Date/Place |
Title of event |
11.10.2018, 09:00,
BayCEER Workshop 2018
08.11.2018, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Groundwater - Surface Water Exchange: From Mountains to the Sea
22.11.2018, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Disequilibrium conditions and scale dependency in ecosystems
29.11.2018, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Novel sulfur-cycling microbes within microbial dark matter. Insights from freshwater wetlands.
06.12.2018, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Microbial storage compounds in soil: a neglected dimension of the carbon cycle
13.12.2018, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
High resolution mass spectrometry in environmental sciences and beyond.
10.01.2019, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
From research to agro-environmental policy: success stories for biodiversity conservation
17.01.2019, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Hot spots of C turnover in soil
02.05.2019, 12:00,
Revealing eco-evolutionary dynamics with trait-based neighborhood models
09.05.2019, 12:00,
From research to agro-environmental policy: success stories for biodiversity conservation
16.05.2019, 12:00,
He's giving me good vibrations: of the interesting mating behavior of mason bees
23.05.2019, 12:00,
Spatial modeling of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Andean region of Colombia
04.07.2019, 12:00,
Biotic controls of ecosystem functioning in global drylands
11.07.2019, 12:00,
Citizen Science - Innovation in Open Biodiversity Science, Policy and Society
10.10.2019, 09:00,
BayCEER Workshop 2019
17.10.2019, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
New insights to the dark side of plants: Monitoring spatial and temporal dynamics of roots by non-invasive technologies
24.10.2019, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Inside the fog: towards an improved forecasting of nocturnal fog by using turbulence-resolving simulations
21.11.2019, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Passive quantification of subsurface properties using the groundwater response to Earth and atmospheric tides
28.11.2019, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Rates and Dates in Alpine Geosystems - Monitoring and Reconstruction of Geomorphologic Processes in Mountain Environments
12.12.2019, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
The analysis of ozone formation and trend over northern Bavaria, with a focus on Bayreuth, by using machine learning algorithms and deterministic models
16.01.2020, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Ecosystem functional types and biome concepts
23.01.2020, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Physical constraints and biological controls of plant-environment interactions
BayCEER Colloquium: Online-Teilnahme nach Anmeldung
Vorstellungssymposium zur Besetzung der W1 / W3 Juniorprofessur in Ökosystemanalyse und -simulation
25.06.2020, 17:00,
BayCEER Colloquium: Verschoben auf WS 2020/21
Verschoben auf WS 2020/21! Stabilization of labile carbon in soil - A question of microbial nitrogen demand and supply?
02.07.2020, 17:00,
BayCEER Colloquium: Verschoben auf WS 2020/21
Verschoben auf WS 2020/21! Origin, fate and effects of antibiotics in soil
09.07.2020, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium: LIVE via ZOOM
Physical constraints and biological controls of plant-environment interactions
16.07.2020, 17:00,
BayCEER Colloquium: Verschoben auf WS 2020/21
Verschoben auf WS 2020/21! Investigating communal pathogen defense and its role in social evolution
08.10.2020, 09:00,
BayCEER Workshop 2020
22.10.2020, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Extreme redox oscillations in freshwater re-flooded acid sulfate soil wetlands: Effects on Fe, S, and trace metals geochemical behavior
29.10.2020, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium: Verschoben auf 2021
Dissolved organic matter quality in differently managed forest ecosystems
BayCEER Colloquium:
Signaling of rhizosphere microbiome: key for plant health, development and nutrition
12.11.2020, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Environmental monitoring in Afghanistan’s national parks – regional challenges and global implications
19.11.2020, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Perception under water
14.01.2021, 12:00,
BayCEER Colloquium:
Mineral surfaces and organic matter accrual in soils