Dr. Matthias Gebauer
Research Group Social Geography
Presentations (Selection)
06/2021: Black Islam South Africa: Religiöse Territorialität, Konversion und die Transgression geordneter Indigenität. Arbeitskreis Subsahara-Afrika, Gießen.
11/2019: Black Islam South Africa. Global passages of racialized Muslim identities and the bringing about of African indigeneity in a post-colonial society. American Academy of Religion, San Diego.
06/2018: Township Hijra: Konversion, Emigration und der Traum von einer neuen Gesellschaft jenseits der Post-Apartheid Stadt. GEOS SMIGG Talk, University of Osnabrück.
07/2016: South Africa’s Islamic shore on the Black Indian Ocean. Summer school The Indian Ocean World and Eurasian Connections: „Networks of Connectivities: Routes, Commodities, and the Politics of the Indian Ocean”.
10/2012 und 04/2013: Festivalisation of Urban Governance in the Context of the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa. Summer school SPP 1448, Maputo (10/2012); Urban Affairs Association Conference, San Francisco and Association of American Geographers Conference, Los Angeles (04/2013).
09 and 12/2011, 03/2013: ‘The food may grow but the city is starving’ – a critical perspective on urban agriculture under South African conditions of local social dynamics. CRESC Conference, Manchester (09/2011), GAPSYM, Gent (12/2011), Land Divided Conference, Cape Town (03/2013).
07/2012: Watana und seine Stämme: von ‘Reichweiten und Grenzen’ eines geographisch-analytischen Konzeptes von Heimat. Workshop Muslim Diasporas II, Erlangen.
Research Group Social Geography
Research Priorities
- Social Geography and Society-Environment-Interactions
- Human-Technology-Relations
- Social and Spatial Orderings and Inequalities
- Transatlantic Entanglements of Africa and America
- Geographies of Religion with Focus on Global Communitiess
Current Regional Priorities
- Islands of the Atlantic Ocean
- Lusophone Regions of Africa
- Southern Africa
- North America
Research Group Social Geography
Dr. Matthias Gebauer
University of Bayreuth
95440 Bayreuth
Room 154, GEO II
Phone: +49 (0)921/55-2258
E-mail: matthias.gebauer@uni-bayreuth.de
Homepage: Homepage of the Contributor