Smart Data Transformation
Forschungsprojekt: Smart Data Transformation
- Prof. Dr. Torsten Eymann
- Severin Oesterle
- Erik van Haaren, Mark Danaher, Prasad Vuyyuru und Timo Schulte
Studie in Kooperation mit Infosys Consulting
Vorstellung des Forschungsthemas
Enterprises can benefit significantly from the inherent wealth of internal and external data available in today’s digital era. Intelligent use of the insights derived from the analysis of these data can deliver significant competitive advantages. Those insights can revolutionize the interaction with existing and potential customers, and allow them to design innovative business models.
There is no doubt that enterprises recognize the increasing importance of processing and analyzing large amounts of data and extending their analytics footprint within their organization. Are the companies prepared to address these new data demands? Are they successful in realizing the benefits of effective data analytics? How do companies prioritize their organization’s smart data transformation?
The Project Group Business and Information Systems Engineering of Fraunhofer FIT at the University of Bayreuth and Infosys Consulting carried out a global study among enterprises in different geographical regions and across different industries and business functions in order to get a better understanding of the current state of smart data transformation
Publikationen mit Abstract
Oesterle, S.; Urbach, N.; Danaher, M.; van Haaren, E.; Schulte, T. and Vuyyuru, P. (2016): “Smart Data Transformation – Surfing the Big Wave”, Study Report, available at
Vorträge über Forschungsthema/Teilnahme an Konferenzen
Impact und Sichtbarkeit der Projekte
Verwendung der Studie zu Akquisezwecken von Infosys Consulting: Weltweite Platzierung bei Kunden und Interessenten (US, UK, DACH) und in den sozialen Netzwerken – beispielsweise:
Laufende Projekte
Abgeschlossene Projekte
Drittmittelprojekt IX FY15 Study (04/2015 - 05/2016): Smart Data
Transformation – Surfing the Big Wave