Dr. Tiziana Boffa-Ballaran

Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften / Forschungseinrichtungen
Bayerisches Geoinstitut
Since 2012 Akademische Oberrätin, Bayerisches Geoinstitut 2004−2012 Akademische Rätin, Bayerisches Geoinsitut 2001−2004 Sofja Kovalevskaja Awardee at the Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Universität Bayreuth 2000−2001 Marie Curie Fellow at the Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Universität Bayreuth 1997−1999 Post-doctoral Researcher at the Dept. of Earth Sciences, Cambridge, UK
1997 | Ph.D., Pavia |
Auszeichnungen und andere Verantwortlichkeiten
2005 | Mineralogical Society of America Award |
2001 | "Sofja Kovalevskaja Award" (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) |
2000 | "Panichi" prize for outstanding young researchers (SIMP Società Italiana Mineralogia e Petrologia) |

Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften / Forschungseinrichtungen
Bayerisches Geoinstitut
- Solid solutions and cation ordering
- High-pressure and high-temperature crystallography
- Elasticity of minerals and functional materials
- Planetary ices

Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften / Forschungseinrichtungen
Bayerisches Geoinstitut
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Néri, Adrien; Man, Lianjie; Chantel, Julien; Farla, Robert; Bauer, Gerald; Linhardt, Sven; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Frost, Daniel J.
The development of internal pressure standards for in-house elastic wave velocity measurements ...
In: Review of Scientific Instruments Bd. 95 (2024)
doi:10.1063/5.0169260 ...
Uenver-Thiele, Laura; Woodland, Alan B.; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Alig, Edith; Fink, Lothar
High P-T phase relations of Al-bearing magnetite : Post-spinel phases as indicators for P-T con ...
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 109 (2024) Heft 6. - S. 1062-1073
doi:10.2138/am-2023-8948 ...
Kurnosov, Alexander; Criniti, Giacomo; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Marquardt, Hauke; Frost, Daniel J.
High pressure and high temperature Brillouin scattering measurements of pyrope single crystals ...
In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals Bd. 51 (2024) Heft 4
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00008274 ...
Criniti, Giacomo; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Kurnosov, Alexander; Liu, Zhaodong; Glazyrin, Konstantin; Merlini, Marco; Hanfland, Michael; Frost, Daniel J.
Thermal Equation of State and Structural Evolution of Al-Bearing Bridgmanite
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Bd. 129 (2024) Heft 1
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-7 ...
Wang, Lin; Liu, Zhaodong; Koizumi, Sanae; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Katsura, Tomoo
Aluminum Components in Bridgmanite Coexisting With Corundum and the CF-Phase With Temperature
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Bd. 128 (2023) Heft 1
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007279 ...
Valdivia Munoz, Pedro Antonio; Zandonà, Alessio; Kurnosov, Alexander; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Deubener, Joachim; Di Genova, Danilo
Are volcanic melts less viscous than we thought? The case of Stromboli basalt
In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Bd. 178 (2023) Heft 7
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007311 ...
Huang, Rong; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; McCammon, Catherine; Frost, Daniel J.
The composition and redox state of hydrous partial melts generated at the top of the lower mant ...
In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters Bd. 624 (2023)
doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118447 ...
Melai, Caterina; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Uenver-Thiele, L.; Kurnosov, Alexander; Chumakov, A. I.; Bessas, D.; Frost, Daniel J.
Compressibilities along the magnetite–magnesioferrite solid solution
In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals Bd. 50 (2023) Heft 1
doi:10.1007/s00269-022-01217-2 ...
Melai, Caterina; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Uenver-Thiele, L.; Kurnosov, Alexander; Chumakov, A. I.; Bessas, D.; Frost, Daniel J.
Compressibilities along the magnetite–magnesioferrite solid solution
In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals Bd. 50 (2023)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007025 ...
Abeykoon, Sumith; Howard, Christopher; Dominijanni, Serena; Eberhard, Lisa; Kurnosov, Alexander; Frost, Daniel J.; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Terasaki, Hidenori; Sakamaki, Tatsuya; Suzuki, Akio; Ohtani, Eiji; Sano-Furukawa, Asami; Abe, Jun
Deuterium Content and Site Occupancy in Iron Sulfide at High Pressure and Temperature Determine ...
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Bd. 128 (2023) Heft 9
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007223 ...
Criniti, Giacomo; Ishii, Takayuki; Kurnosov, Alexander; Glazyrin, Konstantin; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana
High-pressure phase transition and equation of state of hydrous Al-bearing silica
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 108 (2023) Heft 8. - S. 1558-1568
doi:10.2138/am-2022-8546 ...
Siersch, Nicki C.; Criniti, Giacomo; Kurnosov, Alexander; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Liu, Zhaodong; Ishii, Takayuki; Frost, Daniel J.; Yu, Tony; Wang, Yanbin
The influence of Al₂O₃ on the structural properties of MgSiO₃ akimotoite
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 108 (2023) Heft 1. - S. 100-109
doi:10.2138/am-2022-8257 ...
Rösche, Constanze; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Mihailova, Boriana
Pressure-induced structural transformations in (1−x)Na₀.₅Bi₀.₅TiO₃−xBaTiO₃
at the morphotropic ...
In: Physical Review B Bd. 108 (2023) Heft 9
doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.108.094110 ...
Faccincani, Luca; Criniti, Giacomo; Kurnosov, Alexander; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Withers, Anthony; Mazzucchelli, Maurizio; Nestola, Fabrizio; Coltorti, Massimo
Sound velocities and single-crystal elasticity of hydrous Fo90 olivine to 12 GPa
In: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Bd. 337 (2023)
doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2023.107011 ...
Woodland, Alan B.; Uenver-Thiele, Laura; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi; Rosbach, Kevin; Ishii, Takayuki
Stability of Fe₅O₆ and its relation to other Fe-Mg-oxides at high pressures and temperatures ...
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 108 (2023) Heft 1. - S. 140-149
doi:10.2138/am-2022-8370 ...
Criniti, Giacomo; Ishii, Takayuki; Kurnosov, Alexander; Glazyrin, Konstantin; Husband, Rachel J.; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana
Structure and compressibility of Fe-bearing Al-phase D
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 108 (2023) Heft 9. - S. 1764-1772
doi:10.2138/am-2022-8559 ...
Ishii, Takayuki; Criniti, Giacomo; Wang, Xiaoyu; Glazyrin, Konstantin; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana
Synthesis and structural analysis of CaFe₂O₄-type single crystals in the NaAlSiO₄-MgAl₂O₄-Fe₃O₄ ...
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 108 (2023) Heft 1. - S. 217-221
doi:10.2138/am-2022-8748 ...
Di Genova, Danilo; Bondar, Dmitry; Zandonà, Alessio; Valdivia Munoz, Pedro Antonio; Al-Mukadam, Raschid; Fei, Hongzhan; Withers, Anthony; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Kurnosov, Alexander; McCammon, Catherine; Deubener, Joachim; Katsura, Tomoo
Viscosity of anhydrous and hydrous peridotite melts
In: Chemical Geology Bd. 625 (2023)
doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121440 ...
Pakhomova, Anna; Collings, Ines E.; Journaux, Baptiste; Petitgirard, Sylvain; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Huang, Dongyang; Ott, Jason; Kurnosov, Alexander; Hanfland, Michael; Garbarino, Gaston; Comboni, Davide
Host–Guest Hydrogen Bonding in High-Pressure Acetone Clathrate Hydrates : In Situ Single-Crysta ...
In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Bd. 13 (2022) Heft 7. - S. 1833-1838
doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c03911 ...
Satta, Niccolò; Grafulha Morales, Luiz Fernando; Criniti, Giacomo; Kurnosov, Alexander; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Speziale, Sergio; Marquardt, Katharina; Capitani, Gian Carlo; Marquardt, Hauke
Single-Crystal Elasticity of Antigorite at High Pressures and Seismic Detection of Serpentinize ...
In: Geophysical Research Letters Bd. 49 (2022) Heft 16
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007124 ...
Ehlers, Alix M.; Zaffiro, Gabriele; Angel, Ross J.; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Carpenter, Michael A.; Alvaro, Matteo; Ross, Nancy L.
Thermoelastic properties of zircon : Implications for geothermobarometry
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 107 (2022) Heft 1. - S. 74-81
doi:10.2138/am-2021-7731 ...
Huang, Rong; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; McCammon, Catherine; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi; Dolejš, David; Frost, Daniel J.
The composition and redox state of bridgmanite in the lower mantle as a function of oxygen fuga ...
In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Bd. 303 (2021) . - S. 110-136
doi:10.1016/j.gca.2021.02.036 ...
Huang, Rong; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; McCammon, Catherine; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi; Frost, Daniel J.
The Effect of Fe-Al Substitution on the Crystal Structure of MgSiO3 Bridgmanite
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Bd. 126 (2021) Heft 9
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006154 ...
Cassetta, Michele; Di Genova, Danilo; Zanatta, Marco; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Kurnosov, Alexander; Giarola, Marco; Mariotto, Gino
Estimating the viscosity of volcanic melts from the vibrational properties of their parental gl ...
In: Scientific Reports Bd. 11 (2021)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005825 ...
Beyer, Christopher; Kurnosov, Alexander; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Frost, Daniel J.
High-pressure and high-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction of complex garnet solid sol ...
In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals Bd. 48 (2021)
doi:10.1007/s00269-021-01139-5 ...
Satta, Niccolò; Criniti, Giacomo; Kurnosov, Alexander; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Ishii, Takayuki; Marquardt, Hauke
High-Pressure Elasticity of δ-(Al,Fe)OOH Single Crystals and Seismic Detectability of Hydrous M ...
In: Geophysical Research Letters Bd. 48 (2021) Heft 23
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00006115 ...
Criniti, Giacomo; Kurnosov, Alexander; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Frost, Daniel J.
Single-Crystal Elasticity of MgSiO₃ Bridgmanite to Mid-Lower Mantle Pressure
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Bd. 126 (2021) Heft 5
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00005769 ...
Siersch, Nicki C.; Kurnosov, Alexander; Criniti, Giacomo; Ishii, Takayuki; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Frost, Daniel J.
The elastic properties and anisotropic behavior of MgSiO₃ akimotoite at transition zone pressur ...
In: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Bd. 320 (2021)
doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2021.106786 ...
Armstrong, Katherine; Siersch, Nicki C.; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Frost, Daniel J.; Yu, Tony; Wang, Yanbin
Equations of state, phase relations, and oxygen fugacity of the Ru-RuO₂ buffer at high pressure ...
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 105 (2020) Heft 3. - S. 333-343
doi:10.2138/am-2020-7060 ...
Journaux, Baptiste; Brown, J. M.; Pakhomova, A.; Collings, Ines E.; Petitgirard, Sylvain; Espinoza, P.; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Vance, S. D.; Ott, J.; Cova, F.; Garbarino, Gaston; Hanfland, Michael
Holistic Approach for Studying Planetary Hydrospheres : Gibbs Representation of Ices Thermodyna ...
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets Bd. 125 (2020) Heft 1
doi:10.1029/2019JE006176 ...
Grüninger, Helen; Liu, Zhaodong; Brauckmann, J. Ole; Fei, Hongzhan; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Martin, Thomas; Siegel, Renée; Kentgens, Arno P. M.; Frost, Daniel J.; Senker, Jürgen
Hydroxyl Defects and Oxide Vacancies within Ringwoodite-toward Understanding the Defect Chemist ...
In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Bd. 124 (2020) Heft 22. - S. 12001-12009
doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c03016 ...
Kerl, Carolin; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Planer-Friedrich, Britta
Iron plaque at rice roots : no barrier for methylated thioarsenates
In: Environmental Science & Technology Bd. 53 (2019) Heft 23. - S. 13666-13674
doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b04158 ...
Grüninger, Helen; Liu, Zhaodong; Siegel, Renée; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Katsura, Tomoo; Senker, Jürgen; Frost, Daniel J.
Oxygen Vacancy Ordering in Aluminous Bridgmanite in the Earth's Lower Mantle
In: Geophysical Research Letters Bd. 46 (2019) Heft 15. - S. 8731-8740
doi:10.1029/2019GL083613 ...
Uenver-Thiele, Laura; Woodland, Alan B.; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Frost, Daniel J.
Behaviour of Fe₄O₅–Mg₂Fe₂O₅ solid solutions and their relation to coexisting Mg–Fe silicates an ...
In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Bd. 173 (2018)
doi:10.1007/s00410-018-1443-8 ...
Myhill, Robert; Ojwang, Dickson O.; Ziberna, Luca; Frost, Daniel J.; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi
Correction to: On the P–T–fO₂ stability of Fe₄O₅, Fe₅O₆, and Fe₄O₅-rich solid solutions ...
In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Bd. 173 (2018)
doi:10.1007/s00410-017-1426-1 ...
Buchen, Johannes; Marquardt, Hauke; Schulze, Kirsten; Speziale, Sergio; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Nishiyama, Norimasa; Hanfland, Michael
Equation of State of Polycrystalline Stishovite Across the Tetragonal-Orthorhombic Phase Transi ...
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Bd. 123 (2018) Heft 9. - S. 7347-7360
doi:10.1029/2018JB015835 ...
Buchen, Johannes; Marquardt, Hauke; Speziale, Sergio; Kawazoe, Takaaki; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Kurnosov, Alexander
High-pressure single-crystal elasticity of wadsleyite and the seismic signature of water in the ...
In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters Bd. 498 (2018) . - S. 77-87
doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.06.027 ...
Schulze, Kirsten; Marquardt, Hauke; Kawazoe, Takaaki; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; McCammon, Catherine; Koch-Müller, Monika; Kurnosov, Alexander; Marquardt, Katharina
Seismically invisible water in Earth's transition zone?
In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters Bd. 498 (2018) . - S. 9-16
doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.06.021 ...
Ishii, Takayuki; Uenver-Thiele, Laura; Woodland, Alan B.; Alig, Edith; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana
Synthesis and crystal structure of Mg-bearing Fe9O11 : New insight in the complexity of Fe-Mg o ...
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 103 (2018) Heft 11. - S. 1873-1876
doi:10.2138/am-2018-6646 ...
Schulze, Kirsten; Pamato, Martha Giovanna; Kurnosov, Alexander; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Glazyrin, Konstantin; Pakhomova, Anna S.; Marquardt, Hauke
High-pressure single-crystal structural analysis of AlSiO₃OH phase egg
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 103 (2018) Heft 12. - S. 1975-1980
doi:10.2138/am-2018-6562 ...
Asscher, Yotam; Dal Sasso, Gregorio; Nodari, Luca; Angelini, Ivana; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Artioli, Gilberto
Differentiating between long and short range disorder in infra-red spectra : on the meaning of ...
In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Bd. 19 (2017) Heft 32. - S. 21783-21790
doi:10.1039/C7CP03446F ...
Buchen, Johannes; Marquardt, Hauke; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Kawazoe, Takaaki; McCammon, Catherine
The equation of state of wadsleyite solid solutions : Constraining the effects of anisotropy an ...
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 102 (2017) Heft 12. - S. 2494-2504
doi:10.2138/am-2017-6162 ...
Grüninger, Helen; Armstrong, Katherine; Greim, Dominik; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Frost, Daniel J.; Senker, Jürgen
Hidden Oceans? : Unraveling the Structure of Hydrous Defects in the Earth's Deep Interior
In: Journal of the American Chemical Society Bd. 139 (2017) Heft 30. - S. 10499-10505
doi:10.1021/jacs.7b05432 ...
Pakhomova, Anna S.; Ismailova, Leyla; Bykova, Elena; Bykov, Maxim; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Dubrovinsky, Leonid
A new high-pressure phase transition in clinoferrosilite : In situ single-crystal X-ray diffrac ...
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 102 (2017) Heft 3. - S. 666-673
doi:10.2138/am-2017-5853 ...
Liu, Zhaodong; Nishi, Masayuki; Ishii, Takayuki; Fei, Hongzhan; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Ohfuji, Hiroaki; Sakai, Takeshi; Wang, Lin; Shcheka, Svyatoslav; Arimoto, Takeshi; Tange, Yoshinori; Higo, Yuji; Irifune, Tetsuo; Katsura, Tomoo
Phase Relations in the System MgSiO₃-Al₂O₃ up to 2300 K at Lower Mantle Pressures
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Bd. 122 (2017) Heft 10. - S. 7775-7788
doi:10.1002/2017JB014579 ...
Uenver-Thiele, Laura; Woodland, Alan B.; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi; Frost, Daniel J.
Phase relations of Fe-Mg spinels including new high-pressure post-spinel phases and implication ...
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 102 (2017) Heft 10. - S. 2054-2064
doi:10.2138/am-2017-6119 ...
Kawazoe, Takaaki; Ohira, Itaru; Ishii, Takayuki; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; McCammon, Catherine; Suzuki, Akio; Ohtani, Eiji
Single crystal synthesis of δ-(Al,Fe)OOH
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 102 (2017) Heft 9. - S. 1953-1956
doi:10.2138/am-2017-6153 ...
Milani, Sula; Angel, Ross J.; Scandolo, Lorenzo; Mazzucchelli, Mattia L.; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Klemme, Stephan; Domeneghetti, Maria C.; Miletich, Ronald; Scheidl, Katharina S.; Derzsi, Mariana; Tokár, Kamil; Prencipe, Mauro; Alvaro, Matteo; Nestola, Fabrizio
Thermo-elastic behavior of grossular garnet at high pressures and temperatures
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 102 (2017) Heft 4. - S. 851-859
doi:10.2138/am-2017-5855 ...
Siersch, Nicki C.; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Uenver-Thiele, Laura; Woodland, Alan B.
Compressibility and high-pressure structural behavior of Mg₂Fe₂O₅
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 102 (2017) Heft 4. - S. 845-850
doi:10.2138/am-2017-5837 ...
Kurnosov, Alexander; Marquardt, Hauke; Frost, Daniel J.; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Ziberna, Luca
Evidence for a Fe³⁺-rich pyrolitic lower mantle from (Al,Fe)-bearing bridgmanite elasticity dat ...
In: Nature Bd. 543 (2017) Heft 7646. - S. 543-546
doi:10.1038/nature21390 ...
Uenver-Thiele, Laura; Woodland, Alan B.; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi; Frost, Daniel J.
Phase relations of MgFe₂O₄ at conditions of the deep upper mantle and transition zone
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 102 (2017) Heft 3. - S. 632-642
doi:10.2138/am-2017-5871 ...
Ishii, Takayuki; Sinmyo, Ryosuke; Komabayashi, Tetsuya; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Kawazoe, Takaaki; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi; Hirose, Kei; Katsura, Tomoo
Synthesis and crystal structure of LiNbO₃-type Mg₃Al₂Si₃O₁₂ : A possible indicator of shock con ...
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 102 (2017) Heft 9. - S. 1947-1952
doi:10.2138/am-2017-6027 ...
Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Pakhomova, Anna S.; Kurnosov, Alexander
Deformation of single crystals of water ice VI
In: Acta Crystallographica Section A Bd. 72 (2016)
doi:10.1107/S2053273316095760 ...
30th European Crystallographic Meeting 2016, Basel, Switzerland
Myhill, Robert; Ojwang, Dickson O.; Ziberna, Luca; Frost, Daniel J.; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi
On the P-T-fO₂ stability of Fe₄O₅, Fe₅O₆ and Fe₄O₅-rich solid solutions
In: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Bd. 171 (2016)
doi:10.1007/s00410-016-1258-4 ...
Pamato, Martha Giovanna; Kurnosov, Alexander; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Frost, Daniel J.; Ziberna, Luca; Giannini, Mattia; Speziale, Sergio; Tkachev, Sergey N.; Zhuravlev, Kirill K.; Prakapenka, Vitali B.
Single crystal elasticity of majoritic garnets : Stagnant slabs and thermal anomalies at the ba ...
In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters Bd. 451 (2016) . - S. 114-124
doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.07.019 ...
Ismailova, Leyla; Bykova, Elena; Bykov, Maxim; Cerantola, Valerio; McCammon, Catherine; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Bobrov, Andrey; Sinmyo, Ryosuke; Dubrovinskaia, Natalia; Glazyrin, Konstantin; Liermann, Hanns-Peter; Kupenko, Ilya; Hanfland, Michael; Prescher, Clemens; Prakapenka, Vitali B.; Svitlyk, Volodymyr; Dubrovinsky, Leonid
Stability of Fe,Al-bearing bridgmanite in the lower mantle and synthesis of pure Fe-bridgmanite
In: Science Advances Bd. 2 (2016) Heft 7
doi:10.1126/sciadv.1600427 ...
Chantel, Julien; Manthilake, Geeth; Frost, Daniel J.; Beyer, Christopher; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Jing, Zhicheng; Wang, Yanbin
Elastic wave velocities in polycrystalline Mg₃Al₂Si₃O₁₂-pyrope garnet to 24 GPa and 1300 K ...
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 101 (2016) Heft 4. - S. 991-997
doi:10.2138/am-2016-5335 ...
Pamato, Martha Giovanna; Myhill, Robert; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Frost, Daniel J.; Heidelbach, Florian; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi
Lower-mantle water reservoir implied by the extreme stability of a hydrous aluminosilicate
In: Nature Geoscience Bd. 8 (2015) Heft 1. - S. 75-79
doi:10.1038/ngeo2306 ...
Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Uenver-Thiele, Laura; Woodland, Alan B.
Complete substitution of Fe²⁺ by Mg in Fe₄O₅ : The crystal structure of the Mg₂Fe₂O₅ end-member ...
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 100 (2015) Heft 2-3. - S. 628-632
doi:10.2138/am-2015-5138 ...
Glazyrin, Konstantin; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Frost, Daniel J.; McCammon, Catherine; Kantor, Anastasia P.; Merlini, Marco; Hanfland, Michael; Dubrovinsky, Leonid
Magnesium silicate perovskite and effect of iron oxidation state on its bulk sound velocity at ...
In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters Bd. 393 (2014) . - S. 182-186
doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.01.056 ...
Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Kurnosov, Alexander; Glazyrin, Konstantin; Frost, Daniel J.; Merlini, Marco; Hanfland, Michael; Caracas, Razvan
Effect of chemistry on the compressibility of silicate perovskite in the lower mantle
In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters Bd. 333-334 (2012) . - S. 181-190
doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.03.029 ...
Kupenko, Ilya; Dubrovinsky, Leonid; Dubrovinskaia, Natalia; McCammon, Catherine; Glazyrin, Konstantin; Bykova, Elena; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Sinmyo, Ryosuke; Chumakov, Aleksandr I.; Potapkin, Vasily; Kantor, Anastasia; Rüffer, Rudolf; Hanfland, Michael; Crichton, Wilson A.; Merlini, Marco
Portable double-sided laser-heating system for Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction exp ...
In: Review of Scientific Instruments Bd. 83 (2012)
doi:10.1063/1.4772458 ...
Dubrovinsky, Leonid; Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Glazyrin, Konstantin; Kurnosov, Alexander; Frost, Daniel J.; Merlini, Marco; Hanfland, Michael; Prakapenka, Vitali B.; Schouwink, P.; Pippinger, Thomas; Dubrovinskaia, Natalia
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction at megabar pressures and temperatures of thousands of degrees
In: High Pressure Research Bd. 30 (2010) Heft 4. - S. 620-633
doi:10.1080/08957959.2010.534092 ...
Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Frost, Daniel J.; Miyajima, Nobuyoshi; Heidelbach, Florian
The structure of a super-aluminous version of the dense hydrous-magnesium silicate phase D
In: American Mineralogist Bd. 95 (2010) Heft 7. - S. 1113-1116
doi:10.2138/am.2010.3462 ...

Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften / Forschungseinrichtungen
Bayerisches Geoinstitut
Dr. Tiziana Boffa-Ballaran
Universität Bayreuth
Bayerisches Geoinstitut
95440 Bayreuth
Telefon: +49 (0) 921 / 55-3738
E-Mail: Tiziana.Boffa-Ballaran@Uni-Bayreuth.de
Homepage: Tiziana Boffa Ballaran