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Dr. Florian Stoll

Dr. Florian Stoll

Sociology of Development

Academic Degrees

2011Doctorate: Sociology, Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg
2006Magister Artium: Sociology/Philosophy, Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg

Professional Background

10/2016 – 9/2017Visiting Fellow at the Center for Cultural Sociology as part of the project "Understanding the Diversity of Middle Classes in 21st Century Kenya: Social Milieus, Lifestyles and Meanings in Nairobi", Yale University
5/2011 – 4/2013Research Associate and Coordinator, DFG project "Local conventions of hairdressing:  intrinsic logic of cities and economics of convention", TU Darmstadt
12/2006 – 4/2011

Doctoral research, Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg

Editorial responsibilities

"Mittelschichten und sozialer Wandel in Afrika: Akteure und Lebensstile"
Mirian Goldenberg (Author) "Untreu"


10/2016 – 9/2017Postdoc Scholarship, Volkswagen Foundation, Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University

Organization of a Point Sud Conference on "Middle classes, protest and social change in Africa and beyond"

Sociology of Development

  • development sociology (especially Kenya and Brazil)
  • social structure analysis and social inequality
  • urban and community sociology
  • the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu
  • cultural sociology

Sociology of Development

Selected publications


Neubert, Dieter; Stoll, Florian
Diversity as sociocultural difference : Middle class milieus in urban Kenya
Diversity gains : Stepping stones and pitfalls
Baden Baden : Nomos, 2020. - page 149-172 . - (Bayreuther Studien zu Politik und Gesellschaft in Afrika; 6)
doi:10.5771/9783748909705-149 ...


Stoll, Florian
How to be middle class in Nairobi : Lifestyles of middle-income milieus and their relation to N ...
Living in African Cities : Urban Spaces, Lifestyles and Social Practices in Everyday Life
Bayreuth , 2018. - page 40-58 . - (Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers; 18)
https://epub.uni-bayreuth.de/3674/1/BIGSASworks_Sa ...

Ahmed, Azza Mustafa Babikir; Nicoué, Delia; Rieß, Johanna; Sarre, Johanna; Stoll, Florian; Zöller, Katharina
Living in African Cities: Urban Spaces, Lifestyles and Social Practices in Everyday Life
publ: Ahmed, Azza Mustafa Babikir; Nicoué, Delia; Rieß, Johanna; Sarre, Johanna; Stoll, Florian
Bayreuth 2018. - X, 110 page . - (Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers; 18)
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-3 ...

Ahmed, Azza Mustafa Babikir; Nicoué, Delia; Rieß, Johanna; Sarre, Johanna; Stoll, Florian
Living in African cities: Urban Spaces, Lifestyles and Social Practices in Everyday Life : Intr ...
Living in African cities : Urban Spaces, Lifestyles and Social Practices in Everyday Life
Bayreuth , 2018. - page 1-8 . - (Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers; 18)
https://epub.uni-bayreuth.de/3674/1/BIGSASworks_Sa ...

Neubert, Dieter; Stoll, Florian
The Narrative of "the African Middle Class" and its Conceptual Limitations
Middle Classes in Africa : Changing Lives and Conceptual Challenges
Cham : Springer, 2018. - page 57-79 . - (Frontiers of Globalization)
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-62148-7_3 ...


Daniel, Antje; Stoll, Florian
Conference Report : Middle Classes, Protest, and Social Change in Africa and Beyond
in Africa Spectrum volume 52 (2017) issue 3. - page 111-116
https://journals.sub.uni-hamburg.de/giga/afsp/arti ...

Stoll, Florian
Living today or saving for tomorrow? : Perspectives of the Future among "middle-class" milieus ...
in Transcience volume 8 (2017) issue 2. - page 40-57
http://www2.hu-berlin.de/transcience/Vol8_No2_40_5 ...

Stoll, Florian
Middle Classes
Inequality in Economics and Sociology : New Perspectives
London : Routledge, 2017. - page 81-97 . - (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)

Rehbein, Boike; Stoll, Florian
Mittelschichten und Ungleichheit im globalen Süden
Entwicklungstheorie von heute - Entwicklungspolitik von morgen
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2017. - page 111-132
doi:10.5771/9783845267340-112 ...


Stoll, Florian; Daniel, Antje; Müller, Sebastian
Einleitung: Mittelklassen, Mittelschichten oder Milieus in Afrika? Gesellschaften im Wandel
Mittelklassen, Mittelschichten oder Milieus in Afrika? : Gesellschaften im Wandel
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016. - page 9-28 . - (Bayreuther Studien zu Politik und Gesellschaft in Afrika; 2)
doi:10.5771/9783845279534-9 ...

Löw, Martina; Stoll, Florian
Friseursalons als dritte Orte : Raum-Zeit-Konventionen sozialer Milieus
Kritische Bildungsforschung : Standortbestimmungen und Gegenstandsfelder
Opladen : Verl. Barbara Budrich, 2016. - page 191-210

Stoll, Florian
Lebensweisen von Mittelschicht-Milieus in Nairobi : Eine Analyse mit Randall Collins' Interacti ...
Mittelklassen, Mittelschichten oder Milieus in Afrika? : Gesellschaften im Wandel
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016. - page 195-216 . - (Bayreuther Studien zu Politik und Gesellschaft in Afrika; 2)
doi:10.5771/9783845279534-195 ...

Daniel, Antje; Müller, Sebastian; Stoll, Florian; Öhlschläger, Rainer
Mittelklassen, Mittelschichten oder Milieus in Afrika? : Gesellschaften im Wandel
Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2016. - 219 page . - (Bayreuther Studien zu Politik und Gesellschaft in Afrika; 2)
doi:10.5771/9783845279534 ...


Neubert, Dieter; Stoll, Florian
Socio-Cultural Diversity of the African Middle Class : the Case of Urban Kenya
Bayreuth 2015. - VI, 18 page . - (Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers; 14)
http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:703-epub-2 ...

Stoll, Florian
ESSA-Tagung "Mittelschichten/Mittelklassen im globalen Süden" an der Humboldt Universität Berli ...
in Soziologie volume 44 (2015) issue 4. - page 471-474

Neubert, Dieter; Stoll, Florian
Zur Analyse soziokultureller Differenzierung von Mittelschichten im Globalen Süden : Eine exemp ...
Routinen der Krise - Krise der Routinen : Verhandlungen des 37. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie
Trier , 2015. - page 1599-1610
http://publikationen.soziologie.de/index.php/kongr ...


Stoll, Florian
Middle Classes in Kenya : A research training excursion to Kenya: MA Cultural and Social Anthro ...
in NAB : Newsletter of African Studies at the University of Bayreuth volume XIV (2014) . - page 62
https://www.ias.uni-bayreuth.de/pool/dokumente/NAB ...

Neubert, Dieter; Stoll, Florian
One or many middle class(es) in Kenya? : Towards an analytical frame for distinguishing subgrou ...
African Dynamics in a Multipolar World : 5th European Conference on African Studies ; Conference Proceedings
Lisboa , 2014. - page 2114-2131
https://repositorio.iscte-iul.pt/bitstream/10071/7 ...

Baur, Nina; Löw, Martina; Hering, Linda; Raschke, Anna Laura; Stoll, Florian
Die Rationalität lokaler Wirtschaftspraktiken im Friseurwesen : Der Beitrag der "Ökonomie der K ...
Soziologie des Wirtschaftlichen
Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2014. - page 299-328

Goldenberg, Mirian
publ: Stoll, Florian; Leithäuser, Thomas
Konstanz : UVK Univ.-Verl., 2014


Stoll, Florian
Leben im Moment? : Soziale Milieus in Brasilien und ihr Umgang mit Zeit
Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verl., 2012. - 366 page


Çelik, Ercüment; Wöhrer, Veronika; Ersche, Christian; Stoll, Florian; Jimenez, Jose Gabriel; Altrogge, Judith; Vogelmann, Maximilian
A Commentary on Boike Rehbein's Approach to Critical Theory after the Rise of the Global South ...
in Transcience volume 2 (2011) issue 1. - page 72-80
http://www2.hu-berlin.de/transcience/Vol2_Issue1_2 ...


Stoll, Florian
Gegen den Neoliberalismus
Bourdieu-Handbuch : Leben, Werk, Wirkung
Stuttgart : Metzler, 2009. - page 319-326

Sociology of Development

Dr. Florian Stoll

University of Bayreuth


95445 Bayreuth

Phone: 0921 / 55-5441
E-mail: florian.stoll@uni-bayreuth.de
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