck, Martin; Brandt, Martin; Samimi, Cyrus
Adaptation as by-product : Migration and environmental change in Nguith, Senegal
In: Die Erde Bd. 147 (2016) Heft 2. - S. 95-108
doi:10.12854/erde-147-7 ...
Nabavi, Seyed Omid; Haimberger, Leopold; Samimi, Cyrus
Climatology of dust distribution over West Asia from homogenized remote sensing data
In: Aeolian Research Bd. 21 (2016) . - S. 93-107
doi:10.1016/j.aeolia.2016.04.002 ...
Eklund, Lina; Romankiewicz, Clemens; Brandt, Martin; Doevenspeck, Martin; Samimi, Cyrus
Data and methods in the environment-migration nexus : a scale perspective
In: Die Erde Bd. 147 (2016) Heft 2. - S. 139-152
doi:10.12854/erde-147-10 ...
Schumacher, Paul; Mislimshoeva, Bunafsha; Brenning, Alexander; Zandler, Harald; Brandt, Martin; Samimi, Cyrus; Koellner, Thomas
Do Red Edge and Texture Attributes from High-Resolution Satellite Data Improve Wood Volume Esti ...
In: Remote Sensing Bd. 8 (2016) Heft 7
doi:10.3390/rs8070540 ...
Vanselow, Kim André; Samimi, Cyrus; Breckle, Siegmar-W.
Preserving a Comprehensive Vegetation Knowledge Base : An Evaluation of Four Historical Soviet ...
In: PLoS One Bd. 11 (2016) Heft 2
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148930 ...
Zandler, Harald; Mislimshoeva, Bunafsha; Samimi, Cyrus
Scenarios of Solar Energy Use on the “Roof of the World” : Potentials and Environmental Benefit ...
In: Mountain Research and Development Bd. 36 (2016) Heft 3. - S. 256-266
doi:10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-15-00077.1 ...
Samimi, Cyrus
Aktuelle Tendenzen des Klimawandels
Folgen des Klimawandels
Bayreuth : Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth e.V., 2015. - S. 7-24 . - (Bayreuther Kontaktstudium Geographie; 8)
Mayr, Manuel J.; Samimi, Cyrus
Comparing the dry season in-situ leaf area index (lai) derived from high-resolution rapideye im ...
In: Remote Sensing Bd. 7 (2015) Heft 4. - S. 4834-4857
doi:10.3390/rs70404834 ...
Folgen des Klimawandels
Hrsg.: Obermaier, Gabriele; Samimi, Cyrus
Bayreuth : Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth e.V., 2015. - 175 S. . - (Bayreuther Kontaktstudium Geographie; 8)
Brandt, Martin; Mbow, Cheikh; Diouf, Abdoul Aziz; Verger, Aleixandre; Samimi, Cyrus; Fensholt, Rasmus
Ground- and satellite-based evidence of the biophysical mechanisms behind the greening Sahel
In: Global Change Biology Bd. 21 (2015) Heft 4. - S. 1610-1620
doi:10.1111/gcb.12807 ...
Zandler, Harald; Samimi, Cyrus; Brenning, Alexander
Potential of Space-Borne Hyperspectral Data for Biomass Quantification in an Arid Environment : ...
In: Remote Sensing Bd. 7 (2015) Heft 4. - S. 4565-4580
doi:10.3390/rs70404565 ...
Zandler, Harald; Samimi, Cyrus; Brenning, Alexander
Quantifying dwarf shrub biomass in an arid environment : comparing empirical methods in a high ...
In: Remote Sensing of Environment Bd. 158 (2015) . - S. 140-155
doi:10.1016/j.rse.2014.11.007 ...
Obermaier, Gabriele; Samimi, Cyrus
Transnationale Schutzgebiete im südlichen Afrika
In: Praxis Geographie Bd. 45 (2015) Heft 4. - S. 24-27 ...
Spiekermann, Raphael; Brandt, Martin; Samimi, Cyrus
Woody vegetation and land cover changes in the Sahel of Mali (1967-2011)
In: International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Bd. 34 (2015) . - S. 113-121
doi:10.1016/j.jag.2014.08.007 ...
Staska, Bernadette; Essl, Franz; Samimi, Cyrus
Density and age of invasive "Robinia pseudoacacia" modulate its impact on floodplain forests
In: Basic and Applied Ecology Bd. 15 (2014) Heft 6. - S. 551-558
doi:10.1016/j.baae.2014.07.010 ...
Glade, Thomas; Bell, Rainer; Dobesberger, Paul; Embleton-Hamann, Christine; Fromm, Reinhard; Fuchs, Sven; Hagen, Karl; Hübl, Johannes; Lieb, Gerhard; Otto, Jan-Christoph; Perzl, Frank; Peticzka, Robert; Prager, Christoph; Samimi, Cyrus; Sass, Oliver; Schöner, Wolfgang; Schröter, Dagmar; Schrott, Lothar; Zangerl, Christian; Zeidler, Antonia
Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Reliefsphäre
Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 = Austrian Assessment Report 2014 (AAR14): Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC)
Wien : Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2014. - S. 557-600
Brandt, Martin; Romankiewicz, Clemens; Spiekermann, Raphael; Samimi, Cyrus
Environmental change in time series : An interdisciplinary study in the Sahel of Mali and Seneg ...
In: Journal of Arid Environments Bd. 105 (2014) . - S. 52-63
doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2014.02.019 ...
Mislimshoeva, Bunafsha; Hable, Robert; Fezakov, Manuchehr; Samimi, Cyrus; Abdulnazarov, Abdulnazar; Koellner, Thomas
Factors influencing households' firewood consumption in the Western Pamirs, Tajikistan
In: Mountain Research and Development Bd. 34 (2014) Heft 2. - S. 147-156
doi:10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-13-00113.1 ...
Brandt, Martin; Verger, Aleixandre; Diouf, Abdoul Aziz; Baret, Frédéric; Samimi, Cyrus
Local vegetation trends in the sahel of Mali and Senegal using long time series FAPAR satellite ...
In: Remote Sensing Bd. 6 (2014) Heft 3. - S. 2408-2434
doi:10.3390/rs6032408 ...
Brandt, Martin; Grau, Tobias; Mbow, Cheikh; Samimi, Cyrus
Modeling Soil and Woody Vegetation in the Senegalese Sahel in the Context of Environmental Chan ...
In: Land Bd. 3 (2014) Heft 3. - S. 770-792
doi:10.3390/land3030770 ...
Vanselow, Kim André; Samimi, Cyrus
Predictive Mapping of Dwarf Shrub Vegetation in an Arid High Mountain Ecosystem Using Remote Se ...
In: Remote Sensing Bd. 6 (2014) Heft 7. - S. 6709-6726
doi:10.3390/rs6076709 ...
Kraudzun, Tobias; Vanselow, Kim André; Samimi, Cyrus
Realities and myths of the Teresken Syndrome : An evaluation of the exploitation of dwarf shrub ...
In: Journal of Environmental Management Bd. 132 (2014) . - S. 49-59
doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.10.019 ...
Mislimshoeva, Bunafsha; Samimi, Cyrus; Kirchhoff, Joachim-F.; Koellner, Thomas
Analysis of costs and people's willingness to enroll in forest rehabilitation in Gorno Badakhsh ...
In: Forest Policy and Economics Bd. 37 (2013) . - S. 75-83
doi:10.1016/j.forpol.2012.12.001 ...
Kastler, Bernadette; Samimi, Cyrus
The Impact of "Robinia pseudoacacia" on Ground Vegetation and Plant Nutrient Matter in Donau-Au ...
5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas: 10-12 June 2013, Mittersill ; conference volume
Mittersill : Hohe Tauern National Park Salzburg, 2013. - S. 345-352 ...
Brandt, Martin; Paeth, Heiko; Samimi, Cyrus
Vegetationsveränderungen in Westafrika im Spiegel des Klimawandels und der Landnutzung
In: Geographische Rundschau Bd. 65 (2013) Heft 9. - S. 36-42
Samimi, Cyrus; Fink, Andreas H.; Paeth, Heiko
The 2007 flood in the Sahel : Causes, characteristics and its presentation in the media and FEW ...
In: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Bd. 12 (2012) Heft 2. - S. 313-325
doi:10.5194/nhess-12-313-2012 ...
Romankiewicz, Clemens; Samimi, Cyrus; Brandt, Martin; Spiekermann, Raphael
Detecting environmental change using time series, high resolution imagery and field work : a ca ...
In: Geophysical Research Abstracts Bd. 14 (2012) ...
Vanselow, Kim André; Kraudzun, Tobias; Samimi, Cyrus
Grazing practices and pasture tenure in the Eastern Pamirs : The nexus of pasture use, pasture ...
In: Mountain Research and Development Bd. 32 (2012) Heft 3. - S. 324-336
doi:10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-12-00001.1 ...
Vanselow, Kim André; Kraudzun, Tobias; Samimi, Cyrus
Land stewardship in practice : An example from the Eastern pamirs of Tajikistan
Rangeland Stewardship in Central Asia : balancing improved livelihoods, biodiversity conservation and land protection
Dordrecht : Springer, 2012. - S. 71-90
doi:10.1007/978-94-007-5367-9_4 ...
Koller, Ralf; Samimi, Cyrus
Deforestation in the Miombo woodlands : A pixel-based semi-automated change detection method
In: International Journal of Remote Sensing Bd. 32 (2011) Heft 22. - S. 7631-7649
doi:10.1080/01431161.2010.527390 ...
Zech, Michael; Bimüller, Carolin; Hemp, Andreas; Samimi, Cyrus; Broesike, Christina; Hörold, Claudia; Zech, Wolfgang
Human and climate impact on 15N natural abundance of plants and soils in high-mountain ecosyste ...
In: Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies Bd. 47 (2011) Heft 3. - S. 286-296
doi:10.1080/10256016.2011.596277 ...
Paeth, Heiko; Fink, Andreas H.; Pohle, Susan; Keis, Felix; Mächel, Hermann; Samimi, Cyrus
Meteorological characteristics and potential causes of the 2007 flood in sub-Saharan Africa
In: International Journal of Climatology Bd. 31 (2011) Heft 13. - S. 1908-1926
doi:10.1002/joc.2199 ...
Krüger, Fred; Samimi, Cyrus
Entwicklung und Umwelt im südlichen Afrika
In: Geographische Rundschau Bd. 62 (2010) Heft 6. - S. 4-10
Hassler, Sybille K.; Kreyling, Jürgen; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Eisold, Jenny; Samimi, Cyrus; Wagenseil, Hendrik; Jentsch, Anke
Vegetation pattern divergence between dry and wet season in a semiarid savanna - Spatio-tempora ...
In: Journal of Arid Environments Bd. 74 (2010) Heft 11. - S. 1516-1524
doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2010.05.021 ...
Brandt, Martin; Bäumler, Rupert; Samimi, Cyrus
Agricultural suitability of dune system and Limpopo Basin soils near Xai-Xai, Mozambique
In: South African Journal of Plant and Soil Bd. 26 (2009) Heft 4. - S. 206-212
doi:10.1080/02571862.2009.10639956 ...
Kraus, Tanja; Schmidt, Michael; Dech, Stefan W.; Samimi, Cyrus
Combination of remote sensing and in situ measurements for a detailed assessment of biophysical ...
2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium : IGARSS 2009; Proceedings. Band 3
Piscataway : IEEE, 2009. - S. 326-329
doi:10.1109/IGARSS.2009.5417766 ...
Kraus, Tanja; Schmidt, Michael; Dech, Stefan W.; Samimi, Cyrus
The potential of optical high resolution data for the assessment of leaf area index in East Afr ...
In: International Journal of Remote Sensing Bd. 30 (2009) Heft 19. - S. 5039-5059
doi:10.1080/01431160903022878 ...
Wagenseil, Hendrik; Samimi, Cyrus
Woody vegetation cover in Namibian savannahs : A modelling approach based on remote sensing
In: Erdkunde Bd. 61 (2007) Heft 4. - S. 325-334
doi:10.3112/erdkunde.2007.04.03 ...
Wagenseil, Hendrik; Samimi, Cyrus
Assessing spatio-temporal variations in plant phenology using Fourier analysis on NDVI time ser ...
In: International Journal of Remote Sensing Bd. 27 (2006) Heft 16. - S. 3455-3471
doi:10.1080/01431160600639743 ...
Samimi, Cyrus; Krüger, Fred
Miombo - Ökologische und soziale Veränderungen im größten Trockenwald der Erde
In: Geographische Rundschau Bd. 58 (2006) Heft 10. - S. 40-47
Samimi, Cyrus; Nüsser, Marcus
Visionen der Vernetzung von Schutzgebieten im südlichen Afrika
In: Natur und Landschaft Bd. 81 (2006) Heft 4. - S. 185-192
Samimi, Cyrus; Kraus, Tanja
Biomass estimation using Landsat-TM and -ETM+ : Towards a regional model for Southern Africa?
In: GeoJournal Bd. 59 (2004) Heft 3. - S. 177-187
doi:10.1023/B:GEJO.0000026688.74589.58 ...
Kraus, Tanja; Samimi, Cyrus
Biomass estimation for land use management and fire management using Landsat-TM and -ETM+
In: Erdkunde Bd. 56 (2002) Heft 2. - S. 130-143

Prof. Dr. Cyrus Samimi
Universität Bayreuth
95440 Bayreuth
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