Dr. Heinar Schmidt

Bioanalytik und Lebensmittelanalytik
- die schnelle und zerstörungsfreie Erfassung qualitätsbestimmender Merkmale von Nahrungsmitteln und Rohstoffen mittels berührungsloser, optischer Verfahren, insbesondere der Raman-Spektroskopie
- die Entwicklung innovativer (mobiler) Messtechnik und neuer Auswerteverfahren, sowie
- die Anwendung vor Ort für Wareneingang, Sortierung und Qualitätsmanagement
Schwerpunkte bilden dabei Entwicklung und Einsatz mobiler Raman-Scanner für Fleisch:
- zur Vorhersage der Qualität im Schlachthof oder in der Verarbeitung (pH-Wert, Farbe, Tropfsaftverlust)
- zur Bestimmung der Festigkeit/Zartheit (statt Scherkraftmessungen)
- zur Erfassung von Bakterien auf Fleisch (Hygienestatus)
Darüber hinaus konzentrieren sich die Arbeiten auf die Weiterentwicklung für andere Produkte wie Fette und Öle, Getreide (Weizen) oder verarbeitete Fleischwaren (Schinken).

Bioanalytik und Lebensmittelanalytik
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Kniese, Jasmin; Ritschar, Sven; Bünger, Lina; Feldhaar, Heike; Laforsch, Christian; Römpp, Andreas; Schmidt, Heinar
Localisation and identification of polystyrene particles in tissue sections using Raman spectro ...
In: NanoImpact Bd. 30 (2023)
doi:10.1016/j.impact.2023.100465 ...
Kniese, Jasmin; Race, Alan M.; Schmidt, Heinar
Classification of cereal flour species using Raman spectroscopy in combination with spectra qua ...
In: Journal of Cereal Science Bd. 101 (2021)
doi:10.1016/j.jcs.2021.103299 ...
Fowler, Stephanie M.; Schmidt, Heinar; van de Ven, Remy; Hopkins, David L.
Preliminary investigation of the use of Raman spectroscopy to predict meat and eating quality t ...
In: Meat Science Bd. 138 (2018) . - S. 53-58
doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2018.01.002 ...
Grimmler, Christina; Kuhfuß, Tamara; Heiden, Matthias; Schmidt, Heinar
Non-invasive assessment of the bioburden of minced pork using a hand-held fluorescence device
In: Technisches Messen Bd. 85 (2018) Heft 3. - S. 177-183
doi:10.1515/teme-2017-0092 ...
Fowler, Stephanie M.; Schmidt, Heinar; Scheier, Rico; Hopkins, David L.
Raman Spectroscopy for Predicting Meat Quality Traits
Advanced Technologies for Meat Processing. 2. edition
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2017. - S. 83-112
Erdmann, Martin E.; Lautenschlaeger, Ralf; Schmidt, Heinar; Zeeb, Benjamin; Gibis, Monika; Brüggemann, Dagmar A.; Weiss, Jochen
Influence of droplet size on the antioxidant efficacy of oil-in-water emulsions loaded with ros ...
In: European Food Research and Technology Bd. 243 (2017) Heft 8. - S. 1415-1427
doi:10.1007/s00217-017-2852-z ...
Grimmler, Christina; Staib, Lena; Heiden, Matthias; Schmidt, Heinar
Frische und Status schnell bestimmen : Entwicklung und Validierung eines mobilen, nicht-invasiv ...
In: Fleischwirtschaft Bd. 97 (2017) Heft 5. - S. 48-49
Bauer, Alexandra; Scheier, Rico; Eberle, Thomas; Schmidt, Heinar
Assessment of tenderness of aged bovine gluteus medius muscles using Raman spectroscopy
In: Meat Science Bd. 115 (2016) . - S. 27-33
doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2015.12.020 ...
Liu, Xiaoye; Schmidt, Heinar; Mörlein, Daniel
Feasibility of boar taint classification using a portable Raman device
In: Meat Science Bd. 116 (2016) . - S. 133-139
doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2016.02.015 ...
Kröckel, Lothar; Schmidt, Heinar; Andrée, Sabine
Tyrosine deposits in brines of salted natural sausage casings of bovine origin
In: LWT : Food Science and Technology Bd. 68 (2016) . - S. 381-384
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S ...
Fowler, Stephanie M.; Ponnampalam, Eric N.; Schmidt, Heinar; Wynn, Peter; Hopkins, David L.
Prediction of intramuscular fat content and major fatty acid groups of lamb M. longissimus lumb ...
In: Meat Science Bd. 110 (2015) . - S. 70-75
doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2015.06.016 ...
Fowler, Stephanie M.; Schmidt, Heinar; van de Ven, Remy; Wynn, Peter; Hopkins, David L.
Predicting meat quality traits of ovine m. semimembranosus, both fresh and following freezing a ...
In: Meat Science Bd. 108 (2015) . - S. 138-144
doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2015.06.010 ...
Scheier, Rico; Scheeder, Martin; Schmidt, Heinar
Prediction of pork quality at the slaughter line using a portable Raman device
In: Meat Science Bd. 103 (2015) . - S. 96-103
doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2015.01.009 ...
Nache, Marius; Scheier, Rico; Schmidt, Heinar; Hitzmann, Bernd
Non-invasive lactate- and pH-monitoring in porcine meat using Raman spectroscopy and chemometri ...
In: Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems Bd. 142 (2015) . - S. 197-205
doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2015.02.002 ...
Fowler, Stephanie M.; Schmidt, Heinar; van de Ven, Remy; Wynn, Peter; Hopkins, David L.
Raman spectroscopy compared against traditional predictors of shear force in lamb m. longissimu ...
In: Meat Science Bd. 98 (2014) Heft 4. - S. 652-656
doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2014.06.042 ...
Scheier, Rico; Bauer, Aneka; Schmidt, Heinar
Early postmortem prediction of meat quality traits of porcine semimembranosus muscles using a p ...
In: Food and Bioprocess Technology Bd. 7 (2014) Heft 9. - S. 2732-2741
doi:10.1007/s11947-013-1240-3 ...
Scheier, Rico; Köhler, Jürgen; Schmidt, Heinar
Identification of the early postmortem metabolic state of porcine M. semimembranosus using Rama ...
In: Vibrational Spectroscopy Bd. 70 (2014) . - S. 12-17
doi:10.1016/j.vibspec.2013.10.001 ...
Scheier, Rico; Schmidt, Heinar
Measurement of the pH value in pork meat early postmortem by Raman spectroscopy
In: Applied Physics B Bd. 111 (2013) Heft 2. - S. 289-297
doi:10.1007/s00340-012-5332-y ...
Al-Ebrahim, Halah; Sowoidnich, Kay; Schmidt, Heinar; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef
Polarization Dependence of the Raman Scattering of Oriented Porcine Muscle Fibers Affected by S ...
In: Focusing on Modern Food Industry Bd. 2 (2013) Heft 1. - S. 1-9
http://www.fmfi-journal.org/journalpapersub/Global ...
Schmidt, Heinar; Scheier, Rico; Hopkins, David L.
Preliminary investigation on the relationship of Raman spectra of sheep meat with shear force a ...
In: Meat Science Bd. 93 (2013) Heft 1. - S. 138-143
doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2012.08.019 ...
Sowoidnich, Kay; Schmidt, Heinar; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef; Schwägele, Fredi
A portable 671 nm Raman sensor system for rapid meat spoilage identification
In: Vibrational Spectroscopy Bd. 62 (2012) . - S. 70-76
doi:10.1016/j.vibspec.2012.04.002 ...
Kwon, Yong-Hyok; Sowoidnich, Kay; Schmidt, Heinar; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef
Application of calixarene to high active surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates su ...
In: Journal of Raman Spectroscopy Bd. 43 (2012) Heft 8. - S. 1003-1009
doi:10.1002/jrs.3157 ...
Pfannkuche, Jens; Lubecki, Ludwik; Schmidt, Heinar; Kowalewska, Grażyna; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef
The use of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) for detection of PAHs in the Gulf of Gdańsk ...
In: Marine Pollution Bulletin Bd. 64 (2012) Heft 3. - S. 614-626
doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.12.008 ...
Durek, Julia; Becker, Thomas; Bolling, Janina; Diepolder, Hubert; Heinz, Volker; Hitzmann, Bernd; Majschak, Jens-Peter; Schlüter, Oliver; Schmidt, Heinar; Schwägele, Fredi; Delgado, Antonio
Minimal Processing in automatisierten Prozessketten der Fleischverarbeitung : Eine Fallstudie a ...
In: Fleischwirtschaft Bd. 91 (2011) Heft 4. - S. 102-105
Sowoidnich, Kay; Schmidt, Heinar; Maiwald, Martin; Sumpf, Bernd; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef
Application of diode-laser Raman spectroscopy for in situ investigation of meat spoilage
In: Food and Bioprocess Technology Bd. 3 (2010) Heft 6. - S. 878-882
doi:10.1007/s11947-010-0360-2 ...
Schmidt, Heinar; Sowoidnich, Kay; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef
A prototype hand-held Raman sensor for the in-situ characterization of meat quality
In: Applied Spectroscopy Bd. 64 (2010) Heft 8. - S. 888-894
doi:10.1366/000370210792081028 ...
Zielinski, Oliver; Busch, Julia A.; Cembella, Allan D.; Daly, Kendra L.; Engelbrektsson, Johan; Hannides, Angelos K.; Schmidt, Heinar
Detecting marine hazardous substances and organisms : sensors for pollutants, toxins, and patho ...
In: Ocean Science Bd. 5 (2009) Heft 3. - S. 329-349
doi:10.5194/os-5-329-2009 ...
Maiwald, Martin; Schmidt, Heinar; Sumpf, Bernd; Erbert, Götz; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef; Tränkle, Günther
Microsystem 671 nm light source for shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy
In: Applied Optics Bd. 48 (2009) Heft 15. - S. 2789-2792
doi:10.1364/AO.48.002789 ...
Maiwald, Martin; Schmidt, Heinar; Sumpf, Bernd; Güther, Reiner; Erbert, Götz; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef; Tränkle, Günther
Microsystem light source at 488 nm for shifted excitation resonance Raman difference spectrosco ...
In: Applied Spectroscopy Bd. 63 (2009) Heft 11. - S. 1283-1287
doi:10.1366/000370209789806803 ...
Jordan, Grace; Thomasius, Rolf; Schröder, Henning; Wulf, J. S.; Schlüter, Oliver; Sumpf, Bernd; Maiwald, Martin; Schmidt, Heinar; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef; Scheuer, R.; Schwägele, Fredi; Lang, Klaus-Dieter
Non-invasive mobile monitoring of meat quality
In: Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit Bd. 4 (2009) Heft 1. - S. 7-14
doi:10.1007/s00003-009-0389-1 ...
Hubenthal, Frank; Sánchez, D. Blázquez; Borg, N.; Schmidt, Heinar; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef; Träger, F.
Tailor-made metal nanoparticles as SERS substrates
In: Applied Physics B Bd. 95 (2009) . - S. 351-359
doi:10.1007/s00340-009-3373-7 ...
Schneider, J.; Wulf, J.; Surowsky, B.; Schmidt, Heinar; Schwägele, Fredi; Schlüter, Oliver
Fluorimetric detection of protoporphyrins as an indicator for quality monitoring of fresh intac ...
In: Meat Science Bd. 80 (2008) Heft 4. - S. 1320-1325
doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2008.06.007 ...
Maiwald, Martin; Erbert, Götz; Klehr, Andreas; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef; Schmidt, Heinar; Sumpf, Bernd; Tränkle, Günther
Rapid shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy with a distributed feedback diode laser ...
In: Applied Physics B Bd. 85 (2006) . - S. 509-512
doi:10.1007/s00340-006-2459-8 ...
Schmidt, Heinar; Ha, Nguyen Bich; Pfannkuche, Jens; Amann, Hans; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef; Kowalewska, Grażyna
Detection of PAHs in seawater using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)
In: Marine Pollution Bulletin Bd. 49 (2004) Heft 3. - S. 229-234
doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2004.02.011 ...
Lucht, S.; Murphy, T.; Schmidt, Heinar; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef
Optimized recipe for sol-gel-based SERS substrates
In: Journal of Raman Spectroscopy Bd. 31 (2000) Heft 11. - S. 1017-1022
doi:10.1002/1097-4555(200011)31:11<1017::AID-JRS63 ...
Murphy, T.; Lucht, S.; Schmidt, Heinar; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) system for continuous measurements of chemicals in sea ...
In: Journal of Raman Spectroscopy Bd. 31 (2000) Heft 10. - S. 943-948
doi:10.1002/1097-4555(200010)31:10<943::AID-JRS626 ...
Murphy, T.; Schmidt, Heinar; Kronfeldt, Heinz-Detlef
Use of sol-gel techniques in the development of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substr ...
In: Applied Physics B Bd. 69 (1999) . - S. 147-150
doi:10.1007/s003400050787 ...
Steudel, Ralf; Schmidt, Heinar; Baumeister, Edgar; Oberhammer, Heinz; Koritsanszky, Tibor
Gas-Phase Structure and Vibrational Spectra of Dimethoxydisulfane,(CH3O)2S2
In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Bd. 99 (1995) Heft 22. - S. 8987-8993
doi:10.1021/j100022a008 ...
Steudel, Ralf; Schmidt, Heinar
Preparation of Long-Chain Polysulfanes from Dialkoxysulfanes : Synthesis of Bis (2, 3, 4, 6-tet ...
In: Chemische Berichte Bd. 127 (1994) Heft 7. - S. 1219-1221
doi:10.1002/cber.19941270707 ...
Koritsanszky, Tibor; Buschmann, Jürgen; Luger, Peter; Schmidt, Heinar; Steudel, Ralf
Structure and electron density of solid dimethoxydisulfane,(CH3O)2S2
In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Bd. 98 (1994) Heft 21. - S. 5416-5421
doi:10.1021/j100072a005 ...
Steudel, Ralf; Kustos, Monika; Schmidt, Heinar; Wenschuh, Eberhard; Kersten, Mathias; Wloszczynski, Andrea
Synthesis and vibrational spectra of new bis(alkoxysulfane)-dichloropalladium(II) complexes and ...
In: Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions (1994) Heft 17. - S. 2509-2513
doi:10.1039/DT9940002509 ...
Gleiter, Rolf; Hyla-Kryspin, Isabella; Schmidt, Heinar; Steudel, Ralf
The photoelectron spectra of dimethoxysulfane and dimethoxydisulfane
In: Chemische Berichte Bd. 126 (1993) Heft 11. - S. 2363-2365
doi:10.1002/cber.19931261102 ...
Schmidt, Heinar; Steudel, Ralf; Suelzle, Detlev; Schwarz, Helmut
Generation and characterization of dihydroxy disulfide, HOSSOH : the chainlike isomer of thiosu ...
In: Inorganic Chemistry Bd. 31 (1992) Heft 6. - S. 941-944
doi:10.1021/ic00032a004 ...
Buschmann, Jürgen; Luger, Peter; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Schmidt, Heinar; Steudel, Ralf
Structure and electron density of solid dimethoxysulfane,(CH3O) 2S
In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Bd. 96 (1992) Heft 23. - S. 9243-9250
doi:10.1021/j100202a033 ...
Baumeister, Edgar; Oberhammer, Heinz; Schmidt, Heinar; Steudel, Ralf
Gas phase structure and vibrational spectra of dimethoxysulfane (CH3O)2S
In: Heteroatom Chemistry Bd. 2 (1991) Heft 6. - S. 633-641
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hc.5200 ...
Schmidt, Heinar; Steudel, Ralf
Notizen: Synthesis of Isopropoxy-Chloro-Disulfane (ROSSCl) and its Reaction with Titanocene Pen ...
In: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B Bd. 45 (1990) Heft 4. - S. 557-558
doi:10.1515/znb-1990-0423 ...
Steudel, Ralf; Göbel, Thomas; Schmidt, Heinar; Holdt, Gabriele
Comments on the "Separation of dihydrogenpolysulfides (polysulfanes) using reversed-phase HPLC" ...
In: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Bd. 334 (1989) Heft 3. - S. 266-269
doi:10.1007/BF00497255 ...

Bioanalytik und Lebensmittelanalytik
Dr. Heinar Schmidt
Forschungsstelle für Nahrungsmittelqualität
E.-C.-Baumann-Str. 20
95326 Kulmbach
Telefon: +49(0)9221-87803103
E-Mail: heinar.schmidt@uni-bayreuth.de
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