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Ruchuan Ou, Jonas Schießl, Michael Heinrich Baumann, Lars Grüne, Timm Faulwasser: A polynomial chaos approach to stochastic LQ optimal control : Error bounds and infinite-horizon results. In: Automatica, 174 (2025). - .

Jochen Glück, Andrii Mironchenko: Stability criteria for positive semigroups on ordered Banach spaces. In: Journal of Evolution Equations, 25 (2025). - .

Laura Mack, Marvin Kähnert, Quentin Rauschenbach, Lukas Frank, Franziska H. Hasenburg, Jannis-Michael Huss, Marius O. Jonassen, Megan Malpas, Yurii Batrak, Teresa Remes, Norbert Pirk, Christoph Thomas: Stable Boundary Layers in an Arctic Fjord-Valley System : Evaluation of Temperature Profiles Observed From Fiber-Optic Distributed Sensing and Comparison to Numerical Weather Prediction Systems at Different Resolutions. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 130 (2025). - .

Olli Peltola, Toprak Aslan, Mika Aurela, Annalea Lohila, Ivan Mammarella, Dario Papale, Christoph Thomas, Timo Vesala, Tuomas Laurila: Towards an enhanced metric for detecting vertical flow decoupling in eddy covariance flux observations. In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 362 (2025). - .

Lea Bold, Lars Grüne, Manuel Schaller, Karl Worthmann: Data-driven MPC with stability guarantees using extended dynamic mode decomposition. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 70 (2025). - S. 534-541.

Alexander Kilian, Bernhard Maschke, Andrii Mironchenko, Fabian Wirth: Infinite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems with a stationary interface. In: European Journal of Control, 82 (2025). - .

Jonas Schießl, Michael Heinrich Baumann, Timm Faulwasser, Lars Grüne: On the relationship between stochastic turnpike and dissipativity notions. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, (2024). - .

Fiona Schenk, Ulrich Hambach, Sarah Britzius, Daniel Veres, Frank Sirocko: A Cryptotephra Layer in Sediments of an Infilled Maar Lake from the Eifel (Germany) : First Evidence of Campanian Ignimbrite Ash Airfall in Central Europe. In: Quaternary, 7 (2024). - .

David Angeli, Lars Grüne: Dissipativity in infinite horizon optimal control and dynamic programming. In: Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 89 (2024). - .

Antoine Chaillet, Fabian Wirth, Andrii Mironchenko, Lucas Brivadis: For time-invariant delay systems, global asymptotic stability does not imply uniform global attractivity. In: IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8 (2024). - S. 484-489.

Lucas Brivadis, Antoine Chaillet, Andrii Mironchenko, Fabian Wirth: Forward completeness implies bounded reachable sets for time-delay systems on the state space of essentially bounded measurable functions. In: IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8 (2024). - S. 1667-1672.

Jannis-Michael Huss, Christoph K. Thomas: The impact of turbulent transport efficiency on surface vertical heat fluxes in the Arctic stable boundary layer predicted from similarity theory and machine-learning. In: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 81 (2024). - S. 1977-1998.

Julius Seidler, Markus Friedrich, Christoph Thomas, Anke Nölscher: Introducing the novel concept of cumulative concentration roses for studying the transport of ultrafine particles from an airport to adjacent residential areas. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24 (2024). - S. 137-153.

Patrick Bachmann, Saeed Ahmed, Naim Bajcinca: Lyapunov characterization of input-to-state stability for a class of impulsive systems. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69 (2024). - S. 6996-7003.

Aditi Jain, Arvind Kumar Gupta: A mathematical framework for analysing particle flow in a network with multiple pools. In: Royal Society Open Science, 11 (2024). - .

Sebastian Wohlrab, Sebastian Johannes Müller, Stephan Gekle: Mechanical complexity of living cells can be mapped onto simple homogeneous equivalents. In: Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 23 (2024). - S. 1067-1076.

Kilian Pioch, Thomas Kriecherbauer, Michael Margaliot, Lars Grüne: Model order reduction for the TASEP Master equation. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 58 (2024). - S. 109-114.

Rami Katz, Thomas Kriecherbauer, Lars Grüne, Michael Margaliot: On the gain of entrainment in a class of weakly contractive bilinear control systems. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 62 (2024). - S. 2723-2749.

Philipp Braun, Timm Faulwasser, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett, Willi Semmler, Steven R. Weller: On the social cost of carbon and discounting in the DICE model. In: AIMS Environmental Science, 11 (2024). - S. 471-495.

Pouyan Ahmadi, Franz Dichgans, Lisa Jagau, Christian Schmidt, Vadym Aizinger, Benjamin Silas Gilfedder, Jan Fleckenstein: Systematic CFD-based evaluation of physical factors influencing the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of microplastic particles in lakes. In: Science of the Total Environment, 917 (2024). - .

Eike M. Esders, Christoph Georgi, Wolfgang Babel, Andreas Held, Christoph Thomas: Vertical concentrations gradients and transport of airborne microplastics in wind tunnel experiments. In: Aerosol Research, 2 (2024). - S. 235-243.

Lisa Marie Oehlschlägel, Sebastian Schmid, Moritz Lehmann, Stephan Gekle, Andreas Held: Water–air transfer rates of microplastic particles through bubble bursting as a function of particle size. In: Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 4 (2024). - .

Andrii Mironchenko: Well-posedness and properties of the flow for semilinear evolution equations. In: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 36 (2024). - S. 483-523.

Bastian Pötzl, Anton Schiela, Patrick Jaap: Inexact Proximal Newton methods in Hilbert spaces. In: Computational Optimization and Applications, (2023). - S. 1-37.

Michael Heinrich Baumann, Michaela Baumann, Lars Grüne, Bernhard Herz: Market Structure and Instability Artifacts in Heterogeneous Agent Models: Lessons from Implicit Discretizations of Stiff Equations. In: Computational Economics, 62 (2023). - S. 855-890.

Gabriele Eichfelder, Lars Grüne, Lisa Krügel, Jonas Schießl: Relaxed dissipativity assumptions and a simplified algorithm for multiobjective MPC. In: Computational Optimization and Applications, 86 (2023). - S. 1081-1116.

Johannes Köhler, Melanie Zeilinger, Lars Grüne: Stability and performance analysis of NMPC : Detectable stage costs and general terminal costs. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68 (2023). - S. 6114-6129.

Alexander Kilian, Bernhard Maschke, Andrii Mironchenko, Fabian Wirth: A case study of port-Hamiltonian systems with a moving interface. In: IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7 (2023). - S. 1572-1577.

Namier Namier, Qingzhen Hao, Xinbo Gao, Yu Fu, Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Daniel Veres, Joseph A. Mason, Yang Song, Chenglong Deng, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Rastko Marković, Zhengtang Guo: Comprehensive magnetic analysis of the tephras in Middle-Late Pleistocene loess records of Serbia, and implications for tephra identification, correlation and loess chronology. In: Quaternary Science Reviews, 313 (2023). - .

Sara Faghih-Naini, Sebastian Kuckuk, Daniel Zint, Samuel Kemmler, Harald Köstler, Vadym Aizinger: Discontinuous Galerkin method for the shallow water equations on complex domains using masked block-structured grids. In: Advances in Water Resources, (2023). - .

Sanwardhini Pantawane, Sebastian Johannes Müller, Stephan Gekle: Effect of particle insertion on Poly(3-hexylthiophene) brush’s π-π stacking. In: Computational Materials Science, 226 (2023). - .

Guido Mazzuca, Tamara Grava, Thomas Kriecherbauer, Kenneth T.-R. McLaughlin, Christian B. Mendl, Herbert Spohn: Equilibrium Spacetime Correlations of the Toda Lattice on the Hydrodynamic Scale. In: Journal of Statistical Physics, 190 (2023). - .

Lars Grüne, Mario Sperl: Examples for separable control Lyapunov functions and their neural network approximation. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56 (2023). - S. 19-24.

Robert Baier, Elza Farkhi: A Filippov Approximation Theorem for Strengthened One-Sided Lipschitz Differential Inclusions. In: Computational Optimization and Applications, 86 (2023). - S. 885-923.

Johannes Zierenberg, F. Paul Spitzner, Jonas Dehning, Viola Priesemann, Martin Weigel, Michael Wilczek: How contact patterns destabilize and modulate epidemic outbreaks. In: New Journal of Physics, 25 (2023). - .

Markus Musch, Andreas Rupp, Vadym Aizinger, Peter Knabner: Hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method with mixed-order spaces for non-linear diffusion equations with internal jumps. In: GEM : International Journal on Geomathematics, 14 (2023). - .

Eike M. Esders, Sebastian Sittl, Inka Krammel, Wolfgang Babel, Georg Papastavrou, Christoph Thomas: Is transport of microplastics different from mineral particles? Idealized wind tunnel studies on polyethylene microspheres. In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23 (2023). - S. 15835-15851.

Aditi Jain, Arvind Kumar Gupta: Large-scale closed and generalized networks of ribosome flow model with different site sizes. In: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 455 (2023). - .

Frank Mickoleit, Cornelia Jörke, Reinhard Richter, Sabine Rosenfeldt, Simon Markert, Ingo Rehberg, Anna Schenk, Oliver Bäumchen, Dirk Schüler, Joachim H. Clement: Long‐Term Stability, Biocompatibility, and Magnetization of Suspensions of Isolated Bacterial Magnetosomes. In: Small, 19 (2023). - .

Andrii Mironchenko: Lyapunov criteria for robust forward completeness of distributed parameter systems. In: Systems & Control Letters, 180 (2023). - .

Christoph Kawan, Andrii Mironchenko, Majid Zamani: A Lyapunov-based ISS small-gain theorem for infinite networks of nonlinear system. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68 (2023). - S. 1447-1462.

Aditi Jain, Arvind Kumar Gupta: Modeling mRNA translation with ribosome abortions. In: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 20 (2023). - S. 1600-1605.

Moritz Lehmann, Fabian P. Häusl, Stephan Gekle: Modeling of vertical microplastic transport by rising bubbles. In: Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 3 (2023). - .

Ron Ofir, Thomas Kriecherbauer, Lars Grüne, Michael Margaliot: On the gain of entrainment in the n-dimensional ribosome flow model. In: Interface : Journal of the Royal Society, 20 (2023). - .

Michael Heinrich Baumann: On theoretical foundations of mostly model-free cross-coupled simultaneously long-short stock trading controllers. In: European Journal of Control, 74 (2023). - .

Tobias Bätge, Itzhak Fouxon, Michael Wilczek: Quantitative Prediction of Sling Events in Turbulence at High Reynolds Numbers. In: Physical Review Letters, 131 (2023). - .

Maximilian Saller, Niko Nagengast, Michael Frisch, Franz Konstantin Fuss: A Review of Biomechanical and Physiological Effects of Using Poles in Sports. In: Bioengineering, 10 (2023). - .

Gerhard Rein: Stability and instability results for equilibria of a (relativistic) self-gravitating collisionless gas : a review. In: Classical and Quantum Gravity, 40 (2023). - .

Mohammad Abdoli, Karl Lapo, Johann Schneider, Johannes Olesch, Christoph Thomas: Toward quantifying turbulent vertical airflow and sensible heat flux in tall forest canopies using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing. In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 16 (2023). - S. 809-824.

Matthias Köhler, Lisa Krügel, Lars Grüne, Matthias A. Müller, Frank Allgöwer: Transient Performance of MPC for Tracking. In: IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7 (2023). - S. 2545-2550.

Naseem Ali, Juan Pedro Mellado, Michael Wilczek: A Wavenumber–Frequency Spectrum Model for Sheared Convective Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows. In: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 80 (2023). - S. 763-776.

Mathias Vinnepand, Peter Fischer, Ulrich Hambach, Olaf Jöris, Carol-Ann Craig, Christian Zeeden, Barry Thornton, Thomas Tütken, Charlotte Prud'homme, Philipp Schulte, Olivier Moine, Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, Christian Laag, Frank Lehmkuhl, Wolfgang Schirmer, Andreas Vött: What do dust sinks tell us about their sources and past environmental dynamics? A case study for oxygen isotope stages 3-2 in the Middle Rhine Valley, Germany. In: Quaternary Science Journal, 72 (2023). - S. 163-184.

Moritz Lehmann, Mathias J. Krause, Giorgio Amati, Marcello Sega, Jens Harting, Stephan Gekle: Accuracy and performance of the lattice Boltzmann method with 64-bit, 32-bit, and customized 16-bit number formats. In: Physical Review E, 106 (2022). - .

Gabriel Sitaru, Stephan Gekle: Analytical and computational study of cascade reaction processes in catalytic fibrous membranes. In: Computers & Fluids, 240 (2022). - .

Michael Heinrich Baumann: Beating the market? A mathematical puzzle for market efficiency. In: Decisions in Economics and Finance, 45 (2022). - S. 279-325.

Simeon Völkel, Stefan Hartung, Ingo Rehberg: Comment on "Hysteretic transition between states of a filled hexagonal magnetic dipole cluster". In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 559 (2022). - .

Mathias Vinnepand, Peter Fischer, Olaf Jöris, Ulrich Hambach, Christian Zeeden, Philipp Schulte, Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, Charlotte Prud’homme, Zoran Peric, Wolfgang Schirmer, Frank Lehmkuhl, Sabine Fiedler, Andreas Vött: Decoding geochemical signals of the Schwalbenberg Loess-Palaeosol-Sequences : A key to Upper Pleistocene ecosystem responses to climate changes in western Central Europe. In: Catena, 212 (2022). - .

Zoran Perić, Thomas Stevens, Igor Obreht, Ulrich Hambach, Frank Lehmkuhl, Slobodan B. Marković: Detailed luminescence dating of dust mass accumulation rates over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles from the Irig loess-palaeosol sequence, Carpathian Basin. In: Global and Planetary Change, 215 (2022). - .

Einara Zahn, Elie Bou-Zeid, Stephen P. Good, Gabriel G. Katul, Christoph Thomas, Khaled Ghannam, James A. Smith, Marcelo Chamecki, Nelson L. Dias, Jose D. Fuentes, Joseph G. Alfieri, Hyojung Kwon, Kelly K. Caylor, Zhiqiu Gao, Keir Soderberg, Nicolas E. Bambach, Lawrence E. Hipps, John H. Prueger, William P. Kustas: Direct partitioning of eddy-covariance water and carbon dioxide fluxes into ground and plant components. In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 315 (2022). - .

Lars Grüne: Dissipativity and optimal control : Examining the Turnpike Phenomenon. In: IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 42 (2022). - S. 74-87.

Lars Grüne, Manuel Schaller, Anton Schiela: Efficient Model Predictive Control for parabolic PDEs with goal oriented error estimation. In: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 44 (2022). - S. A471-A500.

Cristian Lalescu, Bérenger Bramas, Markus Rampp, Michael Wilczek: An efficient particle tracking algorithm for large-scale parallel pseudo-spectral simulations of turbulence. In: Computer Physics Communications, 278 (2022). - .

Sebastian Günther, Gerhard Rein: The Einstein-Vlasov system in maximal areal coordinates : Local existence and continuation. In: Kinetic & Related Models, 15 (2022). - S. 681-719.

José-Agustín Arguedas-Leiva, Jonasz Słomka, Cristian Lalescu, Roman Stocker, Michael Wilczek: Elongation enhances encounter rates between phytoplankton in turbulence. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (2022). - .

Philipp Fleig, Mirna Kramar, Michael Wilczek, Karen Alim: Emergence of behaviour in a self-organized living matter network. In: eLife, (2022). - .

Moritz Lehmann: Esoteric Pull and Esoteric Push : Two Simple In-Place Streaming Schemes for the Lattice Boltzmann Method on GPUs. In: Computation, 10 (2022). - .

Lars Grüne, Thomas Meurer: Finite-dimensional output stabilization for a class of linear distributed parameter systems : A small-gain approach. In: Systems & Control Letters, 164 (2022). - .

Stefan Hochstein, Dirk Hohenstein, Andreas Hohmann: Goal Shot Analysis in Elite Water Polo : World Cup Final 2018 in Berlin. In: Applied Sciences, 12 (2022). - .

Wolfgang Fischer, Christoph Thomas, Nikita Zimov, Mathias Göckede: Grazing enhances carbon cycling but reduces methane emission during peak growing season in the Siberian Pleistocene Park tundra site. In: Biogeosciences, 19 (2022). - S. 1611-1633.

Michael Heinrich Baumann: An illustrative derivation of the sum of fifth powers. In: The Mathematical Gazette, 106 (2022). - S. 68-77.

S. A. Drake, D. E. Rupp, Christoph Thomas, H. J. Oldroyd, Mark Schulze, J. A. Jones: Increasing Daytime Stability Enhances Downslope Moisture Transport in the Subcanopy of an Even-Aged Conifer Forest in Western Oregon, USA. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127 (2022). - .

Timm Faulwasser, Lars Grüne, Jukka-Pekka Humaloja, Manuel Schaller: The interval turnpike property for adjoints. In: Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, 7 (2022). - S. 1187-1207.

Karl Lapo, Anita Freundorfer, Antonia Fritz, Johann Schneider, Johannes Olesch, Wolfgang Babel, Christoph Thomas: The Large eddy Observatory, Voitsumra Experiment 2019 (LOVE19) with high-resolution, spatially distributed observations of air temperature, wind speed, and wind direction from fiber-optic distributed sensing, towers, and ground-based remote sensing. In: Earth System Science Data, 14 (2022). - S. 885-906.

Daniel Wolf, Johanna Lomax, Lilit Sahakyan, Hayk Hovakimyan, Jörn Profe, Philipp Schulte, Hans von Suchodoletz, Christiane Richter, Ulrich Hambach, Markus Fuchs, Dominik Faust: Last glacial loess dynamics in the Southern Caucasus (NE-Armenia) and the phenomenon of missing loess deposition during MIS-2. In: Scientific Reports, 12 (2022). - .

José-Agustín Arguedas-Leiva, Enda Carroll, Luca Biferale, Michael Wilczek, Miguel D. Bustamante: Minimal phase-coupling model for intermittency in turbulent systems. In: Physical Review Research, 4 (2022). - .

Kim L. Kreienkamp, Michael Wilczek: Modeling probability density functions of velocity fluctuations in wind farms. In: Wind Energy, 25 (2022). - S. 985-997.

Lars Grüne, Lisa Krügel, Matthias A. Müller: Multiobjective strict dissipativity via a weighted sum approach. In: Systems & Control Letters, 170 (2022). - .

Mahir Hadžić, Gerhard Rein, Christopher Straub: On the Existence of Linearly Oscillating Galaxies. In: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 243 (2022). - S. 611-696.

Maurizio Carbone, Michael Wilczek: Only two Betchov homogeneity constraints exist for isotropic turbulence. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 948 (2022). - .

Henning Reinken, Sabine H. L. Klapp, Michael Wilczek: Optimal turbulent transport in microswimmer suspensions. In: Physical Review Fluids, 7 (2022). - .

Robert Baier, Gabriele Eichfelder, Tobias Gerlach: Optimality conditions for set optimization using a directional derivative based on generalized Steiner sets. In: Optimization, 71 (2022). - S. 2273-2314.

Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger: p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for the shallow water equations with a parameter-free error indicator. In: GEM : International Journal on Geomathematics, 13 (2022). - .

Julian Andrej, Lars Grüne, Luca Mechelli, Thomas Meurer, Simon Pirkelmann, Stefan Volkwein: Parallelized POD-based Suboptimal Economic Model Predictive Control of a State-Constrained Boussinesq approximation. In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 116 (2022). - S. 71-81.

Yannic Fischler, Martin Rückamp, Christian Bischof, Vadym Aizinger, Mathieu Morlighem, Angelika Humbert: A scalability study of the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM, version 4.18). In: Geoscientific Model Development, 15 (2022). - S. 3753-3771.

Bastian Pötzl, Anton Schiela, Patrick Jaap: Second order semi-smooth proximal Newton methods in Hilbert spaces. In: Computational Optimization and Applications, 82 (2022). - S. 465-498.

Christoph Thomas, Jannis-Michael Huss, Mohammad Abdoli, Tim Huttarsch, Johann Schneider: Solid-Phase Reference Baths for Fiber-Optic Distributed Sensing. In: Sensors, 22 (2022). - .

Lukas Bentkamp, Theodore D. Drivas, Cristian Lalescu, Michael Wilczek: The statistical geometry of material loops in turbulence. In: Nature Communications, 13 (2022). - .

Lars Grüne, Friedrich Philipp, Manuel Schaller: Strict dissipativity for generalized linear-quadratic problems in infinite dimensions. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (2022). - S. 311-316.

Mohammad Abdoli, Karl Lapo, Johann Schneider, Johannes Olesch, Christoph Thomas: Toward quantifying turbulent vertical airflow and sensible heat flux in tall forest canopies using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing. In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, (2022). - .

Richard Gerum, Elham Mirzahossein, Mar Eroles, Jennifer Elsterer, Astrid Mainka, Andreas Bauer, Selina Sonntag, Alexander Winterl, Johannes Bartl, Lena Fischer, Shada Abuhattum, Ruchi Goswami, Salvatore Girardo, Jochen Guck, Stefan Schrüfer, Nadine Ströhlein, Mojtaba Nosratlo, Harald Herrmann, Dorothea Schultheis, Felix Rico, Sebastian Johannes Müller, Stephan Gekle, Ben Fabry: Viscoelastic properties of suspended cells measured with shear flow deformation cytometry. In: eLife, 11 (2022). - .

Michaela Baumann, Michael Heinrich Baumann: Detecting Manipulated Wine Ratings with Autoencoders and Supervised Machine Learning Techniques. In: International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology, 15 (2022). - S. 64-77.

Birgit Jacob, Andrii Mironchenko, Felix Schwenninger: Editorial: Input-to-state stability for infinite-dimensional systems. In: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 34 (2022). - S. 215-216.

Aditi Jain, Michael Margaliot, Arvind Kumar Gupta: Large-scale mRNA translation and the intricate effects of competition for the finite pool of ribosomes. In: Interface : Journal of the Royal Society, 19 (2022). - .

Michael Fleermann, Werner Kirsch, Thomas Kriecherbauer: Local semicircle law for Curie-Weiss type ensembles. In: Electronic Journal of Probability, 27 (2022). - .

Aditi Jain, Arvind Kumar Gupta: Modeling transport of extended interacting objects with drop-off phenomenon. In: PLoS One, 17 (2022). - .

Aditi Jain, Arun Kumar, Arvind Kumar Gupta: A theoretical framework to analyse the flow of particles in a dynamical system with stochastic transition rates and site capacities. In: Royal Society Open Science, 9 (2022). - .

Lars Grüne, Manuel Schaller, Anton Schiela: Abstract nonlinear sensitivity and turnpike analysis and an application to semilinear parabolic PDEs. In: ESAIM : Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 27 (2021). - .

Tobias Sproll, Anton Schiela: An adjoint approach to identification in Electromyography : Modeling and first order optimality conditions. In: Inverse Problems, 37 (2021). - .

Mircea Anghelinu, Loredana Niță, Daniel Veres, Ulrich Hambach, Marc Händel, Cristina Cordoș, Maria Ilie, George Murătoreanu: Break vs. continuity : Techno-cultural changes across the LGM in the Eastern Carpathians. In: Quaternary International, 581-582 (2021). - S. 241-257.

Sebastian Contreras, Jonas Dehning, Matthias Loidolt, Johannes Zierenberg, F. Paul Spitzner, Jorge H. Urrea-Quintero, Sebastian B. Mohr, Michael Wilczek, Michael Wibral, Viola Priesemann: The challenges of containing SARS-CoV-2 via test-trace-and-isolate. In: Nature Communications, 12 (2021). - .

Teresa Vogl, Amy Hrdina, Christoph Thomas: Choosing an optimal β factor for relaxed eddy accumulation applications across vegetated and non-vegetated surfaces. In: Biogeosciences, 18 (2021). - S. 5097-5115.

Sebastian Günther, Christopher Straub, Gerhard Rein: Collisionless Equilibria in General Relativity : Stable Configurations beyond the First Binding Energy Maximum. In: The Astrophysical Journal, 918 (2021). - .

Lars Grüne: Computing Lyapunov functions using deep neural networks. In: Journal of Computational Dynamics, 8 (2021). - S. 131-152.

Lars Grüne, David Muff, Manuel Schaller: Conditions for strict dissipativity of infinite-dimensional generalized linear-quadratic problems. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (2021). - S. 302-306.

A. Maier, P. Stojakowits, C. Mayr, S. Pfeifer, F. Preusser, B. Zolitschka, Mircea Anghelinu, D. Bobak, F. Duprat-Oualid, T. Einwögerer, Ulrich Hambach, Marc Händel, L. Kaminská, L. Kämpf, Maria Łanczont, F. Lehmkuhl, P. Ludwig, Eniko Magyari, P. Mroczek, A. Nemergut, Z. Nerudová, L. Niţă, M. Polanská, M. Połtowicz-Bobak, D. Rius, W. Römer, U. Simon, P. Škrdla, G. Újvári, D. Veres: Cultural evolution and environmental change in Central Europe between 40 and 15 ka. In: Quaternary International, 581-582 (2021). - S. 225-240.

Christian Laag, Ulrich Hambach, Christian Zeeden, France Lagroix, Yohan Guyodo, Daniel Veres, Mladjen Jovanović, Slobodan B. Marković: A Detailed Paleoclimate Proxy Record for the Middle Danube Basin Over the Last 430 kyr : A Rock Magnetic and Colorimetric Study of the Zemun Loess-Paleosol Sequence. In: Frontiers in Earth Science, 9 (2021). - .

Stephan Pötter, Daniel Veres, Yunus Baykal, Janina J. Nett, Philipp Schulte, Ulrich Hambach, Frank Lehmkuhl: Disentangling Sedimentary Pathways for the Pleniglacial Lower Danube Loess Based on Geochemical Signatures. In: Frontiers in Earth Science, 9 (2021). - .

Anita Freundorfer, Karl Lapo, Johann Schneider, Christoph Thomas: Distributed Sensing of Wind Direction Using Fiber-Optic Cables. In: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 38 (2021). - S. 1871-1883.

Michael Heinrich Baumann, Lars Grüne: Does the effort of Monte Carlo pay off? : A case study on stochastic MPC. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (2021). - S. 70-75.

Stefan Hartung, Ingo Rehberg: Dynamics of a magnetic gear with two cogging-free operation modes. In: Archive of Applied Mechanics, 91 (2021). - S. 1423-1435.

Maximilian Siener, Alexander Ferrauti, Andreas Hohmann: Early talent identification in tennis : A retrospective study. In: International Journal of Racket Sports Science, 3 (2021). - S. 26-38.

Janina J. Nett, Wei Chu, Peter Fischer, Ulrich Hambach, Nicole Klasen, Christian Zeeden, Igor Obreht, Lea Obrocki, Stephan Pötter, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Andreas Vött, Dušan Mihailović, Slobodan B. Marković, Frank Lehmkuhl: The Early Upper Paleolithic Site Crvenka-At, Serbia : The First Aurignacian Lowland Occupation Site in the Southern Carpathian Basin. In: Frontiers in Earth Science, 9 (2021). - .

Moritz Lehmann, Lisa Marie Oehlschlägel, Fabian Häusl, Andreas Held, Stephan Gekle: Ejection of marine microplastics by raindrops : a computational and experimental study. In: Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 1 (2021). - .

Martin James, Dominik A. Suchla, Jörn Dunkel, Michael Wilczek: Emergence and melting of active vortex crystals. In: Nature Communications, 12 (2021). - .

Jan Cammann, Fabian Jan Schwarzendahl, Tanya Ostapenko, Danylo Lavrentovich, Oliver Bäumchen, Marco G. Mazza: Emergent probability fluxes in confined microbial navigation. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (2021). - .

Daniel Wolf, Thomas Kolb, Karolin Ryborz, Susann Heinrich, Imke Schäfer, Ruben Calvo, Jesus Sanchez, Ulrich Hambach, Roland Zech, Ludwig Zöller, Dominik Faust: Evidence for strong relations between the upper Tagus loess formation (central Iberia) and the marine atmosphere off the Iberian margin during the last glacial period. In: Quaternary Research, 101 (2021). - S. 84-113.

Mircea Anghelinu, Marc Händel, Loredana Niță, Cristina Cordoș, Daniel Veres, Ulrich Hambach, George Murătoreanu, Alexandru Ciornei, Christoph Schmidt, Tiberiu Sava, Cristian Mănăilescu, Maria Ilie, Läetitia Demay, Valentin Georgescu: From Gravettian to Epigravettian in the Eastern Carpathians : Insights from the Bistricioara-Lutărie III archaeological site. In: Quaternary International, 587-588 (2021). - S. 210-229.

Rebecca Benelli, Matthias Weiss: From sub- to superdiffusion : fractional Brownian motion of membraneless organelles in early C. elegans embryos. In: New Journal of Physics, 23 (2021). - .

Wolfgang Fischer, Christoph Thomas, Nikita Zimov, Mathias Göckede: Grazing enhances carbon cycling, but reduces methane emission in the Siberian Pleistocene Park tundra site. In: Biogeosciences Discussions, (2021). - .

Sebastian Johannes Müller, Franziska Weigl, Carina Bezold, Christian Bächer, Krystyna Albrecht, Stephan Gekle: A hyperelastic model for simulating cells in flow. In: Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 20 (2021). - S. 509-520.

Joanna Janczura, Michał Balcerek, Krzysztof Burnecki, Adal Sabri, Matthias Weiss, Diego Krapf: Identifying heterogeneous diffusion states in the cytoplasm by a hidden Markov model. In: New Journal of Physics, 23 (2021). - S. 053018.

Karl Lapo, Anita Freundorfer, Antonia Fritz, Johann Schneider, Johannes Olesch, Wolfgang Babel, Christoph Thomas: The Large-eddy Observatory Voitsumra Experiment 2019 (LOVE19) with high-resolution, spatially-distributed observations of air temperature, wind speed, and wind direction from fiber-optic distributed sensing, towers, and ground-based remote sensing. In: Earth System Science Data Discussions, (2021). - .

Lars Grüne, Lisa Krügel: Local turnpike analysis using local dissipativity for discrete time discounted optimal control. In: Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 84 (2021). - S. 1585-1606.

Peter Fischer, Olaf Jöris, Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, Mathias Vinnepand, Charlotte Prud'homme, Philipp Schulte, Christine Hatté, Ulrich Hambach, Susanne Lindauer, Christian Zeeden, Zoran Perić, Frank Lehmkuhl, Tina Wunderlich, Dennis Wilken, Wolfgang Schirmer, Andreas Vött: Millennial-scale terrestrial ecosystem responses to Upper Pleistocene climatic changes : 4D-reconstruction of the Schwalbenberg Loess-Palaeosol-Sequence (Middle Rhine Valley, Germany). In: Catena, 196 (2021). - .

Michael Sinhuber, Jan Friedrich, Rainer Grauer, Michael Wilczek: Multi-level stochastic refinement for complex time series and fields : a data-driven approach. In: New Journal of Physics, 23 (2021). - .

Michael Heinrich Baumann: A new stochastic Fubini-type theorem : On interchanging expectations and Itô integrals. In: Sankhya A, 83 (2021). - S. 408-420.

Marie-Louise Zeller, Jannis-Michael Huss, Lena Pfister, Karl Lapo, Daniela Littmann, Johann Schneider, Alexander Schulz, Christoph Thomas: The NY-Alesund TurbulencE Fiber Optic eXperiment (NYTEFOX): investigating the Arctic boundary layer, Svalbard. In: Earth System Science Data, 13 (2021). - S. 3439-3452.

Marie-Louise Zeller, Jannis-Michael Huss, Lena Pfister, Karl Lapo, Daniela Littmann, Johann Schneider, Alexander Schulz, Christoph Thomas: The NY-Ålesund TurbulencE Fiber Optic eXperiment (NYTEFOX) : investigating the Arctic boundary layer, Svalbard. In: Earth System Science Data Discussions, (2021). - .

Lars Grüne, Roberto Guglielmi: On the relation between turnpike properties and dissipativity for continuous time linear quadratic optimal control problems. In: Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 11 (2021). - S. 169-188.

Wolfgang Riedl, Robert Baier, Matthias Gerdts: Optimization-based subdivision algorithm for reachable sets. In: Journal of Computational Dynamics, 8 (2021). - S. 99-130.

Daniela Constantin, J. A. Mason, D. Veres, Ulrich Hambach, C. Panaiotu, Christian Zeeden, L. Zhou, Slobodan B. Marković, Natalia Gerasimenko, Anca Avram, Viorica Tecsa, S. M. Groza-Sacaciu, L. del Valle Villalonga, R. Begy, Alida Timar-Gabor: OSL-dating of the Pleistocene-Holocene climatic transition in loess from China, Europe and North America, and evidence for accretionary pedogenesis. In: Earth-Science Reviews, 221 (2021). - .

Lars Grüne: Overcoming the curse of dimensionality for approximating Lyapunov functions with deep neural networks under a small-gain condition. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (2021). - S. 317-322.

Lars Grüne, Luca Mechelli, Simon Pirkelmann, Stefan Volkwein: Performance estimates for economic model predictive control and their application in proper orthogonal decomposition-based implementations. In: Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 11 (2021). - S. 579-599.

O. Peltola, Karl Lapo, Christoph Thomas: A Physics-Based Universal Indicator for Vertical Decoupling and Mixing Across Canopies Architectures and Dynamic Stabilities. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (2021). - S. e2020GL091615.

Martin O. Pretscher, Gabriel Sitaru, Markus Dietel, Holger Schmalz, Stephan Gekle, Seema Agarwal: Post-Process-Functionalized Catalytic Electrospun and 2D-Printed Structures for Wolf–Lamb-Type Catalysis. In: ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 3 (2021). - S. 1349-1357.

Maximilian Siener, Irene Faber, Andreas Hohmann: Prognostic Validity of Statistical Prediction Methods Used for Talent Identification in Youth Tennis Players Based on Motor Abilities. In: Applied Sciences, 11 (2021). - .

Lars Grüne, Thomas Kriecherbauer, Michael Margaliot: Random attraction in the TASEP model. In: SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 20 (2021). - S. 65-93.

Katharina Graessel, Christian Bächer, Stephan Gekle: Rayleigh–Plateau instability of anisotropic interfaces. Part 1. An analytical and numerical study of fluid interfaces. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 910 (2021). - .

Christian Bächer, Katharina Graessel, Stephan Gekle: Rayleigh–Plateau instability of anisotropic interfaces. Part 2. Limited instability of elastic interfaces. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 910 (2021). - .

Marian Cosac, George Muratoreanu, Daniel Veres, Loredana Nita, Christoph Schmidt, Ulrich Hambach, Alexandru Radu, Roxana Cuculici, Dan Lucian Buzea, Dan Ștefan, Monica Margarit, Stefan Vasile, Valentin Dumitrascu, Mariana Rosu, Alexandru Petculescu, Tiberiu Sava, Valentin Georgescu, Gabriel Serbanescu, Ionel Geambasu: Recent archaeological researches in the Vârghiș Gorges karst area (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) : A synthesis of the 2014-2020 campaigns. In: Materiale şi cercetări arheologice, 17 (2021). - S. 325-350.

Igor Obreht, Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Daniel Veres, Slobodan B. Marković, Frank Lehmkuhl: Reply to the discussion paper by P. Sümegi and S. Gulyás: Some notes on the interpretation and reliability of malacological proxies in paleotemperature reconstructions from loess ; comments to Obreht et al.'s "A critical reevaluation of paleoclimate proxy records from loess in the Carpathian Basin". In: Earth-Science Reviews, 220 (2021). - .

Antonia M. Fritz, Karl Lapo, Anita Freundorfer, Tobias Linhardt, Christoph Thomas: Revealing the Morning Transition in the Mountain Boundary Layer Using Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (2021). - S. e2020GL092238.

Colin-Marius Koch, Michael Wilczek: Role of Advective Inertia in Active Nematic Turbulence. In: Physical Review Letters, 127 (2021). - .

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Nicole Klasen, Peter Fischer, Philipp Schulte, Janina J. Nett, Daniel Veres, Igor Obreht, Wei Chu, Maria Papadopoulou, Finn Viehberg, Frank Schäbitz, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Slobodan B. Marković, Andreas Vött, Frank Lehmkuhl: Sedimentology of a Late Quaternary lacustrine record from the south-eastern Carpathian Basin. In: Journal of Quaternary Science, 36 (2021). - S. 1414-1425.

Nimish Pujara, José-Agustín Arguedas-Leiva, Cristian Lalescu, Bérenger Bramas, Michael Wilczek: Shape- and scale-dependent coupling between spheroids and velocity gradients in turbulence. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 922 (2021). - S. R6.

Ruchuan Ou, Michael Heinrich Baumann, Lars Grüne, Timm Faulwasser: A Simulation Study on Turnpikes in Stochastic LQ Optimal Control. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (2021). - S. 516-521.

Tobias Bätge, Michael Wilczek: Small-scale averaging coarse-grains passive scalar turbulence. In: Physical Review Fluids, 6 (2021). - .

Parmenas Njoroge, Michael Heinrich Baumann, Michaela Baumann, Dmitry Shevchenko: Stock Price Reactions to Publications of Financial Statements : Evidence from the Moscow Stock Exchange. In: Journal of Corporate Finance Research = Корпоративные Финансы, 15 (2021). - S. 19-36.

Arthur Fleig, Lars Grüne: Strict dissipativity analysis for classes of optimal control problems involving probability density functions. In: Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 11 (2021). - S. 935-964.

Lars Grüne, Matthias A. Müller, Christopher M. Kellett, Steven R. Weller: Strict dissipativity for discrete time discounted optimal control problems. In: Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 11 (2021). - S. 771-796.

Andreas Rupp, Moritz Hauck, Vadym Aizinger: A subcell-enriched Galerkin method for advection problems. In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 93 (2021). - S. 120-129.

Ivan Yegorov, Peter M. Dower, Lars Grüne: Synthesis of control Lyapunov functions and stabilizing feedback strategies using exit‐time optimal control. Part I: Theory. In: Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 42 (2021). - S. 1385-1409.

Ivan Yegorov, Peter M. Dower, Lars Grüne: Synthesis of control Lyapunov functions and stabilizing feedback strategies using exit‐time optimal control. Part II: Numerical approach. In: Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 42 (2021). - S. 1410-1440.

Andreas Hohmann, Maximilian Siener: Talent Identification in Youth Soccer : Prognosis of U17 Soccer Performance on the Basis of General Athleticism and Talent Promotion Interventions in Second-Grade Children. In: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3 (2021). - .

Lena Pfister, Karl Lapo, Larry Mahrt, Christoph Thomas: Thermal Submeso Motions in the Nocturnal Stable Boundary Layer. Part 2: Generating Mechanisms and Implications. In: Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 180 (2021). - S. 203-224.

Lena Pfister, Karl Lapo, Larry Mahrt, Christoph Thomas: Thermal Submesoscale Motions in the Nocturnal Stable Boundary Layer. Part 1: Detection and Mean Statistics. In: Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 180 (2021). - S. 187-202.

Christian Bächer, Diana Khoromskaia, Guillaume Salbreux, Stephan Gekle: A Three-Dimensional Numerical Model of an Active Cell Cortex in the Viscous Limit. In: Frontiers in Physics, 9 (2021). - .

Andreas Hohmann, Dirk Hohenstein, Stefan Hochstein: Torwurfanalyse im Wasserball. In: Leistungssport, 51 (2021). - S. 39-43.

Cristian Lalescu, Michael Wilczek: Transitions of turbulent superstructures in generalized Kolmogorov flow. In: Physical Review Research, 3 (2021). - .

Konstantin Speckner, Lorenz Stadler, Matthias Weiss: Unscrambling exit site patterns on the endoplasmic reticulum as a quenched demixing process. In: Biophysical Journal, 120 (2021). - S. 2532-2542.

Tsenka Tsanova, Daniel Veres, Ulrich Hambach, Rosen Spasov, Irena Dimitrova, Pavel Popov, Sahra Talamo, Svoboda Sirakova: Upper Palaeolithic layers and Campanian Ignimbrite/Y-5 tephra in Toplitsa cave, Northern Bulgaria. In: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 37 (2021). - .

Konrad Berghoff, Wolfgang Gross, Manuel Eisentraut, Holger Kress: Using Blinking Optical Tweezers to Study Cell Rheology During Initial Cell-Particle Contact. In: Biophysical Journal, 120 (2021). - S. 3527-3537.

François Yaya, Johannes Römer, Achim Guckenberger, Thomas John, Stephan Gekle, Thomas Podgorski, Christian Wagner: Vortical flow structures induced by red blood cells in capillaries. In: Microcirculation, 28 (2021). - .

T. Grava, Thomas Kriecherbauer, G. Mazzuca, K. D. T.-R. McLaughlin: Correlation functions for a chain of short range oscillators. In: Journal of Statistical Physics, 183 (2021). - .

Frank Lehmkuhl, Janina J. Nett, Stephan Pötter, Philipp Schulte, Tobias Sprafke, Zdzisław Jary, Pierre Antoine, Lara Wacha, Daniel Wolf, Andrea Zerboni, Jan Hošek, Slobodan B. Marković, Igor Obreht, Pál Sümegi, Daniel Veres, Christian Zeeden, Bruno Boemke, Viktor Schaubert, Jonas Viehweger, Ulrich Hambach: Loess landscapes of Europe : Mapping, geomorphology, and zonal differentiation. In: Earth-Science Reviews, 215 (2021). - .

Lars Grüne, Kirsten Anna Morris: Mini-Workshop : Analysis of Data-driven Optimal Control. In: Oberwolfach Reports, 18 (2021). - S. 1209-1257.

A. Yakhshimuratov, Thomas Kriecherbauer, B. Babajanov: On the construction and integration of a hierarchy for the Kaup system with a self-consistent source in the class of periodic functions. In: Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, 17 (2021). - S. 233-257.

Armin Kögel, Alexandra Völkel, Reinhard Richter: Calming the waves, not the storm : measuring the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability in a tangential magnetic field. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 903 (2020). - .

Leonhard A. Leppin, Michael Wilczek: Capturing Velocity Gradients and Particle Rotation Rates in Turbulence. In: Physical Review Letters, 125 (2020). - .

Stephanie Scheidt, Sonja Berg, Ulrich Hambach, Nicole Klasen, Stephan Pötter, Alexander Stolz, Daniel Veres, Christian Zeeden, Dominik Brill, Helmut Brückner, Stephanie Kusch, Christian Laag, Frank Lehmkuhl, Martin Melles, Florian Monnens, Lukas Oppermann, Janet Rethemeyer, Janina J. Nett: Chronological Assessment of the Balta Alba Kurgan Loess-Paleosol Section (Romania) : A Comparative Study on Different Dating Methods for a Robust and Precise Age Model. In: Frontiers in Earth Science, 8 (2020). - .

Ilaria Xausa, Robert Baier, Olivier Bokanowski, Matthias Gerdts: Computation of avoidance regions for driver assistance systems by using a Hamilton-Jacobi approach. In: Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 41 (2020). - S. 668-689.

Navid Noroozi, Roman Geiselhart, Lars Grüne, Fabian Wirth: Control of discrete-time nonlinear systems via finite-step control Lyapunov functions. In: Systems & Control Letters, 138 (2020). - .

Aliaksandr Mialdun, Mounir M. Bou-Ali, Marco Braibanti, Fabrizio Croccolo, Ane Errarte, José Miguel Ezquerro, José Javier Fernández, Loreto García-Fernández, Quentin Galand, Yuri Gaponenko, Fina Gavaldà, Werner Köhler, Tatyana Lyubimova, José M. Ortiz de Zárate, Jacobo Rodríguez, Xavier Ruiz, Ilya I. Ryzhkov, Marcel Schraml, Valentina Shevtsova, Stephan Van Vaerenbergh, Viktar Yasnou, Henri Bataller: Data quality assessment of Diffusion Coefficient Measurements in ternary mIXtures 4 (DCMIX4) experiment. In: Acta Astronautica, 176 (2020). - S. 204-215.

Lars Grüne, Simon Pirkelmann: Economic Model Predictive Control for Time-Varying System : Performance and Stability Results. In: Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 41 (2020). - S. 42-64.

Adal Sabri, Xinran Xu, Diego Krapf, Matthias Weiss: Elucidating the Origin of Heterogeneous Anomalous Diffusion in the Cytoplasm of Mammalian Cells. In: Physical Review Letters, 125 (2020). - .

Moritz Hauck, Vadym Aizinger, Florian Frank, Hennes Hajduk, Andreas Rupp: Enriched Galerkin method for the shallow-water equations. In: GEM : International Journal on Geomathematics, 11 (2020). - .

Stephanie Scheidt, Ulrich Hambach, Qingzhen Hao, Christian Rolf, Volker Wennrich: Environmental signals of Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic changes in Central Europe : Insights from the mineral magnetic record of the Heidelberg Basin sedimentary infill (Germany). In: Global and Planetary Change, 187 (2020). - .

Lars Grüne, Manuel Schaller, Anton Schiela: Exponential sensitivity and turnpike analysis for linear quadratic optimal control of general evolution equations. In: Journal of Differential Equations, 268 (2020). - S. 7311-7341.

Balthasar Reuter, Andreas Rupp, Vadym Aizinger, Florian Frank, Peter Knabner: FESTUNG: A MATLAB / GNU Octave Toolbox for the Discontinuous Galerkin Method. Part IV. Generic Problem Framework and Model-Coupling Interface. In: Communications in Computational Physics, 28 (2020). - S. 827-876.

Sebastian Johannes Müller, Elham Mirzahossein, Emil N. Iftekhar, Christian Bächer, Stefan Schrüfer, Dirk W. Schubert, Ben Fabry, Stephan Gekle: Flow and hydrodynamic shear stress inside a printing needle during biofabrication. In: PLoS One, 15 (2020). - .

Christian Bächer, Markus Bender, Stephan Gekle: Flow-accelerated platelet biogenesis is due to an elasto-hydrodynamic instability. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (2020). - S. 18969-18976.

Alberto Vailati, Philipp Baaske, Henri Bataller, Serena Bolis, Marco Braibanti, Marina Carpineti, Roberto Cerbino, Fabrizio Croccolo, Jean-Luc Dewandel, Aleksandar Donev, Loreto García-Fernández, Fabio Giavazzi, Robert Haslinger, Steven Hens, Maria Knauer, Werner Köhler, Ewald Kufner, José M. Ortiz de Zárate, Jeroen Peeters, Christian J. Schwarz, Inese Silkina, Shenghua Xu, Daniel Zapf: Giant Fluctuations Induced by Thermal Diffusion in Complex Liquids. In: Microgravity Science and Technology, 32 (2020). - S. 873-887.

Jonas Dehning, Johannes Zierenberg, F. Paul Spitzner, Michael Wibral, Joao Pinheiro Neto, Michael Wilczek, Viola Priesemann: Inferring change points in the spread of COVID-19 reveals the effectiveness of interventions. In: Science, 369 (2020). - .

Christian Hils, Martin Dulle, Gabriel Sitaru, Stephan Gekle, Judith Schöbel, Andreas Frank, Markus Drechsler, Andreas Greiner, Holger Schmalz: Influence of patch size and chemistry on the catalytic activity of patchy hybrid nonwovens. In: Nanoscale Advances, 2 (2020). - S. 438-452.

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach: Magnetic Susceptibility Properties of Loess From the Willendorf Archaeological Site : Implications for the Syn/Post-Depositional Interpretation of Magnetic Fabric. In: Frontiers in Earth Science, 8 (2020). - .

Alexander Rohrbach, Tim Meyer, Ernst H. K. Stelzer, Holger Kress: Measuring Stepwise Binding of Thermally Fluctuating Particles to Cell Membranes without Fluorescence. In: Biophysical Journal, 118 (2020). - S. 1850-1860.

Alexandra Völkel, Armin Kögel, Reinhard Richter: Measuring the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, stabilized by a tangential magnetic field. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 505 (2020). - .

José-Agustín Arguedas-Leiva, Michael Wilczek: Microswimmers in an axisymmetric vortex flow. In: New Journal of Physics, 22 (2020). - .

Pierre-Yves Gires, Mithun Thampi, Matthias Weiss: Miniaturized magnetic stir bars for controlled agitation of aqueous microdroplets. In: Scientific Reports, 10 (2020). - .

Jean-Michel Coron, Lars Grüne, Karl Worthmann: Model predictive control, cost controllability, and homogeneity. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 58 (2020). - S. 2979-2996.

Stefan Banholzer, Giulia Fabrini, Lars Grüne, Stefan Volkwein: Multiobjective model predictive control of a parabolic advection-diffusion-reaction equation. In: Mathematics, 8 (2020). - .

Vasilis Pagonis, Sebastian Kreutzer, Alex Roy Duncan, Ena Rajovic, Christian Laag, Christoph Schmidt: On the stochastic uncertainties of thermally and optically stimulated luminescence signals : A Monte Carlo approach. In: Journal of Luminescence, 219 (2020). - .

Pierre-Yves Gires, Mithun Thampi, Matthias Weiss: Quantifying active diffusion in an agitated fluid. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22 (2020). - S. 21678-21684.

Rebecca Benelli, Philipp Struntz, Dirk Hofmann, Matthias Weiss: Quantifying spatiotemporal gradient formation in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos with lightsheet microscopy. In: Journal of Physics D, 53 (2020). - .

Christoph Schmidt, Mircea Anghelinu, Ulrich Hambach, Daniel Veres, Frank Lehmkuhl: Reassessing the timeframe of Upper Palaeolithic deposits in the Ceahlău Basin (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) : Geochronological and archaeological implications. In: Quaternary Geochronology, 55 (2020). - .

Gerrit Green, Dimitar G. Vlaykov, Juan P. Mellado, Michael Wilczek: Resolved energy budget of superstructures in Rayleigh-Bénard convection. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 887 (2020). - .

Viorica Tecsa, Natalia Gerasimenko, Daniel Veres, Ulrich Hambach, Frank Lehmkuhl, Philipp Schulte, Alida Timar-Gabor: Revisiting the chronostratigraphy of Late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequences in southwestern Ukraine : OSL dating of Kurortne section. In: Quaternary International, 542 (2020). - S. 65-79.

Florian Schneider, Christopher-Bastian Roettig, Daniel Wolf, Philipp Baumgart, Ulrich Hambach, Dominik Faust: Rock magnetics of carbonate systems-investigating palaeodune archives on Fuerteventura (Canary Islands). In: Journal of Quaternary Science, 35 (2020). - S. 594-606.

Dominik Faust, Maximilian Pachtmann, Georg Mettig, Pauline Seidel, Moncef Bouaziz, José Manuel Recio Espejo, Fernando Diaz Del Olmo, Christopher-Bastian Roettig, Sebastian Kreutzer, Ulrich Hambach, Sascha Meszner: Sandy soils in silty loess : the loess system of Matmata (Tunisia). In: Quaternaire, 31 (2020). - S. 175-186.

Barna Páll-Gergely, Yunus Baykal, Thomas Stevens, Daniel Veres, Ulrich Hambach: A sinistral Helicopsis cf. instabilis (Rossmässler, 1838) from Romanian loess. In: Folia Malacologica, 28 (2020). - S. 91-93.

Christian Zeeden, Igor Obreht, Daniel Veres, Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Jan Hošek, Slobodan B. Marković, Janina Bösken, Frank Lehmkuhl, Christian Rolf, Ulrich Hambach: Smoothed millennial-scale palaeoclimatic reference data as unconventional comparison targets : Application to European loess records. In: Scientific Reports, 10 (2020). - .

Bastian Pur, Werner Köhler, Konstantin I. Morozov: The Soret effect of halobenzenes in n-alkanes : The pseudo-isotope effect and thermophobicities. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152 (2020). - .

Anca Avram, Daniela Constantin, Daniel Veres, Szabolcs Kelemen, Igor Obreht, Ulrich Hambach, Slobodan B. Marković, Alida Timar-Gabor: Testing polymineral post-IR IRSL and quartz SAR-OSL protocols on Middle to Late Pleistocene loess at Batajnica, Serbia. In: BOREAS, 49 (2020). - S. 615-633.

Daniel Zapf, Werner Köhler: Thermal and solutal non-equilibrium fluctuations in a polymer solution. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 153 (2020). - .

Alfio Borzì, Lars Grüne: Towards a solution of mean-field control problems using model predictive control. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53 (2020). - S. 4973-4978.

Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett, Steven R. Weller, Karl Worthmann: Towards price-based predictive control of a small scale electricity network. In: International Journal of Control, 93 (2020). - S. 40-61.

Bastian Pur, Florian Schock, Werner Köhler, Konstantin I. Morozov: An Unreasonable Universality of the Thermophoretic Velocity. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11 (2020). - S. 4498-4502.

Stefan Wedler, Axel Bourdick, Stavros Athanasopoulos, Stephan Gekle, Fabian Panzer, Caitlin McDowell, Thuc-Quyen Nguyen, Guillermo C. Bazan, Anna Köhler: What is the role of planarity and torsional freedom for aggregation in a π-conjugated donor–acceptor model oligomer?. In: Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8 (2020). - S. 4944-4955.

Hendrik T. Spanke, Robert W. Style, Claire François-Martin, Maria Feofilova, Manuel Eisentraut, Holger Kress, Jaime Agudo-Canalejo, Eric R. Dufresne: Wrapping of Microparticles by Floppy Lipid Vesicles. In: Physical Review Letters, 125 (2020). - .

Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter, Stefan Hartung: Graphical Magnetogranulometry of EMG909. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 508 (2020). - .

Pedro A. Sánchez, Justus Miller, Sofia S. Kantorovich, Reinhard Richter: Unknotting of quasi-two-dimensional ferrogranular networks by in-plane homogeneous magnetic fields. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 499 (2020). - .

Simon Pirkelmann, David Angeli, Lars Grüne: Approximate computation of storage functions for discrete-time systems using sum-of-squares techniques. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (2019). - S. 508-513.

Christian Bächer, Stephan Gekle: Computational modeling of active deformable membranes embedded in three-dimensional flows. In: Physical Review E, 99 (2019). - .

Robert Baier, Thuy Thi Thien Le: Construction of the Minimum Time Function for Linear Systems Via Higher-Order Set-Valued Methods. In: Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 9 (2019). - S. 223-255.

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Daniel Veres, Kathryn Fitzsimmons, Igor Obreht, Janina Bösken, Frank Lehmkuhl: Corrigendum to "Millennial scale climate oscillations recorded in the Lower Danube loess over the last glacial period" [Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 509, 15 November 2018 164-181]. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 523 (2019). - S. 116-117.

Igor Obreht, Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Daniel Veres, Slobodan B. Marković, Frank Lehmkuhl: A critical reevaluation of palaeoclimate proxy records from loess in the Carpathian Basin. In: Earth-Science Reviews, 190 (2019). - S. 498-520.

Zorica Svirčev, Tamara Dulić, Igor Obreht, Geoffrey A. Codd, Frank Lehmkuhl, Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Jussi Meriluoto: Cyanobacteria and loess-an underestimated interaction. In: Plant and Soil, 439 (2019). - S. 293-308.

Marcel Schraml, Thomas Triller, Daniel Sommermann, Werner Köhler: The DCMIX project : Measurement of thermodiffusion processes in ternary mixtures on ground and in space. In: Acta Astronautica, 160 (2019). - S. 251-257.

Balthasar Reuter, Andreas Rupp, Vadym Aizinger, Peter Knabner: Discontinuous Galerkin method for coupling hydrostatic free surface flows to saturated subsurface systems. In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 77 (2019). - S. 2291-2309.

M. Braibanti, P. -A. Artola, Philipp Baaske, Henri Bataller, J.-P. Bazile, M. M. Bou-Ali, D. S. Cannell, Marina Carpineti, Roberto Cerbino, Fabrizio Croccolo, J. Diaz, A. Donev, Ane Errarte, J. M. Ezquerro, A. Frutos-Pastor, Quentin Galand, G. Galliero, Yuri Gaponenko, Loreto García-Fernández, Jna. Gavaldà, Fabio Giavazzi, M. Giglio, C. Giraudet, H. Hoang, E. Kufner, Werner Köhler, E. Lapeira, A. Laverón-Simavilla, J. -C. Legros, I. Lizarraga, T. Lyubimova, S. Mazzoni, N. Melville, Aliaksandr Mialdun, O. Minster, F. Montel, F. J. Molster, José M. Ortiz de Zárate, J. Rodríguez, B. Rousseau, X. Ruiz, I. I. Ryzhkov, Marcel Schraml, Valentina Shevtsova, C. J. Takacs, Thomas Triller, S. Van Vaerenbergh, A. Vailati, A. Verga, R. Vermorel, V. Vesovic, V. Yasnou, S. Xu, Daniel Zapf, K. Zhang: European Space Agency experiments on thermodiffusion of fluid mixtures in space. In: The European Physical Journal E, 42 (2019). - .

Vasilis Pagonis, Johannes Friedrich, Michael Discher, Anna Müller-Kirschbaum, Veronika Schlosser, Sebastian Kreutzer, Reuven Chen, Christoph Schmidt: Excited state luminescence signals from a random distribution of defects : A new Monte Carlo simulation approach for feldspar. In: Journal of Luminescence, 207 (2019). - S. 266-272.

Christopher M. Kellett, Steven R. Weller, Timm Faulwasser, Lars Grüne, Willi Semmler: Feedback, dynamics, and optimal control in climate economics. In: Annual Reviews in Control, 47 (2019). - S. 7-20.

Anita Freundorfer, Ingo Rehberg, Beverly E. Law, Christoph Thomas: Forest wind regimes and their implications on cross-canopy coupling. In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 279 (2019). - .

Abdallah Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Christina Kurzthaler, Christian Hoell, Andreas Zöttl, Mehdi Mirzakhanloo, Mohammad-Reza Alam, Andreas M. Menzel, Hartmut Löwen, Stephan Gekle: Frequency-dependent higher-order Stokes singularities near a planar elastic boundary : Implications for the hydrodynamics of an active microswimmer near an elastic interface. In: Physical Review E, 100 (2019). - .

M. M. Bou-Ali, Ane Errarte, Aliaksandr Mialdun, Valentina Shevtsova, Marcel Schraml, Werner Köhler: Ground measurements of dcmix 4 project Fullerene based nanofluid. In: MATEC Web of Conferences, 286 (2019). - .

Christian A. Hans, Philipp Braun, Jörg Raisch, Lars Grüne, Carsten Reincke-Collon: Hierarchical distributed model predictive control of interconnected microgrids. In: IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 10 (2019). - S. 407-416.

Janina Bösken, Igor Obreht, Christian Zeeden, Nicole Klasen, Ulrich Hambach, Pál Sümegi, Frank Lehmkuhl: High-resolution paleoclimatic proxy data from the MIS3/2 transition recorded in northeastern Hungarian loess. In: Quaternary International, 502, Part A (2019). - S. 95-107.

Michael Heinrich Baumann: Die k-dimensionale Champagnerpyramide. In: Mathematische Semesterberichte, 66 (2019). - S. 89-100.

Peter Fischer, Ulrich Hambach, Nicole Klasen, Philipp Schulte, Christian Zeeden, Florian Steininger, Frank Lehmkuhl, Renate Gerlach, Ulrich Radtke: Landscape instability at the end of MIS 3 in western Central Europe : evidence from a multi proxy study on a Loess-Palaeosol-Sequence from the eastern Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany. In: Quaternary International, 502, Part A (2019). - S. 119-136.

Gregor Ibbeken, Gerrit Green, Michael Wilczek: Large-Scale Pattern Formation in the Presence of Small-Scale Random Advection. In: Physical Review Letters, 123 (2019). - .

Prakrit Noppradit, Christoph Schmidt, Helmut Dürrast, Ludwig Zöller: Late Quaternary evolution of Songhkla coast, Southern Thailand, revealed by OSL dating. In: Chiang Mai Journal of Science, 46 (2019). - S. 152-164.

Michael Heinrich Baumann, Michaela Baumann, Alexander Erler: Limitations of stabilizing effects of fundamentalists : facing positive feedback traders. In: Economics : the Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 13 (2019). - .

Daniela Constantin, Daniel Veres, Cristian G. Panaiotu, Valentina Anechitei-Deacu, Stefana M. Groza, Róbert Begy, Szabolcs Kelemen, Jan-Pieter Buylaert, Ulrich Hambach, Slobodan B. Marković, Natalia Gerasimenko, Alida Timar-Gabor: Luminescence age constraints on the Pleistocene-Holocene transition recorded in loess sequences across SE Europe. In: Quaternary Geochronology, 49 (2019). - S. 71-77.

Marcel Schraml, Felix Sommer, Bastian Pur, Werner Köhler, G. Zimmermann, V. T. Witusiewicz, L. Sturz: Measurement of non-isothermal transport coefficients in a near-eutectic succinonitrile/(d)camphor mixture. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150 (2019). - .

Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter, Stefan Hartung, Niklas Lucht, Birgit Hankiewicz, Thomas Friedrich: Measuring magnetic moments of polydisperse ferrofluids utilizing the inverse Langevin function. In: Physical Review B, 100 (2019). - .

Lars Grüne, Marleen Stieler: Multiobjective Model Predictive Control for Stabilizing Cost Criteria. In: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B, 24 (2019). - S. 3905-3928.

Robert Baier, Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett: Numerical Calculation of Nonsmooth Control Lyapunov Functions via Piecewise Affine Approximation. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (2019). - S. 370-375.

Lars Grüne, Simon Pirkelmann: Numerical Verification of Turnpike and Continuity Properties for Time-Varying PDEs. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (2019). - S. 7-12.

Arthur Fleig, Lars Grüne: On Dissipativity of the Fokker-Planck Equation for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (2019). - S. 13-18.

Matthias Höger, Lars Grüne: On the relation between detectability and strict dissipativity for nonlinear discrete time systems. In: IEEE Control Systems Letters, 3 (2019). - S. 458-462.

Katherine Fodor, Juan P. Mellado, Michael Wilczek: On the role of large-scale updrafts and downdrafts in deviations from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory in free convection. In: Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 172 (2019). - S. 371-396.

Dimitar G. Vlaykov, Michael Wilczek: On the small-scale structure of turbulence and its impact on the pressure field. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 861 (2019). - S. 422-446.

Stefana M. Groza, Ulrich Hambach, D. Veres, A. Vulpoi, Marc Händel, T. Einwögerer, U. Simon, Christine Neugebauer-Maresch, Alida Timar-Gabor: Optically stimulated luminescence ages for the Upper Palaeolithic site Krems-Wachtberg, Austria. In: Quaternary Geochronology, 49 (2019). - S. 242-248.

Lukas Bentkamp, Cristian Lalescu, Michael Wilczek: Persistent accelerations disentangle Lagrangian turbulence. In: Nature Communications, 10 (2019). - .

Martin Pretscher, Tingting Chen, Gabriel Sitaru, Stephan Gekle, Jian Ji, Seema Agarwal: Precise 2D‐Patterned Incompatible Catalysts for Reactions in One‐Pot. In: Chemistry : a European Journal, 25 (2019). - S. 13640-13646.

Milica G. Radaković, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Ulrich Hambach, Randall J. Schaetzl, Ivana Tošić, Jordana Ninkov, Jovica Vasin, Slobodan B. Marković: Quantitative relationships between climate and magnetic susceptibility of soils on the Bačka Loess Plateau (Vojvodina, Serbia). In: Quaternary International, 502, Part A (2019). - S. 85-94.

Zoran Perić, Emma Lagerbäck Adolphi, Thomas Stevens, Újvári Gábor, Christian Zeeden, Jan-Pieter Buylaert, Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Peter Fischer, Christoph Schmidt, Philipp Schulte, Lu Huayu, Yi Shuangwen, Frank Lehmkuhl, Igor Obreht, Daniel Veres, Christine Thiel, Manfred Frechen, Mayank Jain, Andreas Vött, Ludwig Zöller, Milivoj B. Gavrilov: Quartz OSL dating of late quaternary Chinese and Serbian loess : a cross Eurasian comparison of dust mass accumulation rates. In: Quaternary International, 502, Part A (2019). - S. 30-44.

Christoph Schmidt, Clemens Woda: Quartz thermoluminescence spectra in the high‑dose range. In: Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 46 (2019). - S. 861-875.

Dragan D. Govedarica, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Tijana M. Zeremski, Olga M. Govedarica, Ulrich Hambach, Nemanja A. Tomić, Ivana Sentić, Slobodan B. Marković: Relationships between heavy metal content and magnetic susceptibility in road side loess profiles : a possible way to detect pollution. In: Quaternary International, 502, Part A (2019). - S. 148-159.

Matthias Weiss: Resampling single-particle tracking data eliminates localization errors and reveals proper diffusion anomalies. In: Physical Review E, 100 (2019). - .

Quentin Galand, Stéfan Van Vaerenbergh, Werner Köhler, Oleg Khlybov, Tatyana Lyubimova, Aliaksandr Mialdun, Ilya Ryzhkov, Valentina Shevtsova, Thomas Triller: Results of the DCMIX1 experiment on measurement of Soret coefficients in ternary mixtures of hydrocarbons under microgravity conditions on the ISS. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 151 (2019). - .

Daniel Sommermann, Thomas Triller, Werner Köhler: A Robust Data Evaluation Method for the DCMIX Microgravity Experiments. In: Microgravity Science and Technology, 31 (2019). - S. 465-474.

N. V. Koldunov, Vadym Aizinger, N. Rakowsky, P. Scholz, D. Sidorenko, S. Danilov, Thomas Jung: Scalability and some optimization of the Finite-volumE Sea ice--Ocean Model, Version 2.0 (FESOM2). In: Geoscientific Model Development, 12 (2019). - S. 3991-4012.

Lars Grüne, Manuel Schaller, Anton Schiela: Sensitivity Analysis of Optimal Control for a Class of Parabolic PDEs Motivated by Model Predictive Control. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 57 (2019). - S. 2753-2774.

Thomas Triller, Daniel Sommermann, Marcel Schraml, Felix Sommer, Estela Lapeira, M. M. Bou-Ali, Werner Köhler: The Soret effect in ternary mixtures of water+ethanol+triethylene glycol of equal mass fractions : Ground and microgravity experiments. In: The European Physical Journal E, 42 (2019). - .

Christoph Schmidt, Oliver Simmank, Sebastian Kreutzer: Time-resolved optically stimulated luminescence of quartz in the nanosecond time domain. In: Journal of Luminescence, 213 (2019). - S. 376-387.

Ulrich Hambach, Ian Smalley: Two critical books in the history of loess investigation : "Charakteristik der Felsarten" by Karl Caesar von Leonhard and "Principles of Geology" by Charles Lyell. In: Open Geosciences, 11 (2019). - S. 447-451.

Martin Pretscher, Stephan Gekle, Seema Agarwal: Wolf–Lamb‐type Catalysis in One Pot Using Electrospun Polymeric Catalyst Membranes. In: Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 40 (2019). - .

Cristian Lalescu, Michael Wilczek: Acceleration statistics of tracer particles in filtered turbulent fields. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 847 (2018). - S. R2.

Konstantin Speckner, Lorenz Stadler, Matthias Weiss: Anomalous dynamics of the endoplasmic reticulum network. In: Physical Review E, 98 (2018). - S. 012406.

Rolf Fickentscher, Sebastian W. Krauß, Matthias Weiss: Anti-correlation of cell volumes and cell-cycle times during the embryogenesis of a simple model organism. In: New Journal of Physics, 20 (2018). - .

Randall J. Schaetzl, E. Arthur Bettis, Onn Crouvi, Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, David A. Grimley, Ulrich Hambach, Frank Lehmkuhl, Slobodan B. Marković, Joseph A. Mason, Piotr Owczarek, Helen M. Roberts, Denis-Didier Rousseau, Thomas Stevens, Jef Vandenberghe, Marcelo Zárate, Daniel Veres, Shiling Yang, Michael Zech, Jessica L. Conroy, Aditi K. Dave, Dominik Faust, Qingzhen Hao, Igor Obreht, Charlotte Prudhomme, Ian Smalley, Alfonsina Tripaldi, Christian Zeeden, Roland Zech: Approaches and challenges to the study of loess : Introduction to the LoessFest Special Issue. In: Quaternary Research, 89 (2018). - S. 563-618.

Stefan Hartung, Felix Sommer, Simeon Völkel, Johannes Schönke, Ingo Rehberg: Assembly of eight spherical magnets into a dotriacontapole configuration. In: Physical Review B, 98 (2018). - .

John M. Lawson, Eberhard Bodenschatz, Cristian Lalescu, Michael Wilczek: Bias in particle tracking acceleration measurement. In: Experiments in Fluids, 59 (2018). - .

Achim Guckenberger, Stephan Gekle: A boundary integral method with volume-changing objects for ultrasound-triggered margination of microbubbles. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 836 (2018). - S. 952-997.

Abdallah Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Stephan Gekle: Brownian motion near an elastic cell membrane : A theoretical study. In: The European Physical Journal E, 41 (2018). - .

Armin Kögel, Pedro A. Sánchez, Robin Maretzki, Tom Dumont, Elena S. Pyanzina, Sofia S. Kantorovich, Reinhard Richter: Coarsening dynamics of ferromagnetic granular networks : experimental results and simulation. In: Soft Matter, 14 (2018). - S. 1001-1015.

Sebastian Beyer, Thomas Kleiner, Vadym Aizinger, Martin Rückamp, Angelika Humbert: A confined-unconfined aquifer model for subglacial hydrology and its application to the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream. In: The Cryosphere, 12 (2018). - S. 3931-3947.

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Holger Kels, Philipp Schulte, Jens Protze, Eileen Eckmeier, Slobodan B. Marković, Nicole Klasen, Frank Lehmkuhl: Corrigendum to "Three climatic cycles recorded in a loess-palaeosol sequence at Semlac (Romania) - Implications for dust accumulation in south-eastern Europe" Quat. Sci. Rev. 154C (2016) 130-142. In: Quaternary Science Reviews, 187 (2018). - S. 270-271.

Abdallah Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Hartmut Löwen, Stephan Gekle: Creeping motion of a solid particle inside a spherical elastic cavity. In: The European Physical Journal E, 41 (2018). - .

Lorenz Stadler, Konstantin Speckner, Matthias Weiss: Diffusion of Exit Sites on the Endoplasmic Reticulum : A Random Walk on a Shivering Backbone. In: Biophysical Journal, 115 (2018). - S. 1552-1560.

Jenny Lebert, Eva M. Kratzer, Axel Bourdick, Mihael Čorić, Stephan Gekle, Eva M. Herzig: Directing the Aggregation of Native Polythiophene during in Situ Polymerization. In: ACS Omega, 3 (2018). - S. 6388-6394.

Timm Faulwasser, Lars Grüne, Matthias A. Müller: Economic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. In: Foundations and Trends® in Systems and Control, 5 (2018). - S. 1-98.

Rebekka E. Breier, Cristian Lalescu, Devin Waas, Michael Wilczek, Marco G. Mazza: Emergence of phytoplankton patchiness at small scales in mild turbulence. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (2018). - S. 12112-12117.

Michael Margaliot, Lars Grüne, Thomas Kriecherbauer: Entrainment in the Master Equation. In: Royal Society Open Science, 5 (2018). - .

Anne Marx, Marcus Conrad, Vadym Aizinger, Alexander Prechtel, Robert van Geldern, Johannes A. C. Barth: Groundwater data improve modelling of headwater stream CO₂ outgassing with a stable DIC isotope approach. In: Biogeosciences, 15 (2018). - S. 3093-3106.

Philipp Braun, Timm Faulwasser, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett, Steven R. Weller, Karl Worthmann: Hierarchical distributed ADMM for predictive control with applications in power networks. In: IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 3 (2018). - S. 10-22.

Philipp Struntz, Matthias Weiss: The hitchhiker's guide to quantitative diffusion measurements. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (2018). - S. 28910-28919.

Cristian Lalescu, Michael Wilczek: How tracer particles sample the complexity of turbulence. In: New Journal of Physics, 20 (2018). - .

Abdallah Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Maciej Lisicki, Stephan Gekle, Andreas M. Menzel, Hartmut Löwen: Hydrodynamic coupling and rotational mobilities near planar elastic membranes. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 149 (2018). - .

Christoph Schmidt, Janina Bösken, Thomas Kolb: Is there a common alpha-efficiency in polymineral samples measured by various infrared stimulated luminescence protocols?. In: Geochronometria, 45 (2018). - S. 160-172.

Lara Wacha, Christian Rolf, Ulrich Hambach, Manfred Frechen, Lidija Galović, Marguerita Duchoslav: The Last Glacial aeolian record of the Island of Susak (Croatia) as seen from a high-resolution grain–size and rock magnetic analysis. In: Quaternary International, 494 (2018). - S. 211-224.

Abdessamad Nait-Ouhra, Achim Guckenberger, Alexander Farutin, Hamid Ez-Zahraouy, Abdelilah Benyoussef, Stephan Gekle, Chaouqi Misbah: Lateral vesicle migration in a bounded shear flow : Viscosity contrast leads to off-centered solutions. In: Physical Review Fluids, 3 (2018). - .

Slobodan B. Marković, Thomas Stevens, Joseph A. Mason, Jef Vandenberghe, Shiling Yang, Daniel Veres, Gábor Újvári, Alida Timar-Gabor, Christian Zeeden, Zhengtang Guo, Qingzhen Hao, Igor Obreht, Ulrich Hambach, Haibin Wu, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Christian Rolf, Nemanja A. Tomić, Frank Lehmkuhl: Loess correlations - Between myth and reality. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 509 (2018). - S. 4-23.

Arthur Fleig, Lars Grüne: L²-Tracking of Gaussian Distributions via Model Predictive Control for the Fokker-Planck Equation. In: Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 46 (2018). - S. 915-948.

Yang Song, Zhengtang Guo, Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Chenglong Deng, Lin Chang, Jianyu Wu, Qingzhen Hao: Magnetic stratigraphy of the Danube loess : a composite Titel-Stari Slankamen loess section over the last one million years in Vojvodina, Serbia. In: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 155 (2018). - S. 68-80.

Johannes Friedrich, Sebastian Kreutzer, Christoph Schmidt: Making the invisible visible : observing the UV-reversal effect in quartz using radiofluorescence. In: Journal of Physics D, 51 (2018). - .

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Daniel Veres, Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, Igor Obreht, Janina Bösken, Frank Lehmkuhl: Millennial scale climate oscillations recorded in the Lower Danube loess over the last glacial period. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 509 (2018). - S. 164-181.

Laura J. Lukassen, Richard J. A. M. Stevens, Charles Meneveau, Michael Wilczek: Modeling space-time correlations of velocity fluctuations in wind farms. In: Wind Energy, 21 (2018). - S. 474-487.

Thomas Deutschen, Sophie Gasser, Manuel Schaller, Jochen Siehr: Modeling the self-discharge by voltage decay of a NMC/graphite lithium-ion cell. In: Journal of Energy Storage, 19 (2018). - S. 113-119.

Nils Tjaden, Cyril Caminade, Carl Beierkuhnlein, Stephanie Thomas: Mosquito-Borne Diseases : Advances in Modelling Climate-Change Impacts. In: Trends in Parasitology, 34 (2018). - S. 227-245.

Marian Cosac, George Murătoreanu, Daniel Veres, Loredana Niţă, Christoph Schmidt, Ulrich Hambach, Alexandru Radu, Roxana Cuculici, Dan Lucian Buzea, Monica Margarit, Valentin Dumitrascu, Stefan Vasile, Alexandru Petculescu, Istvan Denes: Multi-proxy archaeological investigations of a Middle Palaeolithic occupation context in Eastern Transylvania, Romania. In: Quaternary International, 485 (2018). - S. 115-130.

Daniel Veres, Marian Cosac, Christoph Schmidt, George Murătoreanu, Ulrich Hambach, Katalin Hubay, Sabine Wulf, David Karátson: New chronological constraints for Middle Palaeolithic (MIS 6/5-3) cave sequences in Eastern Transylvania, Romania. In: Quaternary International, 485 (2018). - S. 103-114.

Navid Noroozi, Roman Geiselhart, Lars Grüne, Björn Rüffer, Fabian Wirth: Non-conservative discrete-time ISS small-gain conditions for closed sets. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63 (2018). - S. 1231-1242.

Marleen Stieler, Michael Heinrich Baumann, Lars Grüne: Noncooperative Model Predictive Control for Affine-Quadratic Games. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 18 (2018). - .

Tobias Sproll, Anton Schiela, Madeleine Lowery: Numerical Identification of Motor Units using an Optimal Control Approach. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51 (2018). - S. 174-179.

Henrik Ronellenfitsch, Jörn Dunkel, Michael Wilczek: Optimal noise-canceling networks. In: Physical Review Letters, 121 (2018). - .

Mathias Schlenk, Eddie Hofmann, Susanne Seibt, Sabine Rosenfeldt, Lukas Schrack, Markus Drechsler, Andre Rothkirch, Wiebke Ohm, Josef Breu, Stephan Gekle, Stephan Förster: Parallel and perpendicular alignment of anisotropic particles in free liquid microjets and emerging microdroplets. In: Langmuir, 34 (2018). - S. 4843-4851.

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Igor Obreht, Qingzhen Hao, Hemmo A. Abels, Daniel Veres, Frank Lehmkuhl, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Slobodan B. Marković: Patterns and timing of loess-paleosol transitions in Eurasia : Constraints for paleoclimate studies. In: Global and Planetary Change, 162 (2018). - S. 1-7.

Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Slobodan B. Marković, Randall J. Schaetzl, Ivana Tošić, Christian Zeeden, Igor Obreht, György Sipos, Albert Ruman, Suzana Putniković, Kathrin Emunds, Zoran Perić, Ulrich Hambach, Frank Lehmkuhl: Prevailing surface winds in Northern Serbia in the recent and past time periods; modern- and past dust deposition. In: Aeolian Research, 31, Part B (2018). - S. 117-129.

Johannes Friedrich, Sebastian Kreutzer, Christoph Schmidt: Radiofluorescence as a detection tool for quartz luminescence quenching processes. In: Radiation Measurements, 120 (2018). - S. 33-40.

Abdallah Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Bhargav Rallabandi, Stephan Gekle, Howard A. Stone: Reciprocal theorem for the prediction of the normal force induced on a particle translating parallel to an elastic membrane. In: Physical Review Fluids, 3 (2018). - .

Daniel Veres, Viorica Tecsa, Natalia Gerasimenko, Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Alida Timar-Gabor: Short-term soil formation events in last glacial east European loess, evidence from multi-method luminescence dating. In: Quaternary Science Reviews, 200 (2018). - S. 34-51.

Abdallah Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Maciej Lisicki, Stephan Gekle: Slow rotation of a spherical particle inside an elastic tube. In: Acta Mechanica, 229 (2018). - S. 149-171.

Vladimir Gaitsgory, Lars Grüne, Matthias Höger, Christopher M. Kellett, Steven R. Weller: Stabilization of strictly dissipative discrete time systems with discounted optimal control. In: Automatica, 93 (2018). - S. 311-320.

Thomas Triller, Henri Bataller, M. M. Bou-Ali, M. Braibanti, Fabrizio Croccolo, J. M. Ezquerro, Quentin Galand, Jna. Gavaldà, E. Lapeira, A. Laverón-Simavilla, T. Lyubimova, Aliaksandr Mialdun, José M. Ortiz de Zárate, J. Rodríguez, X. Ruiz, I. I. Ryzhkov, Valentina Shevtsova, S. Van Vaerenbergh, Werner Köhler: Thermodiffusion in Ternary Mixtures of Water/Ethanol/Triethylene Glycol : First Report on the DCMIX3-Experiments Performed on the International Space Station. In: Microgravity Science and Technology, 30 (2018). - S. 295-308.

Martin James, Wouter J. T. Bos, Michael Wilczek: Turbulence and turbulent pattern formation in a minimal model for active fluids. In: Physical Review Fluids, 3 (2018). - .

Lars Grüne, Roberto Guglielmi: Turnpike properties and strict dissipativity for discrete time linear quadratic optimal control problems. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 56 (2018). - S. 1282-1302.

Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne: Verteilte Optimierung : Anwendungen in der Modellprädiktiven Regelung. In: Automatisierungstechnik, 66 (2018). - S. 939-949.

Martin James, Michael Wilczek: Vortex dynamics and Lagrangian statistics in a model for active turbulence. In: The European Physical Journal E, 41 (2018). - .

Christoph Schmidt, Ludwig Zöller: Zeitreisen ins Erdinnere : Lichtsignale weisen den Weg zur Aktivität von Vulkanen. In: Spektrum, 14 (2018). - S. 18-21.

Stefan Borgers, Simeon Völkel, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg: Exploring Cogging Free Magnetic Gears. In: American Journal of Physics, 86 (2018). - S. 460-469.

Christoph Schmidt, Johannes Friedrich, Grzegorz Adamiec, Alicja Chruscinska, Mauro Fasoli, Sebastian Kreutzer, Marco Martini, Laura Panzeri, Georgios S. Polymeris, Krzysztof Przegietka, Pierre G. Valla, Georgina E. King, David C. W. Sanderson: How reproducible are kinetic parameter constraints of quartz luminescence? An interlaboratory comparison for the 110 °C TL peak. In: Radiation Measurements, 110 (2018). - S. 14-24.

Bernhard Lucke, Christoph Schmidt: Debris flows, soil creep and heavy rains in the Wadi Queilbeh, northern Jordan. In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie : Supplementary Issues, 61 (2017). - S. 159-201.

S. Quint, A. F. Christ, Achim Guckenberger, S. Himbert, L. Kaestner, Stephan Gekle, C. Wagner: 3D tomography of cells in micro-channels. In: Applied Physics Letters, 111 (2017). - .

Vadym Aizinger, Adam Kosík, Dmitri Kuzmin, Balthasar Reuter: Anisotropic slope limiting for discontinuous Galerkin methods. In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 84 (2017). - S. 543-565.

Kevin R. Wilcox, Andrew T. Tredennick, Sally E. Koerner, Emily Grman, Lauren M. Hallett, Meghan L. Avolio, Kimberly J. La Pierre, Gregory R. Houseman, Forest Isbell, David Samuel Johnsen, Juha M. Alatalo, Andrew H. Baldwin, Edward W. Bork, Elizabeth H. Boughton, William D. Bowman, Andrea J. Britton, James F. Jr. Cahill, Scott L. Collins, Guozhen Du, Anu Eskelinen, Laura Gough, Anke Jentsch, Christel Kern, Kari Klanderud, Alan K. Knapp, Jürgen Kreyling, Yiqi Luo, Jennie R. McLaren, Patrick Megonigal, Vladimir Onipchenko, Janet Prevéy, Jodi N. Price, Clare H. Robinson, Osvaldo Sala, Melinda D. Smith, Nadejda A. Soudzilovskaia, Lara Souza, David Tilman, Shannon White, Zhuwen Xu, Laura Yahdjian, Qiang Yu, Pengfei Zhang, Yunhai Zhang: Asynchrony among local communities stabilises ecosystem function of metacommunities. In: Ecology Letters, 20 (2017). - S. 1534-1545.

Philipp Ramming, Kai Huang: Clustering and melting of a wet granular monolayer. In: EPJ Web of Conferences, 140 (2017). - .

Christian Bächer, Lukas Schrack, Stephan Gekle: Clustering of microscopic particles in constricted blood flow. In: Physical Review Fluids, 2 (2017). - .

Ingo Rehberg: Comment on: "Stability of vertical magnetic chains" by Johannes Schönke and Eliot Fried. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473 (2017). - .

Matthias Laumann, Paul Bauknecht, Stephan Gekle, Diego Kienle, Walter Zimmermann: Cross-stream migration of asymmetric particles driven by oscillating shear. In: Europhysics Letters, 117 (2017). - .

Andreas Zippelius, Kai Huang: Density-wave fronts on the brink of wet granular condensation. In: Scientific Reports, 7 (2017). - .

Stephan Gekle: Dispersion of solute released from a sphere flowing in a microchannel. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 819 (2017). - S. 104-120.

Lars Grüne, Thuy Thi Thien Le: A double-sided Dynamic Programming approach to the minimum time problem and its numerical approximation. In: Applied Numerical Mathematics, 121 (2017). - S. 68-81.

Henri Bataller, Thomas Triller, Bastian Pur, Werner Köhler, José M. Ortiz de Zárate, Fabrizio Croccolo: Dynamic analysis of the light scattered by the non-equilibrium fluctuations of a ternary mixture of polystyrene-toluene-n-hexane. In: The European Physical Journal E, 40 (2017). - .

Manuel Baur, Kai Huang: Dynamics of wet granular hexagons. In: Physical Review E, 95 (2017). - .

Simeon Völkel, Kai Huang: Dynamics of wetting explored with inkjet printing. In: EPJ Web of Conferences, 140 (2017). - .

Wolfgang Achtziger, Robert Baier, Elza Farkhi, Vera Roshchina: Exact Penalty and Lagrange Duality via the Directed Subdifferential. In: Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, 2 (2017). - S. 183-220.

Kevin Wilma, Thomas Unger, Sinem Tuncel Kostakoğlu, Manuel Hollfelder, Christoph Hunger, Andreas Lang, Ayse Gul Gurek, Mukundan Thelakkat, Jürgen Köhler, Anna Köhler, Stephan Gekle, Richard Hildner: Excited State Dynamics and Conformations of a Cu(II)-Phthalocyanine-Perylenebisimide Dyad. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (2017). - S. 22169-22176.

Abdallah Daddi Moussa Ider, Stephan Gekle: Hydrodynamic mobility of a solid particle near a spherical elastic membrane : Axisymmetric motion. In: Physical Review E, 95 (2017). - .

Abdallah Daddi Moussa Ider, Maciej Lisicki, Stephan Gekle: Hydrodynamic mobility of a solid particle near a spherical elastic membrane. II. Asymmetric motion. In: Physical Review E, 95 (2017). - .

Abdallah Daddi Moussa Ider, Maciej Lisicki, Stephan Gekle: Hydrodynamic mobility of a sphere moving on the centerline of an elastic tube. In: Physics of Fluids, 29 (2017). - .

Theodore D. Drivas, Perry L. Johnson, Cristian Lalescu, Michael Wilczek: Large-scale sweeping of small-scale eddies in turbulence : A filtering approach. In: Physical Review Fluids, 2 (2017). - .

Dominik Brill, Simon M. May, Majid Shah-Hosseini, Daniel Rufer, Christoph Schmidt, Max Engel: Luminescence dating of cyclone-induced washover fans at Point Lefroy (NW Australia). In: Quaternary Geochronology, 41 (2017). - S. 134-150.

Christoph Schmidt, Maria Schaarschmidt, Thomas Kolb, Georg Büchel, Daniel Richter, Ludwig Zöller: Luminescence dating of Late Pleistocene eruptions in the Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany. In: Journal of Quaternary Science, 32 (2017). - S. 628-638.

Christina Zahn, Steve Keller, Mauricio Toro-Nahuelpan, Philipp Dorscht, Wolfgang Gross, Matthias Laumann, Stephan Gekle, Walter Zimmermann, Dirk Schüler, Holger Kress: Measurement of the magnetic moment of single Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense cells by magnetic tweezers. In: Scientific Reports, 7 (2017). - .

Jan Hošek, Lenka Lisá, Ulrich Hambach, Libor Petr, Lenka Vejrostová, Ales Bajer, Tomáš Matys Grygar, Piotr Moska, Zdenek Gottvald, Michal Horsák: Middle Pleniglacial pedogenesis on the northwestern edge of the Carpathian basin : a multidisciplinary investigation of the Bíňa pedo-sedimentary section, SW Slovakia. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 487 (2017). - S. 321-339.

Andre Förtsch, Matthias Laumann, Diego Kienle, Walter Zimmermann: Migration reversal of soft particles in vertical flows. In: EPL, 119 (2017). - .

Stephanie Scheidt, Ramon Egli, Thomas Frederichs, Ulrich Hambach, Christian Rolf: A mineral magnetic characterization of the Plio-Pleistocene fluvial infill of the Heidelberg Basin (Germany). In: Geophysical Journal International, 210 (2017). - S. 743-764.

Abdallah Daddi Moussa Ider, Maciej Lisicki, Stephan Gekle: Mobility of an axisymmetric particle near an elastic interface. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 811 (2017). - S. 210-233.

Daniel Richter, Philip Klinger, Christoph Schmidt, Paul van den Bogaard, Ludwig Zöller: New chronometric age estimates for the context of the Neanderthal from Wannen-Ochtendung (Germany) by TL and argon dating. In: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 14 (2017). - S. 127-136.

Janina Bösken, Nicole Klasen, Christian Zeeden, Igor Obreht, Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Frank Lehmkuhl: New luminescence-based geochronology framing the last two glacial cycles at the southern limit of European Pleistocene loess in Stalać (Serbia). In: Geochronometria, 44 (2017). - S. 150-161.

Christoph Schmidt, Jean Pierre Tchouankoue, Peguy Noel Nkouamen Nemzoue, Félicité Ayaba, Siggy Signe Nformidah-Ndah, Emmanuel Nformi Chifu: New thermoluminescence age estimates for the Nyos maar eruption (Cameroon Volcanic Line). In: PLoS One, 12 (2017). - .

Lorenz Stadler, Matthias Weiss: Non-equilibrium forces drive the anomalous diffusion of telomeres in the nucleus of mammalian cells. In: New Journal of Physics, 19 (2017). - .

Meir Botner, Yoram Zarai, Michael Margaliot, Lars Grüne: On approximating contractive systems. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62 (2017). - S. 6451-6457.

Michael Heinrich Baumann: On Stock Trading Via Feedback Control When Underlying Stock Returns Are Discontinuous. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62 (2017). - S. 2987-2992.

Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett, Steven R. Weller: On the relation between turnpike properties for finite and infinite horizon optimal control problems. In: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 173 (2017). - S. 727-745.

Christian Clason, Anton Schiela: Optimal control of elliptic equations with positive measures. In: ESAIM : Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 23 (2017). - S. 217-240.

Arthur Fleig, Roberto Guglielmi: Optimal Control of the Fokker-Planck Equation with Space-Dependent Controls. In: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 174 (2017). - S. 408-427.

Florian Johannes Maier, Markus Sesselmann, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Pace and patterns of magnetic swimmers in a billiard pool. In: Physical Review E, 96 (2017). - .

Janina Bösken, Igor Obreht, Christian Zeeden, Nicole Klasen, Ulrich Hambach, Pál Sümegi, Frank Lehmkuhl: Paleoenvironmental conditions at the loess paleosol sequence Bodrogkeresztúr in NE Hungary. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19 (2017). - .

Michael Orlishausen, Lorenz Butzhammer, Daniel Schlotbohm, Daniel Zapf, Werner Köhler: Particle accumulation and depletion in a microfluidic Marangoni flow. In: Soft Matter, 13 (2017). - S. 7053-7060.

Hans de Boeck, Juliette Bloor, Jürgen Kreyling, Johannes Ransijn, Ivan Nijs, Anke Jentsch, Michaela Zeiter: Patterns and drivers of biodiversity-stability relationships under climate extremes. In: Journal of Ecology, 106 (2017). - S. 890-902.

Mario Zanon, Lars Grüne, Moritz Diehl: Periodic optimal control, dissipativity and MPC. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62 (2017). - S. 2943-2949.

Steve Keller, Konrad Berghoff, Holger Kress: Phagosomal transport depends strongly on phagosome size. In: Scientific Reports, 7 (2017). - .

Rolf Fickentscher, Matthias Weiss: Physical determinants of asymmetric cell divisions in the early development of Caenorhabditis elegans. In: Scientific Reports, 7 (2017). - .

Axelle Amon, Philip Born, Karen Daniels, Joshua Dijksman, Kai Huang, David Parker, Matthias Schröter, Ralf Stannarius, Andreas Wierschem: Preface: Focus on imaging methods in granular physics. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, 88 (2017). - .

Felix Ott, Stephan Herminghaus, Kai Huang: Radar for tracer particles. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, 88 (2017). - .

Sebastian Kreutzer, Johannes Friedrich, David C. W. Sanderson, Grzegorz Adamiec, Alicja Chruscinska, Mauro Fasoli, Marco Martini, Georgios S. Polymeris, Christopher I. Burbidge, Christoph Schmidt: Les sables de Fontainebleau : A Natural Quartz Reference Sample and its Characterisation. In: Ancient TL, 35 (2017). - S. 21-31.

Igor Obreht, Ulrich Hambach, Daniel Veres, Christian Zeeden, Janina Bösken, Nicole Klasen, Dominik Brill, Christoph Burow, Thomas Stevens, Slobodan B. Marković, Frank Lehmkuhl: Shift of large-scale atmospheric systems over Europe during late MIS 3 and implications for Modern Human dispersal. In: Scientific Reports, 7 (2017). - .

Michael Heinrich Baumann, Lars Grüne: Simultaneously long short trading in discrete and continuous time. In: Systems & Control Letters, 99 (2017). - S. 85-89.

Christian Zeeden, Igor Obreht, Ulrich Hambach, Daniel Veres, Slobodan B. Marković, Frank Lehmkuhl: Smoothing of millennial scale climate variability in European Loess (and other records). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19 (2017). - .

Sebastian Kreutzer, Christoph Burow, Michael Dietze, Margret C. Fuchs, Manfred Fischer, Christoph Schmidt: Software in the context of luminescence dating: status, concepts and suggestions exemplified by the R package 'Luminescence'. In: Ancient TL, 35 (2017). - S. 1-11.

Jürgen Kreyling, Jürgen Dengler, Julia Walter, Nikolay Velev, Emin Uğurlu, Desislava Sopotlieva, Johannes Ransijn, Catherine Picon-Cochard, Ivan Nijs, Pauline Hernandez, Behlül Güler, Philipp von Gillhaußen, Hans de Boeck, Juliette Bloor, Sigi Berwaers, Carl Beierkuhnlein, Mohammed Abu Sayed Arfin Khan, Iva Apostolova, Yasin Altan, Michaela Zeiter, Camilla Wellstein, Marcelo Sternberg, Andreas Stampfli, Giandiego Campetella, Sándor Bartha, Michael Bahn, Anke Jentsch: Species richness effects on grassland recovery from drought depend on community productivity in a multi-site experiment. In: Ecology Letters, 20 (2017). - S. 1405-1413.

Achim Guckenberger, Stephan Gekle: Theory and algorithms to compute Helfrich bending forces : a review. In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29 (2017). - .

Lorenz Butzhammer, Werner Köhler: Thermocapillary and thermosolutal Marangoni convection of ethanol and ethanol-water mixtures in a microfluidic device. In: Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 21 (2017). - .

Estela Lapeira, Matthias Gebhardt, Thomas Triller, Aliaksandr Mialdun, Werner Köhler, Valentina Shevtsova, M. M. Bou-Ali: Transport properties of the binary mixtures of the three organic liquids toluene, methanol, and cyclohexane. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146 (2017). - .

Michael Dietze, Sebastian Kreutzer, Christoph Burow, Margret C. Fuchs, Manfred Fischer, Christoph Schmidt: The abanico plot : Visualising chronometric data with individual standard errors. In: Quaternary Geochronology, 31 (2016). - S. 12-18.

Lars Grüne: Approximation properties of receding horizon optimal control. In: Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, 118 (2016). - S. 3-37.

Arthur Fleig, Roberto Guglielmi: Bilinear Optimal Control of the Fokker-Planck Equation. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (2016). - S. 254-259.

Michael Orlishausen, Werner Köhler: Competition between phase transition and thermophoretic expansion of a transient poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) network. In: The European Physical Journal E, 39 (2016). - .

Huijuan Li, Lars Grüne: Computation of Local ISS Lyapunov Functions for Discrete-time Systems Via Linear Programming. In: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 438 (2016). - S. 701-719.

Slobodan B. Marković, Pál Sümegi, Thomas Stevens, Igor Obreht, Wei Chu, Björn Buggle, Michael Zech, Roland Zech, Ulrich Hambach, Frank Lehmkuhl, Christian Zeeden, Milivoj B. Gavrilov: The Crvenka loess-paleosol sequence (Vojvodina, Northern Serbia) : a record of continuous domination of the Late Pleistocene grasslands. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18 (2016). - .

Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett, Steven R. Weller, Karl Worthmann: A distributed optimization algorithm for the predictive control of smart grids. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61 (2016). - S. 3898-3911.

Marius Hofmann, Benjamin Kresse, Lutz Heymann, Alexei F. Privalov, L. Willner, Nail Fatkullin, Nuri Aksel, F. Fujara, Ernst Rößler: Dynamics of a Paradigmatic Linear Polymer : A Proton Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry Study on Poly(etylene-propylene). In: Macromolecules, 49 (2016). - S. 8622-8632.

Matthias A. Müller, Lars Grüne: Economic model predictive control without terminal constraints for optimal periodic behavior. In: Automatica, 70 (2016). - S. 128-139.

Frank Sirocko, H. Knapp, F. Dreher, M. W. Förster, J. Albert, H. Brunck, D. Veres, Stephan Dietrich, Michael Zech, Ulrich Hambach, Marieke Röhner, S. Rudert, K. Schwibus, C. Adams, P. Sigl: The ELSA-Vegetation-Stack : Reconstruction of Landscape Evolution Zones (LEZ) from laminated Eifel maar sediments of the last 60,000years. In: Global and Planetary Change, 142 (2016). - S. 108-135.

Arthur Fleig, Lars Grüne: Estimates on the Minimal Stabilizing Horizon Length in Model Predictive Control for the Fokker-Planck Equation. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (2016). - S. 260-265.

Robert Baier, Elza Farkhi, Vera Roshchina: From Quasidifferentiable to Directed Subdifferentiable Functions : Exact Calculus Rules. In: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 171 (2016). - S. 384-401.

Abdallah Daddi Moussa Ider, Stephan Gekle: Hydrodynamic interaction between particles near elastic interfaces. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 145 (2016). - .

Thomas Müller, Kai Huang: Influence of the liquid film thickness on the coefficient of restitution for wet particles. In: Physical Review E, 93 (2016). - .

Igor Obreht, Frank Lehmkuhl, Holger Kels, Ulrich Hambach, Philipp Schulte, Eileen Eckmeier, Nicole Klasen, Janina Bösken, Lydia Krauss, Christian Zeeden: Loess in the foothills of the western Carpathians and its importance for paleoenvironmental reconstruction towards the Carpathian Basin. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18 (2016). - .

Abdallah Daddi Moussa Ider, Achim Guckenberger, Stephan Gekle: Long-lived anomalous thermal diffusion induced by elastic cell membranes on nearby particles. In: Physical Review E, 93 (2016). - .

Christoph Schmidt, Ludwig Zöller: Lumineszenzdatierung als Schlüssel zur Vergangenheit : kaltes Leuchten von Mineralen. In: Chemie in unserer Zeit, 50 (2016). - S. 188-197.

Ali Ghaemi, Alexandra Philipp, Andreas Bauer, Klaus Last, Andreas Fery, Stephan Gekle: Mechanical behaviour of micro-capsules and their rupture under compression. In: Chemical Engineering Science, 142 (2016). - S. 236-243.

Daniel Veres, Marian Cosac, George Murătoreanu, Loredana Niţă, Christoph Schmidt, Ulrich Hambach, Katalin Hubay, Radu Alexandru, Roxana Cuculici, Dan Lucian Buzea, Valentin Dumitraşcu: Multi-method chronological investigation of a Middle Paleolithic stratigraphic context in Eastern Transylvania, Romania. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18 (2016). - .

Philipp Struntz, Matthias Weiss: Multiplexed measurement of protein diffusion in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos with SPIM-FCS. In: Journal of Physics D, 49 (2016). - .

Philipp Baaske, Henri Bataller, Marco Braibanti, Marina Carpineti, Roberto Cerbino, Fabrizio Croccolo, Aleksandar Donev, Werner Köhler, José M. Ortiz de Zárate, Alberto Vailati: The NEUF-DIX space project - Non-EquilibriUm Fluctuations during DIffusion in compleX liquids. In: The European Physical Journal E, 39 (2016). - .

Janina Bösken, Igor Obreht, Nicole Klasen, Christian Zeeden, Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Frank Lehmkuhl: New geochronology of the Stalać section at the southern limit of European loess occurrence through pIR50IR290 dating. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18 (2016). - .

Michael Wilczek: Non-Gaussianity and intermittency in an ensemble of Gaussian fields. In: New Journal of Physics, 18 (2016). - .

Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett, Steven R. Weller: On a discounted notion of strict dissipativity. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (2016). - S. 247-252.

Karl Worthmann, Philipp Braun, Michael Proch, Jörg Schlüchtermann, Jürgen Pannek: On Contractual Periods in Supplier Development. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49 (2016). - S. 60-65.

Achim Guckenberger, Marcel Schraml, Paul G. Chen, Marc Leonetti, Stephan Gekle: On the bending algorithms for soft objects in flows. In: Computer Physics Communications, 207 (2016). - S. 1-23.

Lars Grüne, Matthias A. Müller: On the relation between strict dissipativity and turnpike properties. In: Systems & Control Letters, 90 (2016). - S. 45-53.

Li Liu, Ali Ghaemi, Stephan Gekle, Seema Agarwal: One‐Component Dual Actuation : Poly(NIPAM) Can Actuate to Stable 3D Forms with Reversible Size Change. In: Advanced Materials, 28 (2016). - S. 9792-9796.

Christoph Schmidt, Oana Antohi-Trandafir, Alida Timar-Gabor, Mircea Anghelinu, Daniel Veres, Ulrich Hambach: The Palaeolithic site Bistricioara-Lutarie III in the Romanian Carpathians : Insights from various luminescence methods. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18 (2016). - .

Abdallah Daddi Moussa Ider, Achim Guckenberger, Stephan Gekle: Particle mobility between two planar elastic membranes : Brownian motion and membrane deformation. In: Physics of Fluids, 28 (2016). - .

Gilles Rixhon, Stéphane Cordier, Simon M. May, Daniel Kelterbaum, Nina Szemkus, Rebecca Keulertz, Tibor Dunai, Steven Binnie, Ulrich Hambach, Stephanie Scheidt: Potentials and pitfalls of depth profile (10Be), burial isochron (26Al/10Be) and palaeomagnetic techniques for dating Early Pleistocene terrace deposits of the Moselle valley (Germany). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18 (2016). - .

Philipp Braun, Erwin Hernández, Dante Kalise: Reduced-order LQG control of a Timoshenko beam model. In: Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society : New Series, 47 (2016). - S. 143-155.

Adrian Lange, Christian Gollwitzer, Robin Maretzki, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Retarding the growth of the Rosensweig instability unveils a new scaling regime. In: Physical Review E, 93 (2016). - .

Christoph Burow, Sebastian Kreutzer, Michael Dietze, Margret C. Fuchs, Manfred Fischer, Christoph Schmidt, Helmut Brückner: RLumShiny : a graphical user interface for the R package "Luminescence". In: Ancient TL, 34 (2016). - S. 22-32.

Sabine Wulf, Stanislaw Fedorowicz, Daniel Veres, Maria Łanczont, Dávid Karátson, Ralf Gertisser, Marc Bormann, Enikö Magyari, Oona Appelt, Ulrich Hambach, Petro F. Gozhyk: The ‘Roxolany Tephra’(Ukraine)- new evidence for an origin from Ciomadul volcano, East Carpathians. In: Journal of Quaternary Science, 31 (2016). - S. 565-576.

Marius Hofmann, Benjamin Kresse, Alexei F. Privalov, Lutz Heymann, L. Willner, Nuri Aksel, Nail Fatkullin, F. Fujara, Ernst Rößler: Segmental Mean Square Displacement : Field-Cycling ¹H Relaxometry vs Neutron Scattering. In: Macromolecules, 49 (2016). - S. 7945-7951.

Rolf Fickentscher, Philipp Struntz, Matthias Weiss: Setting the Clock for Fail-Safe Early Embryogenesis. In: Physical Review Letters, 117 (2016). - .

Martin Kehl, Christoph Burow, Pedro Cantalejo, Juan J. Durán, Felix Henselowsky, Nicole Klasen, Jörg Linstädter, F. Javier Medianero, Andreas Pastoors, José Ramos, Klaus Reicherter, Christoph Schmidt, Gerd-Christian Weniger, Salvador Dominguez-Bella: Site formation and chronology of the new Paleolithic site Sima de las Palomas de Teba, Southern Spain. In: Quaternary Research, 85 (2016). - S. 313-331.

Johannes Friedrich, Sebastian Kreutzer, Christoph Schmidt: Solving ordinary differential equations to understand luminescence : 'RLumModel', an advanced research tool for simulating luminescence in quartz using R. In: Quaternary Geochronology, 35 (2016). - S. 88-100.

Werner Köhler, Konstantin I. Morozov: The Soret Effect in Liquid Mixtures - A Review. In: Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 41 (2016). - S. 151-197.

Christian Schaaf, Stephan Gekle: Spatially resolved dielectric constant of confined water and its connection to the non-local nature of bulk water. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 145 (2016). - S. 084901.

Stephan Gekle: Strongly Accelerated Margination of Active Particles in Blood Flow. In: Biophysical Journal, 110 (2016). - S. 514-520.

Mate Puljiz, Michael Orlishausen, Werner Köhler, Andreas M. Menzel: Thermophoretically induced large-scale deformations around microscopic heat centers. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 144 (2016). - .

Christian Zeeden, Holger Kels, Ulrich Hambach, Philipp Schulte, Jens Protze, Eileen Eckmeier, Slobodan B. Marković, Nicole Klasen, Frank Lehmkuhl: Three climatic cycles recorded in a loess-palaeosol sequence at Semlac (Romania) : Implications for dust accumulation in south-eastern Europe. In: Quaternary Science Reviews, 154 (2016). - S. 130-142.

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Holger Kels, Philipp Schulte, Eileen Eckmeier, Slobodan B. Marković, Nicole Klasen, Frank Lehmkuhl: Three climatic cycles recorded in a loess-palaeosol sequence at Semlac (Romania) : implications for dust accumulation in the Carpathian Basin and the northern Hemisphere. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18 (2016). - .

Karl Worthmann, Michael Proch, Philipp Braun, Jörg Schlüchtermann, Jürgen Pannek: Towards Dynamic Contract Extension in Supplier Development. In: Logistics Research, 9 (2016). - S. 1-12.

Igor Obreht, Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Daniel Veres, Slobodan B. Marković, Janina Bösken, Zorica Svirčev, Nikola Bačević, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Frank Lehmkuhl: Tracing the influence of Mediterranean climate on Southeastern Europe during the past 350,000 years. In: Scientific Reports, 6 (2016). - .

Igor Obreht, Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Daniel Veres, Slobodan B. Marković, Janina Boesken, Nikola Bačević, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Frank Lehmkuhl: Tracing the Mediterranean climate influence over the central Balkans (southeast Europe) during the past 350 ka. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18 (2016). - .

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Peter Fisher, Igor Obreht, Philipp Schulte, Janina Bösken, Volker Wennrich, Frank Schäbitz, Nicole Klasen, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Daniel Veres, Slobodan B. Marković, Andreas Vött, Frank Lehmkuhl: An Upper Pleistocene to Holocene limnic record from the Carpathian Basin near Vrsac (Vojvodina, Serbia). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18 (2016). - .

Kai Huang: 1/f noise on the brink of wet granular melting. In: New Journal of Physics, 17 (2015). - .

Igor Obreht, Christian Zeeden, Philipp Schulte, Ulrich Hambach, Eileen Eckmeier, Alida Timar-Gabor, Frank Lehmkuhl: Aeolian dynamics at the Orlovat loess-paleosol sequence, northern Serbia, based on detailed textural and geochemical evidence. In: Aeolian Research, 18 (2015). - S. 69-81.

M. M. Bou-Ali, A. Ahadi, David Alonso de Mezquia, Quentin Galand, Matthias Gebhardt, O. Khlybov, Werner Köhler, M. Larrañaga, J. C. Legros, T. Lyubimova, Aliaksandr Mialdun, I. Ryzhkov, M. Z. Saghir, Valentina Shevtsova, S. Van Vaerenbergh: Benchmark values for the Soret, thermodiffusion and molecular diffusion coefficients of the ternary mixture tetralin+isobutylbenzene+n-dodecane with 0.8-0.1-0.1 mass fraction. In: The European Physical Journal E, 38 (2015). - .

Miriam Jahn, Stephan Gekle: Bulk and interfacial liquid water as a transient network. In: Physical Review E, 92 (2015). - .

Thomas Friedrich, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Comment on "Self-assembly of magnetic balls: From chains to tubes". In: Physical Review E, 91 (2015). - .

Huijuan Li, Sigurdur Freyr Hafstein, Christopher M. Kellett: Computation of continuous and piecewise affine Lyapunov functions for discrete-time systems. In: Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 21 (2015). - S. 486-511.

Huijuan Li, Robert Baier, Lars Grüne, Sigurdur Freyr Hafstein, Fabian Wirth: Computation of local ISS Lyapunov functions with low gains via linear programming. In: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B, 20 (2015). - S. 2477-2495.

Sigurdur Freyr Hafstein, Christopher M. Kellett, Huijuan Li: Computing continuous and piecewise affine Lyapunov functions for nonlinear systems. In: Journal of Computational Dynamics, 2 (2015). - S. 227-246.

Ulrich Hambach, Christian Zeeden, Daniel Veres, Igor Obreht, Janina Bösken, Slobodan B. Marković, Eileen Eckmeier, Peter Fischer, Frank Lehmkuhl: Concurrent and opposed environmental trends during the last glacial cycle between the Carpathian Basin and the Black Sea coast : evidence from high resolution enviromagnetic loess records. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17 (2015). - .

Stephanie Scheidt, Ulrich Hambach, Christian Rolf: A consistent magnetic polarity stratigraphy of late Neogene to Quaternary fluvial sediments from the Heidelberg Basin (Germany) : A new time frame for the Plio―Pleistocene palaeoclimatic evolution of the Rhine Basin. In: Global and Planetary Change, 127 (2015). - S. 103-116.

Matthias Gebhardt, Werner Köhler: Contribution to the benchmark for ternary mixtures : Measurement of the Soret and thermodiffusion coefficients of tetralin+isobutylbenzene+n-dodecane at a composition of (0.8/0.1/0.1) mass fractions by two-color optical beam deflection. In: The European Physical Journal E, 38 (2015). - .

Slobodan B. Marković, Thomas Stevens, George J. Kukla, Ulrich Hambach, Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, Phil Gibbard, Björn Buggle, Michael Zech, Zhengtang Guo, Qingzhen Hao, Haibin Wu, Ken O’Hara-Dhand, Ian Smalley, Gábor Újvári, Pál Sümegi, Alida Timar-Gabor, Daniel Veres, Frank Sirocko, Djordjije A. Vasiljević, Zdzisław Jary, Anderss Svensson, Vidojko Jović, Frank Lehmkuhl, János Kovács, Zorica Svirčev: Danube loess stratigraphy : Towards a pan-European loess stratigraphic model. In: Earth-Science Reviews, 148 (2015). - S. 228-258.

Margret C. Fuchs, Sebastian Kreutzer, Christoph Burow, Michael Dietze, Manfred Fischer, Christoph Schmidt, Markus Fuchs: Data processing in luminescence dating analysis : An exemplary workflow using the R package 'Luminescence'. In: Quaternary International, 362 (2015). - S. 8-13.

Christian Schaaf, Stephan Gekle: Dielectric response of the water hydration layer around spherical solutes. In: Physical Review E, 92 (2015). - .

Karl Worthmann, Christopher M. Kellett, Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne, Steven R. Weller: Distributed and decentralized control of residential energy systems incorporating battery storage. In: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 6 (2015). - S. 1914-1923.

Slobodan B. Marković, Alida Timar-Gabor, Thomas Stevens, Zhengtang Guo, Qingzhen Hao, Yang Song, Ulrich Hambach, Frank Lehmkuhl, Zoran Perić, Igor Obreht, Christian Zeeden, Daniel Veres, Milivoj B. Gavrilov: Dust deposition during the Early Holocene on the loess plateaus of the Vojvodina region in Northern Serbia. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17 (2015). - .

Manuel Hollfelder, Stephan Gekle: Dynamic Stacking Pathway of Perylene Dimers in Aromatic and Nonaromatic Solvents. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119 (2015). - S. 10216-10223.

Manuela Sigurani, Christian Stöcker, Lars Grüne, Jan Lunze: Experimental evaluation of two complementary decentralized event-based control methods. In: Control Engineering Practice, 35 (2015). - S. 22-34.

Kurt Chudej, Anna-Lena Klingler, Andreas Britzelmeier: Flight Path Optimization of a Hang-Glider in a Thermal Updraft. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (2015). - S. 808-812.

Michael Orlishausen, Werner Köhler: Forced Phase Separation by Laser-Heated Gold Nanoparticles in Thermoresponsive Aqueous PNIPAM Polymer Solutions. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119 (2015). - S. 8217-8222.

Michael Wilczek, Richard J. A. M. Stevens, Charles Meneveau: Height-dependence of spatio-temporal spectra of wall-bounded turbulence : LES results and model predictions. In: Journal of Turbulence, 16 (2015). - S. 937-949.

David J. B. Lloyd, Christian Gollwitzer, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Homoclinic snaking near the surface instability of a polarisable fluid. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 783 (2015). - S. 283-305.

Johannes Schönke, Tobias M. Schneider, Ingo Rehberg: Infinite geometric frustration in a cubic dipole cluster. In: Physical Review B, 91 (2015). - .

Julia Hoffmann, Rolf Fickentscher, Matthias Weiss: Influence of organelle geometry on the apparent binding kinetics of peripheral membrane proteins. In: Physical Review E, 91 (2015). - S. 022721.

Jan Hošek, Ulrich Hambach, Lenka Lisá, Tomáš Matys Grygar, Ivan Horáček, Sascha Meszner, Ilja Knésl: An integrated rock-magnetic and geochemical approach to loess/paleosol sequences from Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Republic ) : Implications for the Upper Pleistocene paleoenvironment in central Europe. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 418 (2015). - S. 344-358.

J. C. Legros, Yuri Gaponenko, Aliaksandr Mialdun, Thomas Triller, Alexander Hammon, Chiara Bauer, Werner Köhler, Valentina Shevtsova: Investigation of Fickian diffusion in the ternary mixtures of water–ethanol–triethylene glycol and its binary pairs. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (2015). - S. 27713-27725.

Klaus Petschel, Stephan Stellmach, Michael Wilczek, Johannes Lülff, Ulrich Hansen: Kinetic energy transport in Rayleigh-Bénard convection. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 773 (2015). - S. 395-417.

Vadym Aizinger, Peter Korn, Marco Giorgetta, Sebastian Reich: Large-scale turbulence modelling via α-regularisation for atmospheric simulations. In: Journal of Turbulence, 16 (2015). - S. 367-391.

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Marc Händel: Loess magnetic fabric of the Krems-Wachtberg archaeological site. In: Quaternary International, 372 (2015). - S. 188-194.

Olivia Stiehl, Kathrin Weidner-Hertrampf, Matthias Weiss: Macromolecular crowding impacts on the diffusion and conformation of DNA hairpins. In: Physical Review E, 91 (2015). - S. 012703.

Christoph Schmidt, Karin Kindermann, Philip van Peer, Olaf Bubenzer: Multi-emission luminescence dating of heated chert from the Middle Stone Age sequence at Sodmein Cave (Red Sea Mountains, Egypt). In: Journal of Archaeological Science, 63 (2015). - S. 94-103.

Michael Wilczek: New insights into the fine-scale structure of turbulence. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 784 (2015). - S. 1-4.

Lars Grüne, Manuela Sigurani: Numerical event-based ISS controller design via a dynamic game approach. In: Journal of Computational Dynamics, 2 (2015). - S. 65-81.

Kurt Chudej, Lisa Wagner, Hans Josef Pesch: Numerical Solution of an Optimal Control Problem in Cancer Treatment : Combined Radio and Anti-Angiogenic Therapy. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (2015). - S. 665-666.

N. Shokina, Vadym Aizinger: On numerical modelling of impulse water waves generated by submarine landslides. In: Environmental Earth Sciences, 74 (2015). - S. 7387-7405.

Mareike C. Stahlschmidt, Christopher E. Miller, Bertrand Ligouis, Ulrich Hambach, Paul Goldberg, Francesco Berna, Daniel Richter, Brigitte Urban, Jordi Serangeli, Nicholas J. Conard: On the evidence for human use and control of fire at Schöningen. In: Journal of Human Evolution, 89 (2015). - S. 181-201.

Matthias A. Müller, Lars Grüne, Frank Allgöwer: On the role of dissipativity in economic model predictive control. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (2015). - S. 110-116.

Lars Grüne: Open problem : Strict Dissipativity and the Turnpike Property. In: Oberwolfach Reports, 12 (2015). - S. 651-652.

Thomas Müller, Daniel de las Heras, Ingo Rehberg, Kai Huang: Ordering in granular-rod monolayers driven far from thermodynamic equilibrium. In: Physical Review E, 91 (2015). - .

Oana Trandafir, Alida Timar-Gabor, Christoph Schmidt, Daniel Veres, Mircea Anghelinu, Ulrich Hambach, Simion Simon: OSL dating of fine and coarse quartz from a Palaeolithic sequence on the Bistrita Valley (Northeastern Romania). In: Quaternary Geochronology, 30, Part B (2015). - S. 487-492.

Ludwig Zöller, Christoph Schmidt: OSL-Altersbestimmungen an den spätsaale- bis eemzeitlichen Ablagerungen von Jänschwalde. In: Brandenburgische Geowissenschaftliche Beiträge, 22 (2015). - S. 223-229.

Frank Lehmkuhl, Christian Zeeden, Janina Bösken, Eileen Eckmeier, Ulrich Hambach, Thomas Hauck, Nicole Klasen, Slobodan B. Marković, Igor Obreht, Philipp Schulte, Pál Sümegi, Wei Chu, Alida Timar-Gabor, Daniel Veres: Paleoenvironmental change as derived from loess sediment properties : Examples of last glacial loess sites from the Carpathian Basin. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17 (2015). - .

Lorenz Butzhammer, Simeon Völkel, Ingo Rehberg, Kai Huang: Pattern formation in wet granular matter under vertical vibrations. In: Physical Review E, 92 (2015). - .

Christoph Schmidt, Sebastian Kreutzer, Regina de Witt, Markus Fuchs: Radiofluorescence of quartz : a review. In: Quaternary Geochronology, 27 (2015). - S. 66-77.

Lars Grüne, Vryan Gil Palma: Robustness of performance and stability for multistep and updated multistep MPC schemes. In: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 35 (2015). - S. 4385-4414.

Andrea Fortini, Kai Huang: Role of defects in the onset of wall-induced granular convection. In: Physical Review E, 91 (2015). - .

Igor Obreht, Christian Zeeden, Eileen Eckmeier, Philipp Schulte, Ulrich Hambach, Alida Timar-Gabor, Frank Lehmkuhl: Sedimentological dynamics of the Orlovat loess-paleosol sequence (Northern Serbia) show both local and regional paleoenvironmental fluctuations. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17 (2015). - .

Vryan Gil Palma, Andrea Suardi, Eric C. Kerrigan: Sensitivity-based multistep MPC for embedded systems. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48 (2015). - S. 360-365.

Matthias Gebhardt, Werner Köhler: Soret, thermodiffusion, and mean diffusion coefficients of the ternary mixture n-dodecane+isobutylbenzene+1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 143 (2015). - .

Michael Wilczek, Richard J. A. M. Stevens, Charles Meneveau: Spatio-temporal spectra in the logarithmic layer of wall turbulence : Large-eddy simulations and simple models. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 769 (2015). - S. R1.

Vladimir Gaitsgory, Lars Grüne, Neil Thatcher: Stabilization with discounted optimal control. In: Systems & Control Letters, 82 (2015). - S. 91-98.

Christoph Schmidt, Johannes Friedrich, Ludwig Zöller: Thermochronometry using red TL of quartz? Numerical simulation and observations from in-situ drill-hole samples. In: Radiation Measurements, 81 (2015). - S. 98-103.

Johannes Lülff, Michael Wilczek, Richard J. A. M. Stevens, Rudolf Friedrich, Detlef Lohse: Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection described by projected dynamics in phase space. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 781 (2015). - S. 276-297.

Lars Grüne, Willi Semmler, Marleen Stieler: Using nonlinear model predictive control for dynamic decision problems in economics. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 60 (2015). - S. 112-133.

Olivier Bokanowski, Maurizio Falcone, Roberto Ferretti, Lars Grüne, Dante Kalise, Hasnaa Zidani: Value iteration convergence of ε-monotone schemes for stationary Hamilton-Jacobi equations. In: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 35 (2015). - S. 4041-4070.

Stephan Gekle: Wasser in Grenzen. In: Physik-Journal, 14 (2015). - S. 29-34.

Matthias Gebhardt, Werner Köhler: What can be learned from optical two-color diffusion and thermodiffusion experiments on ternary fluid mixtures?. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 142 (2015). - .

Lars Grüne, Hasnaa Zidani: Zubov's equation for state-constrained perturbed nonlinear systems. In: Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 5 (2015). - S. 55-71.

Lars Grüne, Athena Picarelli: Zubov's method for controlled diffusions with state constraints. In: Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA, 22 (2015). - S. 1765-1799.

Sebastian Kreutzer, Christoph Schmidt, Regina de Witt, Markus Fuchs: The a-value of polymineral fine grain samples measured with the post-IR IRSL protocol. In: Radiation Measurements, 69 (2014). - S. 18-29.

Lars Grüne, Marleen Stieler: Asymptotic stability and transient optimality of economic MPC without terminal conditions. In: Journal of Process Control, 24 (2014). - S. 1187-1196.

Martina Gocke, Sándor Gulyás, Ulrich Hambach, Mladjen Jovanović, Gábor Kovács, Slobodan B. Marković, Guido L. B. Wiesenberg: Biopores and root features as new tools for improving paleoecological understanding of terrestrial sediment-paleosol sequences. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 394 (2014). - S. 42-58.

Frank Lehmkuhl, Christian Zeeden, Janina Bösken, Eileen Eckmeier, Ulrich Hambach, Thomas Hauck, Nicole Klasen, Slobodan B. Marković, Igor Obreht, Philipp Schulte, Pál Sümegi, Daniel Veres, Anja Zander: Climatological and environmental change as derived from physical and geochemical loess sediment properties : Examples of last glacial loess sites from the Pannonian Basin. In: Georeview : Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Geography Series, 24 (2014). - S. 91-94.

Robert Baier, Michael Dellnitz, Mirko Hessel-von Molo, Yannis G. Kevrekidis, Stefan Sertl: The computation of convex invariant sets via Newton's method. In: Journal of Computational Dynamics, 1 (2014). - S. 39-69.

Stephanie Scheidt, Ulrich Hambach, Christian Rolf: A consistent magnetic polarity stratigraphy of Plio-Pleistocene fluvial sediments from the Heidelberg Basin (Germany). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16 (2014). - .

Florian Winkel, Stephan Messlinger, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg, Miriam Siebenbürger, Matthias Ballauff: Corrigendum: Thermal convection in a thermosensitive colloidal suspension (2010 New J. Phys. 12 053003). In: New Journal of Physics, 16 (2014). - .

Christian Rolf, Ulrich Hambach, Ágnes Novothny, Erzsébet Horváth, Elisabeth Schnepp: Dating of a Last Glacial loess sequence by relative geomagnetic palaeointensity : A case study from the Middle Danube Basin (Süttő, Hungary). In: Quaternary International, 319 (2014). - S. 99-108.

Robert Baier, Elza Farkhi, Vera Roshchina: Directed Subdifferentiable Functions and the Directed Subdifferential Without Delta-Convex Structure. In: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 160 (2014). - S. 391-414.

Klaus F. Rinne, Stephan Gekle, Roland R. Netz: Dissecting ion-specific dielectric spectra of sodium-halide solutions into solvation water and ionic contributions. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 141 (2014). - .

Alfred Greiner, Lars Grüne, Willi Semmler: Economic growth and the transition from non-renewable to renewable energy. In: Environment and Development Economics, 19 (2014). - S. 417-439.

Christine Neugebauer-Maresch, Ulrich Hambach, Mircea Anghelinu: Editorial: Loess and the record of Upper Palaeolithic cultures in the Danube Basin. In: Quaternary International, 351 (2014). - S. 1-4.

Slobodan B. Marković, Alida Timar-Gabor, Thomas Stevens, Ulrich Hambach, Dragan Popov, Nemanja A. Tomić, Igor Obreht, Mladjen Jovanović, Frank Lehmkuhl, Holger Kels, Rastko Marković, Milivoj B. Gavrilov: Environmental dynamics and luminescence chronology from the Orlovat loess-palaeosol sequence (Vojvodina, northern Serbia). In: Journal of Quaternary Science, 29 (2014). - S. 189-199.

Elza Farkhi, Tzanko D. Donchev, Robert Baier: Existence of Solutions for Nonconvex Differential Inclusions of Monotone Type. In: Comptes Rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences, 67 (2014). - S. 323-330.

Tobias Damm, Lars Grüne, Marleen Stieler, Karl Worthmann: An exponential turnpike theorem for dissipative discrete time optimal control problems. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 52 (2014). - S. 1935-1957.

Radu Iovita, Adrian Doboş, Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, Mathias Probst, Ulrich Hambach, Marius Robu, Marius Vlaicu, Alexandru Petculescu: Geoarchaeological prospection in the loess steppe : Preliminary results from the Lower Danube Survey for Paleolithic Sites (LoDanS). In: Quaternary International, 351 (2014). - S. 98-114.

Martina Gocke, Ulrich Hambach, Eileen Eckmeier, Lorenz Schwark, Ludwig Zöller, Markus Fuchs, Manfred Löscher, Guido L. B. Wiesenberg: Introducing an improved multi-proxy approach for paleoenvironmental reconstruction of loess-paleosol archives applied on the Late Pleistocene Nussloch sequence (SW Germany). In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 410 (2014). - S. 300-315.

Klaus F. Rinne, Stephan Gekle, Roland R. Netz: Ion-Specific Solvation Water Dynamics : Single Water versus Collective Water Effects. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118 (2014). - S. 11667-11677.

Björn Buggle, Ulrich Hambach, Karoly Müller, Ludwig Zöller, Slobodan B. Marković, Bruno Glaser: Iron mineralogical proxies and Quaternary climate change in SE-European loess-paleosol sequences. In: Catena, 117 (2014). - S. 4-22.

Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett: ISS-Lyapunov functions for discontinuous discrete-time systems. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59 (2014). - S. 3098-3103.

Tin Lukić, Biljana Basarin, Björn Buggle, Slobodan B. Marković, Vladimir M. Tomović, Jovanka Popov Raljič, Ivana Hrnjak, Alida Timar-Gabor, Ulrich Hambach, Milivoj B. Gavrilov: A joined rock magnetic and colorimetric perspective on the Late Pleistocene climate of Orlovat loess site (Northern Serbia). In: Quaternary International, 334-335 (2014). - S. 179-188.

Richard J. A. M. Stevens, Michael Wilczek, Charles Meneveau: Large-eddy simulation study of the logarithmic law for second- and higher-order moments in turbulent wall-bounded flow. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 757 (2014). - S. 888-907.

Igor Obreht, Björn Buggle, Norm Catto, Slobodan B. Marković, Stefanie Bösel, Dimitri A. G. Vandenberghe, Ulrich Hambach, Zorica Svirčev, Frank Lehmkuhl, Biljana Basarin, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Goran Jović: The Late Pleistocene Belotinac section (southern Serbia) at the southern limit of the European loess belt : Environmental and climate reconstruction using grain size and stable C and N isotopes. In: Quaternary International, 334-335 (2014). - S. 10-19.

Michael Hintermüller, Anton Schiela, Winnifried Wollner: The length of the primal-dual path in Moreau-Yosida-based path-following methods for state constrained optimal control. In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 24 (2014). - S. 108-126.

Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, Ulrich Hambach: Loess accumulation during the last glacial maximum: Evidence from Urluia, southeastern Romania. In: Quaternary International, 334-335 (2014). - S. 74-85.

Valentina Anechitei-Deacu, Alida Timar-Gabor, Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, Daniel Veres, Ulrich Hambach: Multi-method luminescence investigations on quartz grains of different sizes extracted from a loess section in Southeast Romania interbedding the Campanian Ignimbrite ash layer. In: Geochronometria, 41 (2014). - S. 1-14.

Stephan Gekle, Roland R. Netz: Nanometer-Resolved Radio-Frequency Absorption and Heating in Biomembrane Hydration Layers. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118 (2014). - S. 4963-4969.

Michael Wilczek, Haitao Xu, Yasuhito Narita: A note on Taylor's hypothesis under large-scale flow variation. In: Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 21 (2014). - S. 645-649.

Anton Schiela, Stefan Ulbrich: Operator preconditioning for a class of inequality constrained optimal control problems. In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 24 (2014). - S. 435-466.

Lars Lubkoll, Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser: An optimal control problem in polyconvex hyperelasticity. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 52 (2014). - S. 1403-1422.

Wolfgang Riedl: Optimization-based subdivision algorithm for reachable sets. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14 (2014). - S. 937-938.

Birgit Terhorst, Peter Kühn, Bodo Damm, Ulrich Hambach, Simon Meyer-Heintze, Sergey Sedov: Paleoenvironmental fluctuations as recorded in the loess-paleosol sequence of the Upper Paleolithic site Krems-Wachtberg. In: Quaternary International, 351 (2014). - S. 67-82.

Michael Wilczek, Charles Meneveau: Pressure Hessian and viscous contributions to velocity gradient statistics based on Gaussian random fields. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 756 (2014). - S. 191-225.

Karl Worthmann, Marcus Reble, Lars Grüne, Frank Allgöwer: The role of sampling for stability and performance in unconstrained nonlinear model predictive control. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 52 (2014). - S. 581-605.

Jef Vandenberghe, Slobodan B. Marković, Mladjen Jovanović, Ulrich Hambach: Site-specific variability of loess and palaeosols (Ruma, Vojvodina, northern Serbia). In: Quaternary International, 334-335 (2014). - S. 86-93.

Andrea Boccia, Lars Grüne, Karl Worthmann: Stability and feasibility of state constrained MPC without stabilizing terminal constraints. In: Systems & Control Letters, 72 (2014). - S. 14-21.

Marta Wacławczyk, Nicola Staffolani, Martin Oberlack, Andreas Rosteck, Michael Wilczek, Rudolf Friedrich: Statistical symmetries of the Lundgren-Monin-Novikov hierarchy. In: Physical Review E, 90 (2014). - .

Steffen Hartmann, Gerhard Wittko, Florian Schock, Wolfgang Gross, Florian Lindner, Werner Köhler, Konstantin I. Morozov: Thermophobicity of liquids : Heats of transport in mixtures as pure component properties - The case of arbitrary concentration. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 141 (2014). - .

Konstantin I. Morozov, Werner Köhler: Thermophoresis of Polymers : Nondraining vs Draining Coil. In: Langmuir, 30 (2014). - S. 6571-6576.

Biljana Basarin, Björn Buggle, Ulrich Hambach, Slobodan B. Marković, Ken O’Hara-Dhand, Andjelka Kovačević, Thomas Stevens, Zhengtang Guo, Tin Lukić: Time-scale and astronomical forcing of Serbian loess-paleosol sequences. In: Global and Planetary Change, 122 (2014). - S. 89-106.

Ulrich Hambach, Christian Zeeden, Daniel Veres, Igor Obreht, Slobodan B. Marković, Eileen Eckmeier, Peter Fischer, Frank Lehmkuhl: Towards mineral magnetic based millennial time scales in Late Pleistocene Danubian Loess-Palaeosol Sequences. In: Georeview : Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Geography Series, 24 (2014). - S. 67-71.

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Slobodan B. Marković, Igor Obreht, Frank Lehmkuhl: Towards modelling of loess-paleosol sequence formation. In: Georeview : Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Geography Series, 24 (2014). - S. 190-193.

Florian Spreitler, Michael Sommer, Manuel Hollfelder, Mukundan Thelakkat, Stephan Gekle, Jürgen Köhler: Unravelling the conformations of di-(perylene bisimide acrylate) by combining time-resolved fluorescence-anisotropy experiments and molecular modelling. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16 (2014). - S. 25959-25968.

Oliver Sander, Anton Schiela: Variational analysis of the coupling between a geometrically exact Cosserat rod and an elastic continuum. In: Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 65 (2014). - S. 1261-1288.

Michael Wilczek, Richard J. A. M. Stevens, Yasuhito Narita, Charles Meneveau: A wavenumber-frequency spectral model for atmospheric boundary layers. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 524 (2014). - .

Slobodan B. Marković, Alida Timar-Gabor, Thomas Stevens, Ulrich Hambach, Frank Lehmkuhl, Igor Obreht, Christian Zeeden, Daniel Veres, Milivoj B. Gavrilov: When Holocene soil formation starts on the loess plateaus of the Vojvodina region in Northern Serbia?. In: Georeview : Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Geography Series, 24 (2014). - S. 98-100.

Tobias Damm, Luc N. Muhirwa: Zero crossings, overshoot and initial undershoot in the step and impulse responses of linear systems. In: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59 (2014). - S. 1925-1929.

Andrii Mironchenko, Jan Kozłowski: Optimal allocation patterns and optimal seed mass of a perennial plant. In: Journal of Theoretical Biology, 354 (2014). - S. 12-24.

Lutz Christian Maul, Martina Stebich, Peter Frenzel, Ulrich Hambach, Thomas Henkel, Lutz Katzschmann, Frank Kienast, Stefan Meng, Kirsty Penkman, Christian Rolf, Melanie Thomas, Ralf-Dietrich Kahlke: Age and palaeoenvironment of the enigmatic Arternian Interglacial - Evidence from the Muschelton at Voigtstedt/Hackelsberg (Thuringia, Central Germany). In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 386 (2013). - S. 68-85.

Ivo R. Peters, Stephan Gekle, Detlef Lohse, Devaraj van der Meer: Air flow in a collapsing cavity. In: Physics of Fluids, 25 (2013). - .

Christopher May, Michael Wild, Ingo Rehberg, Kai Huang: Analog of surface melting in a macroscopic nonequilibrium system. In: Physical Review E, 88 (2013). - .

Yann von Hansen, Stephan Gekle, Roland R. Netz: Anomalous Anisotropic Diffusion Dynamics of Hydration Water at Lipid Membranes. In: Physical Review Letters, 111 (2013). - .

Robert Baier, Matthias Gerdts, Ilaria Xausa: Approximation of reachable sets using optimal control algorithms. In: Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 3 (2013). - S. 519-548.

Christoph Schmidt, Daniel Rufer, Frank Preusser, Matthias R. Krbetschek, Alexandra Hilgers: Assessment of radionuclide distribution in silex by autoradiography in the context of dose rate determination for thermoluminescence dating. In: Archaeometry, 55 (2013). - S. 407-422.

Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, Ulrich Hambach, Daniel Veres, Radu Iovita: The Campanian Ignimbrite eruption : new data on volcanic ash dispersal and its potential impact on human evolution. In: PLoS One, 8 (2013). - .

Daniel Veres, Christine S. Lane, Alida Timar-Gabor, Ulrich Hambach, Daniela Constantin, Alexandru Szakács, Alexander Fülling, Bogdan P. Onac: The Campanian Ignimbrite/Y5 tephra layer : A regional stratigraphic marker for Isotope Stage 3 deposits in the Lower Danube region, Romania. In: Quaternary International, 293 (2013). - S. 22-33.

Stephan Gekle, Axel Arnold: Comment on “Anomalous Dielectric Behavior of Nanoconfined Electrolytic Solutions”. In: Physical Review Letters, 111 (2013). - .

Anton Schiela: A concise proof for existence and uniqueness of solutions of linear parabolic PDEs in the context of optimal control. In: Systems & Control Letters, 62 (2013). - S. 895-901.

Anton Schiela, Daniel Wachsmuth: Convergence analysis of smoothing methods for optimal control of stationary variational inequalities with control constraints. In: ESAIM : Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 47 (2013). - S. 771-787.

Matthias Gebhardt, Werner Köhler, Aliaksandr Mialdun, Viktar Yasnou, Valentina Shevtsova: Diffusion, thermal diffusion, and Soret coefficients and optical contrast factors of the binary mixtures of dodecane, isobutylbenzene, and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 138 (2013). - .

Klaus Petschel, Stephan Stellmach, Michael Wilczek, Johannes Lülff, Ulrich Hansen: Dissipation layers in Rayleigh-Bénard convection : A unifying view. In: Physical Review Letters, 110 (2013). - .

Jan Hošek, Ulrich Hambach, Lenka Lisá, Pavel Havlíček, Ilja Knésl: Dobšice a Zeměchy : perspektivní sprašové lokality pro paleoenvironmentální výzkum svrchního pleistocénu. In: Zprávy o Geologických Výzkumech = Geoscience Research Report, 46 (2013). - S. 121-125.

Yasuhito Narita, Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, Uwe Motschmann, Michael Wilczek: Doppler shift and broadening in solar wind turbulence. In: Earth, Planets and Space, 65 (2013). - S. e5-e8.

Philipp Baumgart, Ulrich Hambach, Sascha Meszner, Dominik Faust: An environmental magnetic fingerprint of periglacial loess : Records of Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences from Eastern Germany. In: Quaternary International, 296 (2013). - S. 82-93.

Philipp Baumgart, Ulrich Hambach, Sascha Meszner, Dominik Faust: The environmental magnetic fingerprint of periglacial loess in Eastern Germany. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15 (2013). - .

Christoph Schmidt, Valéry Sitlivy, Mircea Anghelinu, Victor P. Chabai, Holger Kels, Thorsten Uthmeier, Thomas Hauck, Ionut Băltean, Alexandra Hilgers, Jürgen Richter, Ulrich Radtke: First chronometric dates (TL and OSL) for the Aurignacian open-air site of Româneşti-Dumbrăviţa I, Romania. In: Journal of Archaeological Science, 40 (2013). - S. 3740-3753.

Michael Wilczek, Haitao Xu, Nicholas T. Ouellette, Rudolf Friedrich, Eberhard Bodenschatz: Generation of Lagrangian intermittency in turbulence by a self-similar mechanism. In: New Journal of Physics, 15 (2013). - .

Roland Zech, Michael Zech, Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Yongsong Huang: Humid glacials, arid interglacials? Critical thoughts on pedogenesis and paleoclimate based on multi-proxy analyses of the loess-paleosol sequence Crvenka, Northern Serbia. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 387 (2013). - S. 165-175.

Zorica Svirčev, Slobodan B. Marković, Thomas Stevens, Geoffrey A. Codd, Ian Smalley, Jelica Simeunović, Igor Obreht, Tamara Dulić, Dijana Pantelić, Ulrich Hambach: Importance of biological loess crusts for loess formation in semi-arid environments. In: Quaternary International, 296 (2013). - S. 206-215.

Anton Schiela: An interior point method in function space for the efficient solution of state constrained optimal control problems. In: Mathematical Programming Series A, 138 (2013). - S. 83-114.

Tobias Damm, Dominik Stahl: Linear least squares problems with additional constraints and an application to scattered data approximation. In: Linear Algebra and its Applications, 439 (2013). - S. 933-943.

Frank Lehmkuhl, Holger Kels, Ulrich Hambach, Jens Protze, Eileen Eckmeier, Alexandra Hilgers, Nicole Klasen: Loess and loess-like sediments from the foothills of the Banat Mountains, Romania - Examples from loess sections and Paleolithic sites. In: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, (2013). - .

Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Thomas Stevens, Mladjen Jovanović, Ken O’Hara-Dhand, Biljana Basarin, Huayu Lu, Ian Smalley, Björn Buggle, Michael Zech, Zorica Svirčev, Pál Sümegi, N. Milojković, Ludwig Zöller: Loess in the Vojvodina region (Northern Serbia) : an essential link between European and Asian Pleistocene environments. In: Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 91 (2013). - S. 173-188.

Elias Jarlebring, Tobias Damm, Wim Michiels: Model reduction of time-delay systems using position balancing and delay Lyapunov equations. In: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 25 (2013). - S. 147-166.

Frank Sirocko, Stephan Dietrich, Daniel Veres, Pieter M. Grootes, Katja Schaber-Mohr, Klemens Seelos, Marie-Josée Nadeau, Bernd Kromer, Leo Rothacker, Marieke Röhner, Matthias Krbetschek, Peter Appleby, Ulrich Hambach, Christian Rolf, Masafumi Sudo, Stephanie Grim: Multi-proxy dating of Holocene maar lakes and Pleistocene dry maar sediments in the Eifel, Germany. In: Quaternary Science Reviews, 62 (2013). - S. 56-76.

Vasil Bratanov, Frank Jenko, David R. Hatch, Michael Wilczek: Nonuniversal power-law spectra in turbulent systems. In: Physical Review Letters, 111 (2013). - .

Tobias Damm, Luc N. Muhirwa: On Euclidean Norm Balancing. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 13 (2013). - S. 487-488.

Nicole Klasen, Alexandra Hilgers, Christoph Schmidt, Manuel Bertrams, Daniel Schyle, Frank Lehmkuhl, Jürgen Richter, Ulrich Radtke: Optical dating of sediments in Wadi Sabra (SW Jordan). In: Quaternary Geochronology, 18 (2013). - S. 9-16.

Christoph Schmidt, Sebastian Kreutzer: Optically stimulated luminescence of amorphous/microcrystalline SiO₂ (silex): Basic investigations and potential in archeological dosimetry. In: Quaternary Geochronology, 15 (2013). - S. 1-10.

Florian Schwaiger, Werner Köhler: Photothermal Deformation of a Transient Polymer Network. In: Macromolecules, 46 (2013). - S. 1673-1677.

Michael Dietze, Sebastian Kreutzer, Margret C. Fuchs, Christoph Burow, Manfred Fischer, Christoph Schmidt: A practical guide to the R package Luminescence. In: Ancient TL, 31 (2013). - S. 11-18.

Björn Buggle, Ulrich Hambach, Martin Kehl, Slobodan B. Marković, Ludwig Zöller, Bruno Glaser: The progressive evolution of a continental climate in southeast-central European lowlands during the Middle Pleistocene recorded in loess paleosol sequences. In: Geology, 41 (2013). - S. 771-774.

Robert Baier, Elza Farkhi: Regularity of set-valued maps and their selections through set differences. Part 1: Lipschitz continuity. In: Serdica Mathematical Journal, 39 (2013). - S. 365-390.

Robert Baier, Elza Farkhi: Regularity of set-valued maps and their selections through set differences. Part 2: One-sided Lipschitz properties. In: Serdica Mathematical Journal, 39 (2013). - S. 391-422.

Andreas Königer, Nadine Plack, Werner Köhler, Miriam Siebenbürger, Matthias Ballauff: Thermophoresis of thermoresponsive polystyrene-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) core-shell particles. In: Soft Matter, 9 (2013). - S. 1418-1421.

Vadym Aizinger, J. Proft, Clint Dawson, D. Pothina, S. Negusse: A three-dimensional discontinuous Galerkin model applied to the baroclinic simulation of Corpus Christi Bay. In: Ocean Dynamics, 63 (2013). - S. 89-113.

Stephan Gekle, Roland R. Netz: Anisotropy in the Dielectric Spectrum of Hydration Water and its Relation to Water Dynamics. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 137 (2012). - .

Dominik Stahl, Tobias Damm: Approximation of scattered data using the lifting scheme. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 12 (2012). - S. 739-740.

Pál Sümegi, Sándor Gulyás, Bálint Csökmei, Dávid Molnár, Ulrich Hambach, Thomas Stevens, Slobodan B. Marković, Peter C. Almond: Climatic fluctuations inferred for the Middle and Late Pleniglacial (MIS 2) based on high-resolution (~ ca. 20 y) preliminary environmental magnetic investigation of the loess section of the Madaras brickyard (Hungary). In: Central European Geology, 55 (2012). - S. 329-345.

Frank Gollwitzer, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Krülle, Kai Huang: Coefficient of restitution for wet particles. In: Physical Review E, 86 (2012). - .

Oscar R. Enriquez, Ivo R. Peters, Stephan Gekle, Laura E. Schmidt, Detlef Lohse, Devaraj van der Meer: Collapse and pinch-off of a non-axisymmetric impact-created air cavity in water. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 701 (2012). - S. 40-58.

Aliaksandr Mialdun, Viktar Yasnou, Valentina Shevtsova, Andreas Königer, Werner Köhler, David Alonso de Mezquia, M. M. Bou-Ali: A comprehensive study of diffusion, thermodiffusion, and Soret coefficients of water-isopropanol mixtures. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 136 (2012). - .

Michael Wilczek, Benjamin Kadoch, Kai Schneider, Rudolf Friedrich, Marie Farge: Conditional vorticity budget of coherent and incoherent flow contributions in fully developed homogeneous isotropic turbulence. In: Physics of Fluids, 24 (2012). - .

Radu Iovita, Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, Adrian Dobos, Ulrich Hambach, Alexandra Hilgers, Anja Zander: Dealul Guran : evidence for Lower Palaeolithic (MIS 11) occupation of the Lower Danube loess steppe. In: Antiquity, 86 (2012). - S. 973-989.

P. D. Düben, P. Korn, Vadym Aizinger: A discontinuous/continuous low order finite element shallow water model on the sphere. In: Journal of Computational Physics, 231 (2012). - S. 2396-2413.

Valéry Sitlivy, Victor P. Chabai, Mircea Anghelinu, Thorsten Uthmeier, Holger Kels, Alexandra Hilgers, Christoph Schmidt, Loredana Niţă, Ionut Băltean, Andrej Veselsky, Thomas Hauck: The earliest Aurignacian in Romania : New investigations at the open air site of Româneşti-Dumbrăviţa I (Banat). In: Quartär, 59 (2012). - S. 85-130.

Walter Alt, Robert Baier, Matthias Gerdts, Frank Lempio: Error bounds for Euler approximation of linear-quadratic control problems with bang-bang solutions. In: Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 2 (2012). - S. 547-570.

Steffen Hartmann, Werner Köhler, Konstantin I. Morozov: The isotope Soret effect in molecular liquids : a quantum effect at room temperatures. In: Soft Matter, 8 (2012). - S. 1355-1360.

Rudolf Friedrich, Anton Daitche, Oliver Kamps, Johannes Lülff, Michel Vosskuhle, Michael Wilczek: The Lundgren-Monin-Novikov hierarchy : Kinetic equations for turbulence. In: Comptes Rendus Physique, 13 (2012). - S. 929-953.

Peter Deuflhard, Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser: Mathematical cancer therapy planning in deep regional hyperthermia. In: Acta Numerica, 21 (2012). - S. 307-378.

Ulrich Hambach: The Matuyama-Brunhes Boundary in the Stari Slankamen loess section (Vojvodina, Serbia) : its detailed record and its stratigraphic position. In: Quaternary International, 279-280 (2012). - S. 186.

Manuel Bertrams, Jens Protze, Rene Löhrer, Daniel Schyle, Jürgen Richter, Alexandra Hilgers, Nicole Klasen, Christoph Schmidt, Frank Lehmkuhl: Multiple environmental change at the time of the Modern Human passage through the Middle East: First results from geoarcheological investigations on Upper Pleistocene sediments in the Wadi Sabra (Jordan). In: Quaternary International, 274 (2012). - S. 55-72.

Klaus F. Rinne, Stephan Gekle, Douwe Jan Bonthuis, Roland R. Netz: Nanoscale Pumping of Water by AC Electric Fields. In: Nano Letters, 12 (2012). - S. 1780-1783.

Andreas Königer, Werner Köhler: Optical Funneling and Trapping of Gold Colloids in Convergent Laser Beams. In: ACS Nano, 6 (2012). - S. 4400-4409.

Maria Hänel, Stefan Kuhn, Dominik Henrich, Lars Grüne, Jürgen Pannek: Optimal camera placement to measure distances regarding static and dynamic obstacles. In: International Journal of Sensor Networks, 12 (2012). - S. 25-36.

Armin Rund, Kurt Chudej, Johanna Kerler, Hans Josef Pesch, Kati Sternberg: Optimal control of coupled multiphysics problems : Guidelines for real-life applications demonstrated for a complex fuel cell model. In: GAMM-Mitteilungen, 35 (2012). - S. 146-174.

Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach: Pleistocene environmental dynamics recorded in the loess of the middle and lower Danube basin. In: Quaternary Science Reviews, 41 (2012). - S. 104-118.

Douwe Jan Bonthuis, Stephan Gekle, Roland R. Netz: Profile of the Static Permittivity Tensor of Water at Interfaces : Consequences for Capacitance, Hydration Interaction and Ion Adsorption. In: Langmuir, 28 (2012). - S. 7679-7694.

Christoph Schmidt, Thomas Pettke, Frank Preusser, Daniel Rufer, Haino U. Kasper, Alexandra Hilgers: Quantification and spatial distribution of dose rate relevant elements in silex used for luminescence dating. In: Quaternary Geochronology, 12 (2012). - S. 65-73.

Thomas Friedrich, Tobias Lang, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Spherical sample holders to improve the susceptibility measurement of superparamagnetic materials. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, 83 (2012). - .

Christian Grußler, Tobias Damm: Symmetric Positivity Preserving Balanced Truncation. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 12 (2012). - S. 717-718.

Steffen Hartmann, Gerhard Wittko, Werner Köhler, Konstantin I. Morozov, K. Albers, G. Sadowski: Thermophobicity of Liquids : Heats of Transport in Mixtures as Pure Component Properties. In: Physical Review Letters, 109 (2012). - .

Rudolf Friedrich, Michel Voßkuhle, Oliver Kamps, Michael Wilczek: Two-point vorticity statistics in the inverse cascade of two-dimensional turbulence. In: Physics of Fluids, 24 (2012). - .

Manos Anyfantakis, Andreas Königer, Stergios Pispas, Werner Köhler, Hans-Juergen Butt, Benoit Loppinet, George Fytas: Versatile light actuated matter manipulation in transparent non-dilute polymer solutions. In: Soft Matter, 8 (2012). - S. 2382-2384.

Michael Wilczek, Yasuhito Narita: Wave-number-frequency spectrum for turbulence from a random sweeping hypothesis with mean flow. In: Physical Review E, 86 (2012). - .

Tobias Damm, Luc N. Muhirwa: Zero crossings in the step response of linear time-delay systems. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 12 (2012). - S. 701-702.

Corinna Klapproth, Anton Schiela, Peter Deuflhard: Adaptive timestep control for the contact-stabilized Newmark method. In: Numerische Mathematik, 119 (2011). - S. 49-81.

Markus Burgis, Volker Schaller, Martin Glässl, Benjamin Kaiser, Werner Köhler, Alexei Krekhov, Walter Zimmermann: Anomalous diffusion in viscosity landscapes. In: New Journal of Physics, 13 (2011). - .

Anton Schiela, Winnifried Wollner: Barrier Methods for Optimal Control Problems with Convex Nonlinear Gradient State Constraints. In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 21 (2011). - S. 269-286.

Biljana Basarin, Dimitri A. G. Vandenberghe, Slobodan B. Marković, Norm Catto, Ulrich Hambach, Stefan Vasiliniuc, Cilia Derese, Srđan Rončević, Djordjije A. Vasiljević, Ljiljana Rajic: The Belotinac section (Southern Serbia) at the southern limit of the European loess belt : Initial results. In: Quaternary International, 240 (2011). - S. 128-138.

Douwe Jan Bonthuis, Stephan Gekle, Roland R. Netz: Dielectric Profile of Interfacial Water and its Effect on Double-Layer Capacitance. In: Physical Review Letters, 107 (2011). - .

Michael Hinze, Anton Schiela: Discretization of interior point methods for state constrained elliptic optimal control problems : optimal error estimates and parameter adjustment. In: Computational Optimization and Applications, 48 (2011). - S. 581-600.

Thomas Stevens, Slobodan B. Marković, Michael Zech, Ulrich Hambach, Pál Sümegi: Dust deposition and climate in the Carpathian Basin over an independently dated last glacial-interglacial cycle. In: Quaternary Science Reviews, 30 (2011). - S. 662-681.

Björn Buggle, Bruno Glaser, Ulrich Hambach, Natalia Gerasimenko, Slobodan B. Marković: An evaluation of geochemical weathering indices in loess-paleosol studies. In: Quaternary International, 240 (2011). - S. 12-21.

Maxim Khazimullin, Thomas Müller, Stephan Messlinger, Ingo Rehberg, Wolfgang Schöpf, Alexei Krekhov, Robin Pettau, Klaus Kreger, Hans-Werner Schmidt: Gel formation in a mixture of a block copolymer and a nematic liquid crystal. In: Physical Review E, 84 (2011). - .

Darima B. Andreeva, Katharina Leiber, Bruno Glaser, Ulrich Hambach, Margarita Erbajeva, G. D. Chimitdorgieva, V. Tashak, Wolfgang Zech: Genesis and properties of black soils in Buryatia, southeastern Siberia, Russia. In: Quaternary International, 243 (2011). - S. 313-326.

Ulrich Hambach, Christian Rolf, Christian Zeeden, Slobodan B. Marković, Mladjen Jovanović, Norbert Nowaczyk: Geomagnetic excursions recorded in loess : case studies from the Danubian loess province. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13 (2011). - .

Erzsébet Horváth, Manfred Frechen, Ágnes Novothny, Paul Königer, Christine Thiel, Lara Wacha, Christian Rolf, Ulrich Hambach, Gabriella Barta, Bernadett Bajnoczi: High resolution multi-proxy study of the Süttő loess-palaeosol sequence, Hungary. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13 (2011). - .

Anton Schiela, Andreas Günther: An interior point algorithm with inexact step computation in function space for state constrained optimal control. In: Numerische Mathematik, 119 (2011). - S. 373-407.

I. S. Ivanishko, I. V. Beregovaya, Steffen Hartmann, Werner Köhler, V. I. Borovkov: Intrinsic Reaction Parameters for Electron Transfer from Aromatic Radical Anions to Vicinal Dibromoalkanes in Alkane Solutions. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115 (2011). - S. 9861-9875.

Johannes Lülff, Michael Wilczek, Rudolf Friedrich: Investigation of temperature statistics in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection using PDF methods. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 318 (2011). - .

Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Thomas Stevens, George J. Kukla, Friedrich Heller, William D. McCoy, Eric A. Oches, Björn Buggle, Ludwig Zöller: The last million years recorded at the Stari Slankamen (Northern Serbia) loess-palaeosol sequence : revised chronostratigraphy and long-term environmental trends. In: Quaternary Science Reviews, 30 (2011). - S. 1142-1154.

Ann-Kathrin Schatz, Michael Zech, Björn Buggle, Sándor Gulyás, Ulrich Hambach, Slobodan B. Marković, Pál Sümegi, Thomas Scholten: The late Quaternary loess record of Tokaj, Hungary : Reconstructing palaeoenvironment, vegetation and climate using stable C and N isotopes and biomarkers. In: Quaternary International, 240 (2011). - S. 52-61.

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Leif Steguweit, Mircea Anghelinu: Loess stratigraphy using palaeomagnetism : Application to the Poiana Cireşului archaeological site (Romania). In: Quaternary International, 240 (2011). - S. 100-107.

Oliver Kamps, Michael Wilczek: Long time memory of Lagrangian acceleration statistics in 2D and 3D turbulence. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 318 (2011). - .

Reinhard Richter: Mag(net)ic Liquid Mountains. In: Europhysics News, 42 (2011). - S. 17-19.

Oscar R. Enriquez, Ivo R. Peters, Stephan Gekle, Laura E. Schmidt, Devaraj van der Meer, Detlef Lohse: Non-axisymmetric impact creates pineapple-shaped cavity. In: Physics of Fluids, 23 (2011). - .

Thomas Friedrich, Adrian Lange, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: A note on the magnetic spatial forcing of a ferrofluid layer. In: Magnetohydrodynamics, 47 (2011). - S. 167-174.

Christopher Groh, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Kruelle: Observation of Density Segregation Inside Migrating Dunes. In: Physical Review E, 84 (2011). - .

Michael Wilczek, Anton Daitche, Rudolf Friedrich: On the velocity distribution in homogeneous isotropic turbulence : correlations and deviations from Gaussianity. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 676 (2011). - S. 191-217.

Kai Huang, Ingo Rehberg: Period Tripling Causes Rotating Spirals in Agitated Wet Granular Layers. In: Physical Review Letters, 107 (2011). - .

Klaus Petschel, Michael Wilczek, Martin Breuer, Rudolf Friedrich, Ulrich Hansen: Statistical analysis of global wind dynamics in vigorous Rayleigh-Bénard convection. In: Physical Review E, 84 (2011). - .

Johannes Lülff, Michael Wilczek, Rudolf Friedrich: Temperature statistics in turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convection. In: New Journal of Physics, 13 (2011). - .

Michael Wilczek, Anton Daitche, Rudolf Friedrich: Theory for the single-point velocity statistics of fully developed turbulence. In: Europhysics Letters, 93 (2011). - .

Florian Schwaiger, Walter Zimmermann, Werner Köhler: Transient cage formation around hot gold colloids dispersed in polymer solutions. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 135 (2011). - .

Christian Meyer, Lucia Panizzi, Anton Schiela: Uniqueness criteria for the adjoint equation in state-constrained elliptic optimal control. In: Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 32 (2011). - S. 983-1007.

Michael Wilczek, Benjamin Kadoch, Kai Schneider, Rudolf Friedrich, Marie Farge: Wavelet analysis of the conditional vorticity budget in fully developed homogeneous isotropic turbulence. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 318 (2011). - .

Sergey Dashkovskiy, Michael Görges, Michael Kosmykov, Andrii Mironchenko, Lars Naujok: Modeling and stability analysis of autonomously controlled production networks. In: Logistics Research, 3 (2011). - S. 145-157.

Ralph Lessmeister, Ulrich Hambach, George Murătoreanu: Between subjective construction and objective analyzes : natural hazards and tourism development in the valley of Moieciu de Sus (Romanian Carpathians). In: The Annals of Valahia University of Târgovişte : Geographical Series, 10 (2010). - S. 91-108.

Wim van Hoeve, Stephan Gekle, Jacco H. Snoeijer, Michel Versluis, Michael P. Brenner, Detlef Lohse: Breakup of diminutive Rayleigh jets. In: Physics of Fluids, 22 (2010). - .

Oscar R. Enriquez, Ivo R. Peters, Stephan Gekle, Laura E. Schmidt, Michel Versluis, Devaraj van der Meer, Detlef Lohse: Collapse of nonaxisymmetric cavities. In: Physics of Fluids, 22 (2010). - .

Christian Rolf, Ulrich Hambach, Ágnes Novothny, Elisabeth Schnepp, Kathrin Worm: A combined palaeomagnetic and environmental magnetic investigation of Late Glacial loess from the Middle Danube Basin (Süttö, Hungary). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12 (2010). - .

Stephan Gekle, José Manuel Gordillo: Compressible air flow through a collapsing liquid cavity. In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 67 (2010). - S. 1456-1469.

Corinna Klapproth, Anton Schiela, Peter Deuflhard: Consistency results on Newmark methods for dynamical contact problems. In: Numerische Mathematik, 116 (2010). - S. 65-94.

Christian Gollwitzer, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: From phase space representation to amplitude equations in a pattern-forming experiment. In: New Journal of Physics, 12 (2010). - .

Stephan Gekle, José Manuel Gordillo: Generation and breakup of Worthington jets after cavity collapse : Part 1. Jet formation. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 663 (2010). - S. 293-330.

José Manuel Gordillo, Stephan Gekle: Generation and breakup of Worthington jets after cavity collapse. Part 2. Tip breakup of stretched jets. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 663 (2010). - S. 331-346.

Holger Knieling, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: The growth of localized states on the surface of magnetic fluids. In: Physics Procedia, 9 (2010). - S. 199-204.

Slobodan B. Marković, Thomas Stevens, Ulrich Hambach, Björn Machalett, Mark P. Bokhorst, Jef Vandenberghe, Zorica Svirčev, Ludwig Zöller: High resolution multi-proxy records of the last 60 kyr in the Southeastern Carpathian basin : towards a palaeoclimatic reconstruction from NW to SE Europe. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12 (2010). - .

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Norbert Nowaczyk, Michael Hark: Loess stratigraphy using palaeomagnetism : application to last glacial loess bearing archaeological remains. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12 (2010). - .

Thomas Friedrich, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Magnetic traveling-stripe forcing : Enhanced transport in the advent of the Rosensweig instability. In: Physical Review E, 82 (2010). - .

Andreas Königer, Heiko Wunderlich, Werner Köhler: Measurement of diffusion and thermal diffusion in ternary fluid mixtures using a two-color optical beam deflection technique. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 132 (2010). - .

Hans Josef Pesch, Armin Rund, Wolf von Wahl, Stefan Wendl: On Some New Phenomena in State-constrained Optimal Control if ODE as well as PDE are Involved. In: Control and Cybernetics, 39 (2010). - S. 647-660.

Christopher Groh, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Krülle: Particle dynamics of a cartoon dune. In: New Journal of Physics, 12 (2010). - .

Michael Zech, Andrei A. Andreev, Roland Zech, Stefanie-Katharina Müller, Ulrich Hambach, Manfred Frechen, Wolfgang Zech: Quaternary vegetation changes derived from a loess-like permafrost palaeosol sequence in northeast Siberia using alkane biomarker and pollen analyses. In: BOREAS, 39 (2010). - S. 540-550.

Guido L. B. Wiesenberg, Ulrich Hambach: Reconstruction of anthropogenic activities on the excavations of a fireplace sequence from the Krems-Wachtberg site (Austria) using molecular proxies. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12 (2010). - .

Ulrich Hambach, Maguerita Duchoslav, Christian Rolf, Lara Wacha, Manfred Frechen, Lidija Galović: The rock magnetic characteristics of last glacial cycle loess from the island of Susak (Adriatic Sea, Croatia). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12 (2010). - .

Ludwig Zöller, Ulrich Hambach, Henrik Blanchard, Sina Fischer, Sven Köhne, Rüdiger Stritzke: Der Rodderbergkrater bei Bonn : Ein komplexes Geoarchiv. In: Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, 59 (2010). - S. 44-58.

Kai Huang, Christof A. Krülle, Ingo Rehberg: Snooping in the sand. In: ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 90 (2010). - S. 911-919.

Hans von Suchodoletz, Hedi Oberhänsli, Ulrich Hambach, Ludwig Zöller, Markus Fuchs, Dominik Faust: Soil moisture fluctuations recorded in Saharan dust deposits on Lanzarote (Canary Islands) over the last 180 ka. In: Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 (2010). - S. 2173-2184.

Stephan Gekle, Ivo R. Peters, José Manuel Gordillo, Devaraj van der Meer, Detlef Lohse: Supersonic Air Flow due to Solid-Liquid Impact. In: Physical Review Letters, 104 (2010). - .

Marina Krekhova, Tobias Lang, Reinhard Richter, Holger Schmalz: Thermoreversible Hydroferrogels with Tunable Mechanical Properties Utilizing Block Copolymer Mesophases As Template. In: Langmuir, 26 (2010). - S. 19181-19190.

Marina Krekhova, Günter Lattermann, Holger Schmalz, Tobias Lang, Reinhard Richter: Towards softer thermo-reversible magnetogels. In: Physics Procedia, 9 (2010). - S. 224-228.

Melanie Sierralta, Sándor Kele, Frank Melcher, Ulrich Hambach, Jan Reinders, Robert van Geldern, Manfred Frechen: Uranium-series dating of travertine from Süttő : Implications for reconstruction of environmental change in Hungary. In: Quaternary International, 222 (2010). - S. 178-193.

Sergey Dashkovskiy, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Sabine Kuske, Andrii Mironchenko, Lars Naujok, Caroline von Totth: Production networks as communities of autonomous units and their stability. In: International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2 (2010). - S. 17-42.

Robert Haller-Dintelmann, Christian Meyer, Joachim Rehberg, Anton Schiela: Hölder continuity and optimal control for nonsmooth elliptic problems. In: Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 60 (2009). - S. 397-428.

Anton Schiela: Interior point methods in function space : Newton path-following and adaptivity. In: Oberwolfach Reports, 6 (2009). - S. 254-256.

Slobodan B. Marković, Mark P. Bokhorst, Björn Machalett, D. Štrbac, Ulrich Hambach, B. Basarin, Zorica Svirčev, T. Stevens, M. Frechen, J. Vandenberghe: Last glacial aeolian dynamics at the Titel loess plateau (Vojvodina, Serbia). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11 (2009). - .

Slobodan B. Marković, Ian Smalley, Ulrich Hambach, Pierre Antoine: Loess in the Danube region and surrounding loess provinces : the Marsigli memorial volume. In: Quaternary International, 198 (2009). - S. 5-6.

Hans von Suchodoletz, Peter Kühn, Ulrich Hambach, Michael Dietze, Ludwig Zöller, Dominik Faust: Loess-like and palaeosol sediments from Lanzarote (Canary Islands/Spain) – indicators of palaeoenvironmental change during the Late Quaternary. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 278 (2009). - S. 71-87.

Ulrich Hambach, Mladjen Jovanović, Slobodan B. Marković, Norbert Nowaczyk, Christian Rolf: The Matuyama-Brunhes geomagnetic reversal in the Stari Slankamen loess section (Vojvodina, Serbia) : its detailed record and its stratigraphic position. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11 (2009). - .

Hans Josef Pesch, Michael Plail: The Maximum Principle of Optimal Control : A History of Ingenious Ideas and Missed Opportunities. In: Control and Cybernetics, 38 (2009). - S. 973-995.

Andreas Königer, Börn Meier, Werner Köhler: Measurement of the Soret, diffusion, and thermal diffusion coefficients of three binary organic benchmark mixtures and of ethanol–water mixtures using a beam deflection technique. In: Philosophical Magazine, 89 (2009). - S. 907-923.

Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Norm Catto, Mladjen Jovanović, Björn Buggle, Björn Machalett, Ludwig Zöller, Bruno Glaser, Manfred Frechen: Middle and Late Pleistocene loess sequences at Batajnica, Vojvodina, Serbia. In: Quaternary International, 198 (2009). - S. 255-266.

Uwe Prüfert, Anton Schiela: The minimization of a maximum-norm functional subject to an elliptic PDE and state constraints. In: ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 89 (2009). - S. 536-551.

Ulrich Hambach, Michael Hark, Christian Zeeden, B. Reddersen, Ludwig Zöller, M. Fuchs: The Mono Lake geomagnetic excursion recorded in loess : Its application as time marker and implications for its geomagnetic nature. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11 (2009). - .

Michael Zech, Björn Buggle, Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Thomas Stevens, Ludwig Zöller: Multi-proxy analytical characterisation and palaeoclimatic interpretation of the Crvenca loess-palaeosol sequence, Serbia. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11 (2009). - .

Christian Gollwitzer, A. N. Spyropoulos, A. G. Papathanasiou, A. G. Boudouvis, Reinhard Richter: The normal field instability under side-wall effects : comparison of experiments and computations. In: New Journal of Physics, 11 (2009). - .

Bram M. Borkent, Stephan Gekle, Andrea Prosperetti, Detlef Lohse: Nucleation threshold and deactivation mechanisms of nanoscopic cavitation nuclei. In: Physics of Fluids, 21 (2009). - .

Hans von Suchodoletz, Hedi Oberhänsli, M. Fuchs, D. Faust, Ludwig Zöller, Ulrich Hambach: Obliquity-controlled soil moisture fluctuations recorded in Saharan dust deposits on Lanzarote (Canary Islands) during the last 180 ka. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11 (2009). - .

Kurt Chudej, Hans Josef Pesch, Kati Sternberg: Optimal Control of Load Changes for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Systems : A Challenge in PDE Constrained Optimization. In: SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 70 (2009). - S. 621-639.

Kurt Chudej, Kati Sternberg, Hans Josef Pesch: Optimale Steuerung eines dynamischen Schmelzcarbonat-Brennstoffzellen-Modells. In: Automatisierungstechnik, 57 (2009). - S. 306-314.

Corinna Klapproth, Peter Deuflhard, Anton Schiela: A perturbation result for dynamical contact problems. In: Numerical Mathematics : Theory, Methods and Applications, 2 (2009). - S. 237-257.

Michael Zech, Björn Buggle, Katharina Leiber, Slobodan B. Marković, Bruno Glaser, Ulrich Hambach, Bernd Huwe, Thomas Stevens, Pál Sümegi, Guido L. B. Wiesenberg, Ludwig Zöller: Reconstructing Quaternary vegetation history in the Carpathian Basin, SE-Europe, using n-alkane biomarkers as molecular fossils. In: Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, 58 (2009). - S. 148-155.

Marianne Hartung, Werner Köhler: Reversible mass exchange between two multicomponent systems of different temperatures. In: The European Physical Journal E, 29 (2009). - S. 117-121.

Axel Feltrup, Kai Huang, Christof A. Krülle, Ingo Rehberg: The rotation-reptation transition under broken rotational symmetry. In: The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 179 (2009). - S. 19-24.

Anton Schiela: State constrained optimal control problems with states of low regularity. In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 48 (2009). - S. 2407-2432.

Björn Buggle, Ulrich Hambach, Bruno Glaser, Natalia Gerasimenko, Slobodan B. Marković, Irina Glaser, Ludwig Zöller: Stratigraphy, and spatial and temporal paleoclimatic trends in Southeastern/Eastern European loess–paleosol sequences. In: Quaternary International, 196 (2009). - S. 86-106.

Christian Gollwitzer, Marina Krekhova, Günter Lattermann, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Surface Instabilities and Magnetic Soft Matter. In: Soft Matter, 5 (2009). - S. 2093-2100.

Dominik Stadelmaier, Werner Köhler: Thermal Diffusion of Dilute Polymer Solutions: The Role of Chain Flexibility and the Effective Segment Size. In: Macromolecules, 42 (2009). - S. 9147-9152.

Ludwig Zöller, Ulrich Hambach: Tiefseefurche statt Tiefseegraben. In: Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 36 (2009). - S. 28-30.

Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Leif Steguweit, Alexander Fülling, Mircea Angelinhu, Ludwig Zöller: Using the relative intensity variation of the Earth's magnetic palaeofield as correlative dating technique : a case study from loess with Upper Palaeolithic cultural layers at Poiana Cirecului, Romania. In: Quartär, 56 (2009). - S. 175-185.

Björn Buggle, Michael Zech, Natalia Gerasimenko, Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Bruno Glaser: 600.000 years of Quaternary landscape history in Southeastern Europe : a lipid biomarker perspective. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11 (2009). - .

Jiayin Yuan, Haitao Gao, Felix Schacher, Youyong Xu, Reinhard Richter, Wolfgang Tremel, Axel H. E. Müller: Alignment of Tellurium Nanorods via a Magnetization-Alignment-Demagnetization ("MAD") Process assisted by an External Magnetic Field. In: ACS Nano, 3 (2009). - S. 1441-1450.

Stephan Gekle, Jacco H. Snoeijer, Detlef Lohse, Devaraj van der Meer: Approach to universality in axisymmetric bubble pinch-off. In: Physical Review E, 80 (2009). - .

Anton Schiela: Barrier methods for optimal control problems with state constraints. In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 20 (2009). - S. 1002-1031.

Hans Josef Pesch, Kurt Chudej: Brennstoffzellen brennen nicht durch - Lebensdauerrekord mit Mathematik. In: Spektrum, (2009). - S. 15-17.

Raymond Bergmann, Devaraj van der Meer, Stephan Gekle, Arjan van der Bos, Detlef Lohse: Controlled impact of a disk on a water surface : cavity dynamics. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 633 (2009). - S. 381-409.

Thilo Pollak, Werner Köhler: Critical assessment of diffusion coefficients in semidilute to concentrated solutions of polystyrene in toluene. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 130 (2009). - .

Michael Wilczek, Rudolf Friedrich: Dynamical origins for non-Gaussian vorticity distributions in turbulent flows. In: Physical Review E, 80 (2009). - .

Christopher Groh, Andreas Wierschem, Nuri Aksel, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Kruelle: Erratum: Barchan dunes in two dimensions : Experimental tests for minimal models [Phys. Rev. E 78, 021304 (2008)]. In: Physical Review E, 79 (2009). - .

Hans von Suchodoletz, Hedi Oberhänsli, Ulrich Hambach, M. Fuchs, D. Faust, Ludwig Zöller: The evolution of Saharan dust input in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) : Lower Holocene triggering by human activity in the northwest Sahara?. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11 (2009). - .

Stephan Gekle, José Manuel Gordillo, Devaraj van der Meer, Detlef Lohse: High-Speed Jet Formation after Solid Object Impact. In: Physical Review Letters, 102 (2009). - .

Christopher Groh, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Kruelle: How attractive is a barchan dune?. In: New Journal of Physics, 11 (2009). - .

Björn Machalett, Eric A. Oches, Manfred Frechen, Ludwig Zöller, Ulrich Hambach, Nadira G. Mavlyanova, Slobodan B. Marković, Wilfried Endlicher: Aeolian dust dynamics in central Asia during the Pleistocene : Driven by the long-term migration, seasonality, and permanency of the Asiatic polar front. In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9 (2008). - .

Martin Weiser, Tobias Gänzler, Anton Schiela: A control reduced primal interior point method for a class of control constrained optimal control problems. In: Computational Optimization and Applications, 41 (2008). - S. 127-145.

Helmut Maurer, Hans Josef Pesch: Direct optimization methods for solving a complex state-constrained optimal control problem in microeconomics. In: Applied Mathematics and Computation, 204 (2008). - S. 568-579.

Reinhard Richter: Flüssige magnetische Gebirge. In: Physik-Journal, 7 (2008). - S. 39-44.

Dominik Stadelmaier, Werner Köhler: From Small Molecules to High Polymers : Investigation of the Crossover of Thermal Diffusion in Dilute Polystyrene Solutions. In: Macromolecules, 41 (2008). - S. 6205-6209.

Björn Buggle, Bruno Glaser, Ludwig Zöller, Ulrich Hambach, Slobodan B. Marković, Irina Glaser, Natalia Gerasimenko: Geochemical characterization and origin of Southeastern and Eastern European loesses (Serbia, Romania, Ukraine). In: Quaternary Science Reviews, 27 (2008). - S. 1058-1075.

C. Markley, Björn Machalett, Ulrich Hambach, Eric A. Oches: Glacial-interglacial Climate Variability in the Black Sea Region Since MIS 15 : Record of Highly Resolved Particle-size Dynamics From the Loess Sequence Mircea Voda, Romania. In: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, (2008). - .

Michael Wilczek, Oliver Kamps, Rudolf Friedrich: Lagrangian investigation of two-dimensional decaying turbulence. In: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 237 (2008). - S. 2090-2094.

Michael Wilczek, Frank Jenko, Rudolf Friedrich: Lagrangian particle statistics in turbulent flows from a simple vortex model. In: Physical Review E, 77 (2008). - .

Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Björn Machalett, T. Stevens, G. J. Kukla, F. Heller, E. A. Ouches, William D. McCoy, B. Buggle, Ludwig Zöller, B. Basarin, N. Milojković, Tin Lukić: The last 850 millennia recorded at the Stari Slankamen loess-paleosol sequence : revised chronostratigraphy and long-term environmental trends. In: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, (2008). - .

Slobodan B. Marković, Mark P. Bokhorst, Jef Vandenberghe, William D. McCoy, Eric A. Oches, Ulrich Hambach, Tivadar Gaudenyi, Mladjen Jovanović, Ludwig Zöller, Thomas Stevens, Björn Machalett: Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences in the Vojvodina region, north Serbia. In: Journal of Quaternary Science, 23 (2008). - S. 73-84.

Ulrich Hambach, Christian Rolf, Elisabeth Schnepp: Magnetic dating of Quaternary sediments, volcanites and archaeological materials : an overview. In: Quaternary Science Journal, 57 (2008). - S. 25-51.

Christian Gollwitzer, Alexander Turanov, Marina Krekhova, Günter Lattermann, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Measuring the deformation of a ferrogel sphere in a homogeneous magnetic field. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 128 (2008). - .

Philip R. Nigst, T. Bence Viola, Paul Haesaerts, Simon Blockley, Freddy Damblon, Christa Frank, Ulrich Hambach, Carolina Mallol, Luc Moreau, Laura Niven, Daniel Richter, Michael Richards, Ludwig Zöller, Jean-Jacques Hublin, Gerhard Trnka: Neue Forschungen in Willendorf II : ein Vorbericht über die Grabung 2006. In: Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 138 (2008). - S. 79-88.

Philip R. Nigst, T. Bence Viola, Paul Haesaerts, Simon Blockley, Freddy Damblon, Christa Frank, Markus Fuchs, Michael Götzinger, Ulrich Hambach, Carolina Mallol, Luc Moreau, Laura Niven, Michael Richards, Daniel Richter, Ludwig Zöller, Gerhard Trnka, Jean-Jacques Hublin: New research on the Aurignacian of Central Europe : a first note on the 2006 fieldwork at Willendorf II. In: Quartär, 55 (2008). - S. 9-15.

Stephan Gekle, Arjan van der Bos, Raymond Bergmann, Devaraj van der Meer, Detlef Lohse: Noncontinuous Froude Number Scaling for the Closure Depth of a Cylindrical Cavity. In: Physical Review Letters, 100 (2008). - .

Matthias Gerdts, Günter Greif, Hans Josef Pesch: Numerical Optimal Control of the Wave Equation: Optimal Boundary Control of a String to Rest in Finite Time. In: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 79 (2008). - S. 1020-1032.

Thorsten Vollmer, Werner Ricken, Michael Weber, Nikolaos Tougiannidis, Heinz-Gerd Röhling, Ulrich Hambach: Orbital control on Upper Triassic Playa cycles of the Steinmergel-Keuper (Norian) : a new concept for ancient playa cycles. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 267 (2008). - S. 1-16.

Slobodan B. Marković, D. Štrbac, Ulrich Hambach, Björn Machalett, Mladjen Jovanović, Ludwig Zöller, Tin Lukić, Tivadar Gaudenyi, B. Basarin: Paleosurface reconstruction of the Titel loess plateau (Vojvodina, Serbia) using GIS. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10 (2008). - .

Kati Sternberg, Kurt Chudej, Hans Josef Pesch, Armin Rund: Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Fast Load Changes of a Dynamic MCFC Model. In: Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 5 (2008). - .

Achim Beetz, Christian Gollwitzer, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Response of a ferrofluid to traveling-stripe forcing. In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20 (2008). - .

Christian Rolf, Ulrich Hambach, M. Weidenfeller: Rock and palaeomagnetic evidence for the Plio-Pleistocene palaeoclimatic change recorded in Upper Rhine Graben sediments (Core Ludwigshafen-Parkinsel). In: Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 87 (2008). - S. 41-50.

Verena Sterr, Robert Krauß, Konstantin I. Morozov, Ingo Rehberg, Andreas Engel, Reinhard Richter: Rolling ferrofluid drop on the surface of a liquid. In: New Journal of Physics, 10 (2008). - .

Anton Schiela: A simplified approach to semismooth Newton methods in function space. In: SIAM Journal on Optimization, 19 (2008). - S. 1417-1432.

Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser: Superlinear convergence of the control reduced interior point method for PDE constrained optimization. In: Computational Optimization and Applications, 39 (2008). - S. 369-393.

Martin May, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg, Alexei Krekhov, Agnes Buka: Transition from longitudinal to transversal patterns in an anisotropic system. In: Physical Review E, 78 (2008). - .

Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Eric A. Oches, William D. McCoy, Ludwig Zöller, Mladjen Jovanović: 850 Millennia of paleoclimatic history recorded in the loess sequences of Vojvodina region, Serbia. In: Quaternary International, 167-168 (2007). - S. 269.

Björn Machalett, Eric A. Oches, Manfred Frechen, Ludwig Zöller, Nadira G. Mavlyanova, Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Wilfried Endlicher: Aeolian dust dynamics in Central Asia during the Pleistocene : driven by alternating atmospheric circulation patterns and/or the seasonal shift of the Asiatic polar front. In: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, (2007). - .

Jürgen Rauch, Marianne Hartung, Alexei F. Privalov, Werner Köhler: Correlation between thermal diffusion and solvent self-diffusion in semidilute and concentrated polymer solutions. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 126 (2007). - .

Christian Zeeden, Michael Hark, Ulrich Hambach, Slobodan B. Marković, Ludwig Zöller: Depressions on the Titel loess plateau : Form, pattern, genesis. In: Geographica Pannonica, 11 (2007). - S. 4-8.

Matthias Müller, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg: Experimental observation of a nonpitchfork acceleration instability in a nematic liquid crystal. In: Physical Review E, 76 (2007). - .

Matthias Müller, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg, Andreas Timme, Günter Lattermann: Fréedericksz transition in a thermoreversible nematic gel. In: Physical Review E, 76 (2007). - .

Thomas Bartsch, Stephan Gekle, Jörg Main, Turgay Uzer: Gluing Torus Families across a Singularity : The Lens Space for the Hydrogen Atom in Crossed Fields. In: Progress of Theoretical Physics : Supplement, 166 (2007). - S. 45-55.

Holger Knieling, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Gunar Matthies, Adrian Lange: Growth of surface undulations at the Rosensweig instability. In: Physical Review E, 76 (2007). - .

Stephan Gekle, Jörg Main, Thomas Bartsch, Turgay Uzer: Hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields : Phase space topology and torus quantization via periodic orbits. In: Physical Review A, 75 (2007). - .

Albert Voit, Alexei Krekhov, Werner Köhler: Laser-induced structures in a polymer blend in the vicinity of the phase boundary. In: Physical Review E, 76 (2007). - .

Björn Buggle, Bruno Glaser, Ulrich Hambach, Ludwig Zöller, Natalia Gerasimenko, Irina Glaser, Slobodan B. Marković: Löss-Paläoboden Sequenzen an Donau und Dnieper - Klimaarchive der letzten 700.000 Jahre. In: Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 110 (2007). - S. 439-440.

Holger Knieling, Adrian Lange, Gunar Matthies, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Maximal growth rate at the Rosensweig instability : theory, experiment, and numerics. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 7 (2007). - .

Gerhard Wittko, Werner Köhler: On the temperature dependence of thermal diffusion of liquid mixtures. In: Europhysics Letters, 78 (2007). - .

Marianne Hartung, Werner Köhler: Optical cell with periodic resistive heating for the measurement of heat, mass, and thermal diffusions in liquid mixtures. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, 78 (2007). - .

Armin Rund, Kati Sternberg, Hans Josef Pesch, Kurt Chudej: Optimal control of a large PDAE molten carbonate fuel cell model. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 7 (2007). - S. 1151703-1151704.

Kerstin Brandes, Roland Griesse: Quantitative stability analysis of optimal solutions in PDE-constrained optimization. In: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 206 (2007). - S. 908-926.

Albert Voit, Alexei Krekhov, Werner Köhler: Quenching a UCST Polymer Blend into Phase Separation by Local Heating. In: Macromolecules, 40 (2007). - S. 9-11.

Christopher Groh, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Friedrich H. Busse: Reorientation of a hexagonal pattern under broken symmetry : The hexagon flip. In: Physical Review E, 76 (2007). - .

Kati Sternberg, Kurt Chudej, Hans Josef Pesch: Suboptimal Control of a 2D Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell PDAE Model. In: Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 13 (2007). - S. 471-485.

Christian Gollwitzer, Gunar Matthies, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Lutz Tobiska: The surface topography of a magnetic fluid : a quantitative comparison between experiment and numerical simulation. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 571 (2007). - S. 455-474.

Stephan Gekle, Jörg Main, Thomas Bartsch: Torus Construction and Quantization for the Hydrogen Atom in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields. In: Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 10 (2007). - S. 164-169.

Stephan Gekle, Jörg Main, Thomas Bartsch, Turgay Uzer: Extracting Multidimensional Phase Space Topology from Periodic Orbits. In: Physical Review Letters, 97 (2006). - .

Andreas Götzendorfer, Chi-Hwang Tai, Christof A. Krülle, Ingo Rehberg, Shu-San Hsiau: Fluidization of a vertically vibrated two-dimensional hard sphere packing : A granular meltdown. In: Physical Review E, 74 (2006). - .

Hans Josef Pesch: Frauen-Power 4 Hard Skills : Ist Mathematik so schwer, dass nur Frauen es aushalten?. In: Spektrum, (2006). - S. 33-35.

Gerhard Wittko, Werner Köhler: Influence of isotopic substitution on the diffusion and thermal diffusion coefficient of binary liquids. In: The European Physical Journal E, 21 (2006). - S. 283-291.

Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Tivadar Gaudenyi, Mladjen Jovanović, Ludwig Zöller, Björn Machalett, Savić Stevan, Jovan Romelić, Jovan Plavša, Minučer Mesaroš: An introduction to the late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence at Susek (Vojvodina, Serbia). In: Geographica Pannonica, 10 (2006). - S. 4-8.

Andreas Götzendorfer, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg, Daniel Svenšek: Localized Subharmonic Waves in a Circularly Vibrated Granular Bed. In: Physical Review Letters, 97 (2006). - .

Robert Krauß, Mario Liu, Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Pumping fluid by magnetic surface stress. In: New Journal of Physics, 8 (2006). - .

Marianne Hartung, Jürgen Rauch, Werner Köhler: Thermal diffusion of dilute polymer solutions : The role of solvent viscosity. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 125 (2006). - .

Marin Cârciumaru, Mircea Anghelinu, Leif Steguweit, Loredana Niţă, Laure Fontana, Alexis Brugère, Ulrich Hambach, Monica Margarit, Valentin Dumitrascu, Marian Cosac, Florin Dimitru, Ovidiu Cârstina: The upper palaeolithic site of Poiana Ciresului (Piatra Neamt, north-eastern Romania). In: Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 36 (2006). - S. 319-331.

Christian Gollwitzer, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Via hexagons to squares in ferrofluids : experiments on hysteretic surface transformations under variation of the normal magnetic field. In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18 (2006). - .

Mladjen Jovanović, Slobodan B. Marković, Tivadar Gaudenyi, Eric A. Oches, Ulrich Hambach, Ludwig Zöller, Björn Machalett: Warm glacial climate during loess deposition recorded at exposures of the Pozarevac brickyard, NE Serbia. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8 (2006). - .

Björn Machalett, Manfred Frechen, Ulrich Hambach, Eric A. Oches, Ludwig Zöller, Slobodan B. Marković: The loess sequence from Remisowka (northern boundary of the Tien Shan Mountains, Kazakhstan). Part I : Luminescence dating. In: Quaternary International, 152-153 (2006). - S. 192-201.

Martin Weiser, Anton Schiela, Peter Deuflhard: Asymptotic mesh independence of Newton's method revisited. In: SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 42 (2005). - S. 1830-1845.

Verena Petzet, Hans Josef Pesch, Andrey Prikhodovsky, Vasily Ploshikhin: Different Optimization Models for Crack-Free Laser Welding. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 5 (2005). - S. 755-756.

Victor A. Karkhin, A. S. Ilin, Hans Josef Pesch, Andrey Prikhodovsky, Vasily Ploshikhin, Maksym Makhutin, H.-W. Zoch: Effects of Latent Heat of Fusion on Thermal Processes in Laser Welding of Alumium Alloys. In: Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 10 (2005). - S. 597-603.

Reinhard Richter, Igor V. Barashenkov: Ferrosolitonen : Solitäre Stacheln. In: Physik in unserer Zeit, 36 (2005). - S. 207-207.

Robert Krauß, Mario Liu, Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Fluid pumped by magnetic stress. In: Applied Physics Letters, 86 (2005). - .

Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter, Holger Knieling, Rene Friedrichs, Ingo Rehberg: Hexagons become the secondary pattern if symmetry is broken. In: Physical Review E, 71 (2005). - .

Tobias Schnautz, Ricardo Brito, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: A horizontal Brazil-nut effect and its reverse. In: Physical Review Letters, 95 (2005). - .

Kurt Chudej, Peter Heidebrecht, Verena Petzet, Sabine Scherdel, Klaus Schittkowski, Hans Josef Pesch, Kai Sundmacher: Index Analysis and Numerical Solution of a Large Scale Nonlinear PDAE System Describing the Dynamical Behaviour of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells. In: ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 85 (2005). - S. 132-140.

Jürgen Rauch, Werner Köhler: On the Molar Mass Dependence of the Thermal Diffusion Coefficient of Polymer Solutions. In: Macromolecules, 38 (2005). - S. 3571-3573.

Stephan Gekle, Luca Peliti, Serge Galam: Opinion dynamics in a three-choice system. In: The European Physical Journal B, 45 (2005). - S. 569-575.

Alberto de Lózar, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg, Óscar Lafuente Cerdá, Günter Lattermann: Planar-fingerprint transition in a thermoreversible liquid crystalline gel. In: Physical Review E, 71 (2005). - .

Marianne Hartung, Werner Köhler: The role of heat-conducting walls in the measurement of heat and mass transport in transient grating experiments. In: The European Physical Journal E, 17 (2005). - S. 165-179.

Robert R. Kellner, Werner Köhler: Short-time aggregation dynamics of reversible light-induced cluster formation in ferrofluids. In: Journal of Applied Physics, 97 (2005). - .

Ruben Saldivar-Guerrero, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Nuri Aksel, Lutz Heymann, Oliverio S. Rodriguez-Fernández: Solid to liquid transition of inverse ferrofluids under shear. In: Magnetohydrodynamics, 41 (2005). - S. 385-389.

Andreas Götzendorfer, Jennifer Kreft, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Sublimation of a Vibrated Granular Monolayer : Coexistence of Gas and Solid. In: Physical Review Letters, 95 (2005). - .

Albert Voit, Alexei Krekhov, Wolfgang Enge, Lorenz Kramer, Werner Köhler: Thermal Patterning of a Critical Polymer Blend. In: Physical Review Letters, 94 (2005). - .

Alberto de Lózar, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg, Daniel Svenšek, Lorenz Kramer: Transformation from walls to disclination lines : Statics and dynamics of the pincement transition. In: Physical Review E, 72 (2005). - .

Reinhard Richter, Igor V. Barashenkov: Two-Dimensional Solitons on the Surface of Magnetic Fluids. In: Physical Review Letters, 94 (2005). - .

Gerhard Wittko, Werner Köhler: Universal isotope effect in thermal diffusion of mixtures containing cyclohexane and cyclohexane-d12. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 123 (2005). - .

Kurt Chudej, Markus Wächter, Florent Le Bras: Verringerung der thermischen Belastung eines Hyperschall-Flugsystems durch Trajektorienoptimierung. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 5 (2005). - S. 803-804.

Ulrich Hambach, Michael Zech, Roland Zech, Wolfgang Zech: A combined rock magnetic and paleo-pedologic investigation of a loess section from the Tumara valley, NE Siberia. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6 (2004). - .

Wolfgang Enge, Werner Köhler: Correlation between the Soret coefficient and the static structure factor in a polymer blend. In: The European Physical Journal E, 15 (2004). - S. 265-270.

Verena Petzet, Christof Büskens, Hans Josef Pesch, Andrey Prikhodovsky, Victor A. Karkhin, Vasily Ploshikhin: Elimination of Hot Cracking in Laser Beam Welding by Minimization. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 4 (2004). - S. 580-581.

Martin Weiser, Anton Schiela: Function space interior point methods for PDE constrained optimization. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 4 (2004). - S. 43-46.

Elisabeth Schnepp, Rudolf Pucher, Jan Reinders, Ulrich Hambach, Heinrich Soffel, Ian Hedley: A German catalogue of archaeomagnetic data. In: Geophysical Journal International, 157 (2004). - S. 64-78.

Andreas P. J. Breu, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Oscillatory patterns in a rotating aqueous suspension. In: The European Physical Journal E, 13 (2004). - S. 189-196.

Slobodan B. Marković, Eric A. Oches, Tivadar Gaudenyi, Mladjen Jovanović, Ulrich Hambach, Ludwig Zöller, Pál Sümegi: Palaeoclimate record in the Late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence at Miseluk (Vojvodina, Serbia). In: Quaternaire, 15 (2004). - S. 361-368.

Jan Reinders, Ulrich Hambach: Palaeomagnetism of Limnic Sequences of the Last Interglacial. Results from East German Standard Sections Klinge and Gröbern.- POSTER, P0154. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6 (2004). - .

Kati Sternberg, Kurt Chudej, Hans Josef Pesch: A partial differential algebraic dynamic model of a molten carbonate fuel cell. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 4 (2004). - S. 584-585.

Christof A. Kruelle, Sébastien Aumaître, Andreas P. J. Breu, Andreas Götzendorfer, Tobias Schnautz, Rafal Grochowski, Peter Walzel: Phase transitions and segregation phenomena in vibrated granular systems. In: Advances in Solid State Physics, 44 (2004). - S. 401-413.

Lothar Kador, R. Bausinger, André Leopold, Dietrich Haarer, Werner Köhler: Relaxation Dynamics of Cascaded Linear Processes. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 108 (2004). - S. 1640-1643.

Ludwig Zöller, Hans von Suchodoletz, Henrik Blanchard, Dominik Faust, Ulrich Hambach: Reply to the comment by J.C. Carracedo et al. on 'Geoarchaeological and chronometrical evidence ...'. In: Quaternary Science Reviews, 23 (2004). - S. 2049-2052.

Rafal Grochowski, Peter Walzel, Mustapha Rouijaa, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Reversing granular flow on a vibratory conveyor. In: Applied Physics Letters, 84 (2004). - S. 1019-1021.

Cristian G. Panaiotu, Zoltàn Pécskay, Ulrich Hambach, Ioan Seghedi, Cristina E. Panaiotu, Itaya Tetsumaru, Mihai Orleanu, Alexandru Szakács: Short-lived quaternary volcanism in the Persani Mountains (Romania) revealed by combined K-Ar and paleomagnetic data. In: Geologica Carpathica, 55 (2004). - S. 333-339.

Wolfgang Enge, Werner Köhler: Temperature-Induced Composition Changes in a Critical Polymer Blend. In: ChemPhysChem, 5 (2004). - S. 393-395.

Wolfgang Enge, Werner Köhler: Thermal diffusion in a critical polymer blend. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 6 (2004). - S. 2373-2378.

Mustapha Rouijaa, Christof A. Krülle, Ingo Rehberg, Rafal Grochowski, Peter Walzel: Transportverhalten und Strukturbildung granularer Materie auf Schwingförderern. In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 76 (2004). - S. 62-65.

Reinhard Richter: (Un)vergesslicher Tropfenabriss. In: Physik-Journal, 3 (2004). - S. 16-17.

Jan Reinders, Ulrich Hambach, Ludwig Zöller, Manfred Frechen: The behaviour of the earth's magnetic field over Europe in MIS 5.3 - New data. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5 (2003). - .

Jean K. Platten, M. M. Bou-Ali, Pierre Costesèque, J. F. Dutrieux, Werner Köhler, Cindy Leppla, Simone Wiegand, Gerhard Wittko: Benchmark values for the Soret, thermal diffusion and diffusion coefficients of three binary organic liquid mixtures. In: Philosophical Magazine, 83 (2003). - S. 1965-1971.

Jürgen Rauch, Werner Köhler: Collective and thermal diffusion in dilute, semidilute, and concentrated solutions of polystyrene in toluene. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 119 (2003). - S. 11977-11988.

Alberto de Lózar Muñoz, Thomas Bock, Matthias Müller, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg: The corkscrew instability of a Fréedericksz domain wall in a nematic liquid crystal. In: New Journal of Physics, 5 (2003). - .

Peter Rupp, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Critical exponents of directed percolation measured in spatiotemporal intermittency. In: Physical Review E, 67 (2003). - .

Eberhard Bodenschatz, Ronald Imbihl, Ingo Rehberg: Focus on Pattern Formation : Editorial. In: New Journal of Physics, 5 (2003). - .

Alexander Rothert, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Formation of a drop : viscosity dependence of three flow regimes. In: New Journal of Physics, 5 (2003). - .

Sébastien Aumaître, Tobias Schnautz, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Granular Phase Transition as a Precondition for Segregation. In: Physical Review Letters, 90 (2003). - .

Rafal Grochowski, S. Strugholtz, Peter Walzel, Christof A. Krülle: Granular Transport on Vibratory Conveyor. In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 75 (2003). - S. 1103.

Andreas Lang, Christine Hatté, Denis-Didier Rousseau, Pierre Antoine, Michel Fontugne, Ludwig Zöller, Ulrich Hambach: High-resolution chronologies for loess : comparing AMS C-14 and optical dating results. In: Quaternary Science Reviews, 22 (2003). - S. 953-959.

Kurt Chudej, Verena Petzet, Sabine Scherdel, Hans Josef Pesch, Klaus Schittkowski, Peter Heidebrecht, Kai Sundmacher: Index Analysis of a Nonlinear PDAE System Describing a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 3 (2003). - S. 563-564.

Doris Stüben, Utz Kramar, Zsolt A. Berner, M. Meudt, G. Keller, S. Abramovich, T. Adatte, Ulrich Hambach, W. Stinnesbeck: Late Maastrichtian paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes inferred from Sr/Ca ratio and stable isotopes. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 199 (2003). - S. 107-127.

Reinhard Richter, Bert Reimann, Adrian Lange, Peter Rupp, Alexander Rothert: Magnetic Liquid Patterns in Space and Time. In: Advances in Solid State Physics, 43 (2003). - S. 789-800.

Hans Josef Pesch, Kurt Chudej, Verena Petzet, Sabine Scherdel, Klaus Schittkowski, Peter Heidebrecht, Kai Sundmacher: Numerical Simulation of a 1D Model of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 3 (2003). - S. 521-522.

Björn Hoffmann, Werner Köhler, Marina Krekhova: On the mechanism of transient bleaching of the optical absorption of ferrofluids and dyed liquids. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 118 (2003). - S. 3237-3242.

Kati Sternberg, Christof Büskens: Optimal Control and Parametric Sensitivity Analysis in Cancer Chemotherapy. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 3 (2003). - S. 525-526.

Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Adrian Lange: Oscillatory Decay at the Rosensweig Instability : Experiment and Theory. In: Physical Review E, 68 (2003). - .

Roland Griesse, Andrea Walther: Parametric Sensitivites for Optimal Control Methods. In: Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 24 (2003). - S. 297-314.

Andreas P. J. Breu, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Pattern formation in a rotating aqueous suspension. In: Europhysics Letters, 62 (2003). - S. 491-497.

Gerhard Wittko, Werner Köhler: Precise determination of the Soret, thermal diffusion and mass diffusion coefficients of binary mixtures of dodecane, isobutylbenzene and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene by a holographic grating technique. In: Philosophical Magazine, 83 (2003). - S. 1973-1987.

Björn Hoffmann, Werner Köhler: Reversible light-induced cluster formation of magnetic colloids. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 262 (2003). - S. 289-293.

Andreas P. J. Breu, Hans-Martin Ensner, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Reversing the Brazil-Nut Effect : Competition between Percolation and Condensation. In: Physical Review Letters, 90 (2003). - .

Anton Schiela, Folkmar Bornemann: Sparsing in real time simulation. In: ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 83 (2003). - S. 637-647.

John C. Patterson, Tasman Graham, Wolfgang Schöpf, S. W. Armfield: Boundary layer development on a semi-infinite suddenly heated vertical plate. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 453 (2002). - S. 39-55.

Matthias Gerdts, Christof Büskens: Consistent initialization of sensitivity matrices for a class of parametric DAE systems. In: BIT Numerical Mathematics, 42 (2002). - S. 796-813.

Jürgen Rauch, Werner Köhler: Diffusion and Thermal Diffusion of Semidilute to Concentrated Solutions of Polystyrene in Toluene in the Vicinity of the Glass Transition. In: Physical Review Letters, 88 (2002). - .

Camilla Völtz, Werner Pesch, Ingo Rehberg: Erratum: Rayleigh-Taylor instability in a sedimenting suspension [Phys. Rev. E 65, 011404 (2002)]. In: Physical Review E, 65 (2002). - .

Matthias Schröter, Klaus Kassner, Ingo Rehberg, Josep Claret, Francesc Sagués: Experimental investigation of the initial regime in fingering electrodeposition : Dispersion relation and velocity measurements. In: Physical Review E, 65 (2002). - .

Susanne Winderl, Christof Büskens: Exploiting the Special Structure for Real-Time Control of Optimal Control Problems with Linear Controls: Numerical Experience. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1 (2002). - S. 484-485.

Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Glasslike relaxation of labyrinthine domain patterns. In: Physical Review E, 65 (2002). - .

Matthias Schröter, Klaus Kassner, Ingo Rehberg, Josep Claret, Francesc Sagués: Influence of ohmic heating on the flow field in thin-layer electrodeposition. In: Physical Review E, 66 (2002). - .

André Betat, Christof A. Kruelle, Vidar Frette, Ingo Rehberg: Long-time behavior of sand ripples induced by water shear flow. In: The European Physical Journal E, 8 (2002). - S. 465-476.

Camilla Völtz, Werner Pesch, Ingo Rehberg: Rayleigh-Taylor instability in a sedimenting suspension. In: Physical Review E, 65 (2002). - .

Christof A. Krülle: Spuren im Sand. In: Physik-Journal, 1 (2002). - S. 21-22.

Michael Bockstaller, Werner Köhler, Gerhard Wegner, George Fytas: Characterization of Association Colloids of Amphiphilic Poly(p-phenylene)sulfonates in Aqueous Solution. In: Macromolecules, 34 (2001). - S. 6353-6358.

Matthias Gerdts, Christof Büskens: Computation of consistent initial values for optimal control problems with DAE systems of higher index. In: ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 81 (2001). - S. S249-S250.

Michael Bockstaller, Werner Köhler, Gerhard Wegner, Dimitris Vlassopoulos, George Fytas: Levels of Structure Formation in Aqueous Solutions of Anisotropic Association Colloids Consisting of Rodlike Polyelectrolytes. In: Macromolecules, 34 (2001). - S. 6359-6366.

Reinhard Richter, Jürgen Bläsing, Bert Reimann, Alexander Rothert, Peter Rupp, Axel Zeuner, Ingo Rehberg: Magnetically Induced Flow and Surface Structures. In: Magnetohydrodynamics, 37 (2001). - S. 268-273.

Reinhard Richter, Jürgen Bläsing: Measuring surface deformations in magnetic fluid by radioscopy. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, 72 (2001). - S. 1729-1733.

Christof Büskens: A mixed open-loop-closed-loop strategy for real-time optimization of perturbed optimal control problems with constraints. In: ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 81 (2001). - S. S243-S244.

Christian Debuschewitz, Werner Köhler: Molecular Origin of Thermal Diffusion in Benzene+Cyclohexane Mixtures. In: Physical Review Letters, 87 (2001). - .

Susanne Winderl, Christof Büskens: Real-time optimization of perturbed control systems with linear control. In: ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 81 (2001). - S. S263-S264.

Sébastien Aumaître, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Segregation in granular matter under horizontal swirling excitation. In: Physical Review E, 64 (2001). - .

Roland Griesse: Some Aspects for Instantaneous Boundary Control of Backward-facing Step Flow. In: ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 81 (2001). - S. S251-S252.

Alexander Rothert, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Transition from Symmetric to Asymmetric Scaling Function before Drop Pinch-Off. In: Physical Review Letters, 87 (2001). - .

Adrian Lange, Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter: Wave number of maximal growth in viscous ferrofluids. In: Magnetohydrodynamics, 37 (2001). - S. 261-267.

Thomas M. Bock, Jürgen Bläsing, Vidar Frette, Ingo Rehberg: Alignment visualization using electroconvection of planar nematics. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, 71 (2000). - S. 2800-2806.

A. M. H. Brooker, John C. Patterson, Tasman Graham, Wolfgang Schöpf: Convective instability in a time-dependent buoyancy driven boundary layer. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 43 (2000). - S. 297-310.

Gunther Straßburger, Ingo Rehberg: Crystallization in a horizontally vibrated monolayer of spheres. In: Physical Review E, 62 (2000). - S. 2517-2520.

Michael A. Scherer, Guenter Ahlers, Frank Hörner, Ingo Rehberg: Deviations from Linear Theory for Fluctuations below the Supercritical Primary Bifurcation to Electroconvection. In: Physical Review Letters, 85 (2000). - S. 3754-3757.

Camilla Völtz, Matthias Schröter, Giulia Iori, André Betat, Adrian Lange, Andreas Engel, Ingo Rehberg: Finger-like patterns in sedimenting water–sand suspensions. In: Physics Reports, 337 (2000). - S. 117-138.

Michael Bockstaller, Werner Köhler, Gerhard Wegner, Dimitris Vlassopoulos, George Fytas: Hierarchical Structures of a Synthetic Rodlike Polyelectrolyte in Water. In: Macromolecules, 33 (2000). - S. 3951-3953.

Christof Büskens, Helmut Maurer: Nonlinear programming methods for real-time control of an industrial robot. In: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 107 (2000). - S. 505-527.

Michael A. Scherer, Karsten Kötter, Mario Markus, Eric Goles, Ingo Rehberg: Swirling granular solidlike clusters. In: Physical Review E, 61 (2000). - S. 4069-4077.

Rüdiger Spill, Werner Köhler, Gudrun Lindenblatt, Wolfgang Schaertl: Thermal diffusion and Soret feedback of gold-doped polyorganosiloxane nanospheres in toluene. In: Physical Review E, 62 (2000). - S. 8361-8368.

Norbert Frank, Margarethe Braum, Ulrich Hambach, Augusto Mangini, Günther Wagner: Warm Period Growth of Travertine during the Last Interglaciation in Southern Germany. In: Quaternary Research, 54 (2000). - S. 38-48.

Adrian Lange, Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter: Wave number of maximal growth in viscous magnetic fluids of arbitrary depth. In: Physical Review E, 61 (2000). - S. 5528-5539.

Jan Reinders, Ulrich Hambach, Klaus Krumsiek, Markus Sanke, N. Strack: An archaeomagnetic study of pottery kilns from Brühl-Pingsdorf (Germany). In: Archaeometry, 41 (1999). - S. 413-420.

Ulrich Hambach, Jan Reinders, I. Wagner: Archaeomagnetism of roman through high medieval pottery kilns from the Rhine area and Westfalia (western Germany). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 1 (1999). - .

Alexander Rothert, Reinhard Richter: Experiments on the breakup of a liquid bridge of magnetic fluid. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 201 (1999). - S. 324-327.

Kurt Chudej, Michael Günther: Global State Space Approach for the Efficient Numerical Solution of State-Constrained Trajectory Optimization Problems. In: Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 103 (1999). - S. 75-93.

Ulrich Hambach, Cristian G. Panaiotu, Cristina E. Panaiotu: Jurassic to Paleogene paleomagnetic data from the Bucegi and Piatra Craiului massifs (SE Carpathians, Romania) : constraints for the drift history of the Tisia-Dacia unit. In: Romanian Journal of Tectonics and Regional Geology, (1999). - .

Werner Köhler: Measurement of thermal diffusion in polymer solutions and mixtures by forced Rayleigh scattering. In: Entropie : Revue Scientifique et Technique de Thermodynamique, 217 (1999). - S. 25-28.

Axel Zeuner, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: On the consistency of the standard model for magnetoviscosity in an alternating magnetic field. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 201 (1999). - S. 191-194.

Jan Reinders, Ulrich Hambach: Paleoenvironmental conditions in a travertine complex deduced from rock magnetism. In: Geophysical Research Letters, 26 (1999). - S. 2267-2270.

Marcus Remmers, Beate Müller, Kai Martin, Hans-Joachim Räder, Werner Köhler: Poly(p-phenylene)s. Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Quantitative Analysis with HPLC and MALDI−TOF Mass Spectrometry. In: Macromolecules, 32 (1999). - S. 1073-1079.

Jean-Luc Weidmann, Jean-Marc Kern, Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Dirk Muscat, Susan Mullins, Werner Köhler, Christine Rosenauer, Hans Joachim Räder, Kai Martin, Yves Geerts: Poly[2]catenanes and Cyclic Oligo[2]catenanes Containing Alternating Topological and Covalent Bonds : Synthesis and Characterization. In: Chemistry : a European Journal, 5 (1999). - S. 1841-1851.

Stefan Rudroff, Vidar Frette, Ingo Rehberg: Relaxation of abnormal rolls in planarly aligned electroconvection. In: Physical Review E, 59 (1999). - S. 1814-1820.

André Betat, Vidar Frette, Ingo Rehberg: Sand Ripples Induced by Water Shear Flow in an Annular Channel. In: Physical Review Letters, 83 (1999). - S. 88-91.

Bert Reimann, Thomas Mahr, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Standing twin peaks due to non–monotonic dispersion of Faraday waves. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 201 (1999). - S. 303-305.

Rolf Schäfer, A. Becker, Werner Köhler: Stochastic thermal-diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering. In: International Journal of Thermophysics, 20 (1999). - S. 1-18.

Dirk Muscat, Werner Köhler, Hans Joachim Räder, Kai Martin, Susan Mullins, Beate Müller, Klaus Müllen, Yves Geerts: Synthesis and Characterization of Poly[2]-catenanes Containing Rigid Catenane Segments. In: Macromolecules, 32 (1999). - S. 1737-1745.

Axel Zeuner, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Weak periodic excitation of a magnetic fluid capillary flow. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 201 (1999). - S. 321-323.

Horst-Ulrich Worm, A. M. M. Ahmed, N. U. Ahmed, H. O. Islam, M. M. Huq, Ulrich Hambach, J. Lietz: Large sedimentation rate in the Bengal delta : Magnetostratigraphic dating of Cenozoic sediments from northeastern Bangladesh. In: Geology, 26 (1998). - S. 487-490.

S. Servaty, Werner Köhler, W. H. Meyer, Christine Rosenauer, Jochen Spickermann, Hans Joachim Räder, Gerhard Wegner, A. Weier: MALDI-TOF-MS Copolymer Analysis : Characterization of a Poly(dimethylsiloxane)-co-Poly(hydromethylsiloxane) as a Precursor of a Functionalized Silicone Graft Copolymer. In: Macromolecules, 31 (1998). - S. 2468-2474.

W. Albrecht, T. Weigel, K. Kneifel, U. Lehmann, S. Duda, Werner Köhler, D. Paul: Polyacrylonitrile capillary membranes for membrane osmometry. In: Acta Polymerica, 49 (1998). - S. 184-191.

Ulrich Hambach, Cristian G. Panaiotu, Cristina E. Panaiotu: Paleolatitude of the South Carpathians during Jurassic and Cretaceous : new results from the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene of the Hateg Basin, Romania. In: Przegląd Geologiczny, 45 (1997). - S. 1076.

Dirk Muscat, Andreas Witte, Werner Köhler, Klaus Müllen, Yves Geerts: Synthesis of a novel poly[2]-catenane containing rigid catenanes. In: Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 18 (1997). - S. 233-241.

P. Rossmanith, Werner Köhler: Polymer Polydispersity Analysis by Thermal Diffusion Forced Rayleigh Scattering. In: Macromolecules, 29 (1996). - S. 3203-3211.

U. Lehmann, Werner Köhler, W. Albrecht: SEC Absolute Molar Mass Detection by Online Membrane Osmometry. In: Macromolecules, 29 (1996). - S. 3212-3215.

S. Vanhee, R. Rulkens, U. Lehmann, C. Rosenauer, M. Schulze, Werner Köhler, Gerhard Wegner: Synthesis and Characterization of Rigid Rod Poly(p-phenylenes). In: Macromolecules, 29 (1996). - S. 5136-5142.

Werner Köhler, George Fytas, Werner Steffen, L. Reinhardt: Thermal diffusivity and structural relaxation in a supercooled liquid by a holographic grating technique. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 104 (1996). - S. 248-254.

Werner Köhler, P. Rossmanith: Aspects of Thermal Diffusion Forced Rayleigh Scattering : Heterodyne Detection, Active Phase Tracking, and Experimental Constraints. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99 (1995). - S. 5838-5847.

Jan Reinders, Ulrich Hambach: A geomagnetic event recorded in loess deposits of the Tönchesberg (Germany) : identification of the Blake magnetic polarity episode. In: Geophysical Journal International, 122 (1995). - S. 407-418.

Werner Köhler, Christine Rosenauer, P. Rossmanith: Holographic grating study of mass and thermal diffusion of polystyrene/toluene solutions. In: International Journal of Thermophysics, 16 (1995). - S. 11-21.

Werner Köhler, P. Rossmanith: A New Holographic Grating Technique for the Measurement of Diffusion and Thermal Diffusion of Polymers in Solution. In: International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 1 (1995). - S. 49-62.

Alfons Becker, Werner Köhler, Beate Müller: A Scanning Michelson Interferometer for the Measurement of the Concentration and Temperature Derivative of the Refractive Index of Liquids. In: Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie, 99 (1995). - S. 600-608.

Werner Köhler, Beate Müller: Soret and mass diffusion coefficients of toluene/n‐hexane mixtures. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 103 (1995). - S. 4367-4370.

Werner Köhler, Kathleen Novak, Volker Enkelmann: A holographic grating study on a crystal‐to‐crystal photodimerization and thermal backreaction. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 101 (1994). - S. 10474-10480.

Kathleen Novak, Volker Enkelmann, Werner Köhler, Gerhard Wegner, Kenneth B. Wagener: Homogeneous Photodimerization and Thermal Back Reaction of a Styrylpyrylium Triflate. In: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 242 (1994). - S. 1-8.

Ulrich Hambach, Mihai Orleanu, Johannes Rogenhagen, Elisabeth Schnepp: Paleomagnetism of Pleistocene volcanics from the Persani Mountains, East Carpathians (Romania). In: Romanian Journal of Tectonics and Regional Geology, (1994). - .

Werner Köhler, A. Kühn, A. Motsch: A fast membrane osmometer based on a porous glass membrane : first results. In: Acta Polymerica, 44 (1993). - S. 238-242.

Ulrich Hambach, Jan Reinders: A geomagnetic event recorded in Upper Pleistocene loess deposits of the Toenchesberg (East Eifel volcanic field, Germany). In: Annales Geophysicae, 11 (1993). - .

Werner Köhler: Thermodiffusion in polymer solutions as observed by forced Rayleigh scattering. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 98 (1993). - S. 660-668.

Werner Köhler, Douglas R. Robello, Thị Phát Đào, Craig S. Willand, David J. Williams: Electric-field induced orientation and relaxation studies in polymers for second-order nonlinear optics. In: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Science and Technology. Section B. Nonlinear optics, 3 (1992). - S. 83-94.

Werner Köhler, Douglas R. Robello, Craig S. Willand, David J. Williams: Dielectric relaxation study of some novel polymers for nonlinear optics. In: Macromolecules, 24 (1991). - S. 4589-4599.

Ulrich Hambach, Klaus Krumsiek, H. Ukas: Magnetic Stratigraphy of Santonian to Maastrichtian sediments from NW-Germany and Poland. In: Annales Geophysicae, 9 (1991). - .

Ulrich Hambach, Klaus Krumsiek: Magnetostratigraphie im Santon und Campan des Münsterländer Kreidebeckens. In: Facies, 24 (1991). - S. 113-124.

Abraham Ulman, Craig S. Willand, Werner Köhler, Douglas R. Robello, David J. Williams, Laura Handley: New sulfonyl-containing materials for nonlinear optics : semiempirical calculations, synthesis, and properties. In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, 112 (1990). - S. 7083-7090.

Werner Köhler, Douglas R. Robello, Phat T. Dao, Craig S. Willand, David J. Williams: Second harmonic generation and thermally stimulated current measurements : A study of some novel polymers for nonlinear optics. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 93 (1990). - S. 9157-9166.

Ulrich Hambach, Klaus Krumsiek: Eine magnetostratigraphische Gliederung des oberen Alb und unteren Cenoman aus Kernbohrungen des Ruhrgebietes. In: Geologisches Jahrbuch A, 113 (1989). - S. 401-425.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich: Probing of conformational relaxation processes of proteins by frequency labeling of optical states. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 90 (1989). - S. 1270-1273.

Werner Köhler, J. Zollfrank, Josef Friedrich: Stability of frequency domain information bits in amorphous organic materials. In: Journal of Applied Physics, 66 (1989). - S. 3232-3240.

Werner Köhler, J. Zollfrank, Josef Friedrich: Thermal irreversibility in optically labeled low-temperature glasses. In: Physical Review B, 39 (1989). - S. 5414-5424.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich, Hugo Scheer: Conformational barriers in low-temperature proteins and glasses. In: Physical Review A, 37 (1988). - S. 660-662.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich, Richard Fischer, Hugo Scheer: High resolution frequency selective photochemistry of phycobilisomes at cryogenic temperatures. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 89 (1988). - S. 871-874.

R. Hirschmann, Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich, Ewald Daltrozzo: Hole burning in excitonic states of long-chain molecular aggregates. In: Chemical Physics Letters, 151 (1988). - S. 60-64.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich: Irreversible Features of Thermal Line Broadening in Glasses as Probed by Persistent Optical Holes. In: Europhysics Letters, 7 (1988). - S. 517-522.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich, Richard Fischer, Hugo Scheer: An optical linewidth study of a chromoprotein : C-phycocyanin in a low temperature glass. In: Chemical Physics Letters, 146 (1988). - S. 280-282.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich: Probing of extremely low configurational barriers in an organic glass. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 88 (1988). - S. 6655-6657.

Ulrich Hambach: Rock magnetic properties and facies change in Cenomanian/Turonian boundary sediments from NW Germany. In: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 52 (1988). - S. 232-242.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich, Richard Fischer, Hugo Scheer: Site-selective spectroscopy and level ordering in C-phycocyanine. In: Chemical Physics Letters, 143 (1988). - S. 169-173.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich: Comments on the determination of dispersion in the kinetics of hole-burning reactions. In: Chemical Physics Letters, 134 (1987). - S. 200-202.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich: Configurational Dynamics of Doped Low Temperature Glasses and Polymers. In: Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie, 91 (1987). - S. 858-863.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich: Distribution of barrier heights in amorphous organic materials. In: Physical Review Letters, 59 (1987). - S. 2199-2202.

Ulrich Hambach: A rock magnetic study of Cenomanian/Turonian boundary borehole sections from NW-Germany. In: Terra Cognita, 7 (1987). - S. 472.

Werner Köhler, Josef Meiler, Josef Friedrich: Tunneling dynamics of doped organic low-temperature glasses as probed by a photophysical hole-burning system. In: Physical Review B, 35 (1987). - S. 4031-4037.

G. Bosinski, K. Brunnacker, Klaus Krumsiek, Ulrich Hambach, W. Tillmanns, B. Urban-Küttel: Das Frühwürm im Lössprofil von Wallertheim/Rheinhessen. In: Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen, 113 (1985). - S. 187-215.

Werner Köhler, Werner Breinl, Josef Friedrich: Investigation of polarization diffusion and relaxation dynamics of low temperature glasses. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 82 (1985). - S. 2935-2938.

Werner Köhler, Werner Breinl, Josef Friedrich: Laser photochemistry with polarized light in low-temperature glasses. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 89 (1985). - S. 2473-2477.


Model Predictive Control : Engineering Methods for Economists. - Aris Daniilidis, Lars Grüne, Josef Haunschmied, Gernot Tragler (Hrsg.). - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2025. - 198 S.

Andrii Mironchenko: Input-to-State Stability : Theory and Applications. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2023. - XVI, 406 S.

Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Bayreuth 2023. - Jochen Wittmann, Kurt Chudej (Hrsg.). - Düren : Shaker Verlag, 2023. - 156 S.

Extended Abstracts presented at the 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2022 : held 12-16 September 2022 in Bayreuth, Germany. - Michael Heinrich Baumann, Lars Grüne, Birgit Jacob, Karl Worthmann (Hrsg.). - Bayreuth : 2022. - 815 S.

Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett: (In-)Stability of Differential Inclusions : Notions, Equivalences, and Lyapunov-like Characterizations. - Cham : Springer, 2021. - IX, 116 S.

Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems. - Maurizio Falcone, Roberto Ferretti, Lars Grüne, William M. McEneaney (Hrsg.). - Cham : Springer, 2018. - X, 268 S.

Lars Grüne, Jürgen Pannek: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control : Theory and Algorithms. 2nd Edition. - Cham : Springer, 2017. - 456 S.

Lars Grüne, Oliver Junge: Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen : eine Einführung aus der Perspektive der dynamischen Systeme. 2. Auflage. - Heidelberg : Springer, 2016. - 249 S.

Lars Grüne: Asymptotic Behavior of Dynamical and Control Systems under Perturbation and Discretization. - Berlin : Springer, 2002. - 235 S.

Dynamics, Bifurcations and Control. - Fritz Colonius, Lars Grüne (Hrsg.). - Berlin : Springer, 2002. - 301 S.

Hans Josef Pesch: Schlüsseltechnologie Mathematik : Einblicke in aktuelle Anwendungen der Mathematik. - Wiesbaden : Teubner, 2002. - 185 S.

I. Diener, G. Ernst, Ulrich Hambach, D. Herm, H. Hilbrecht, M. Hiss, M. Kaever, U. Kaplan, K. Krumsiek, R. F. K. Meyer, J. Mutterlose, B. Niebuhr, M. Petzka, M. Reich, J. Schönfeld, M.-G. Schulz, E. Seibertz, C. Spaeth, A. Thiermann, K.-A. Tröger, T. Voigt, F. Wiese, C. J. Wood: Die Kreide der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. - Frankfurt am Main : Senckenbergische Naturforschende Ges., 2000. - 207 S.

Frank Lempio: Numerische Mathematik. Band 2. Methoden der Analysis. - Bayreuth : Mathematisches Inst. der Univ. Bayreuth, 1998. - VI, 263 S.

Ulrich Hambach: Magnetostratigraphie in der borealen Kreide : paläomagnetische Untersuchungen an Profilen des Barrême bis Maastricht aus England, NW-Deutschland und Polen. - Münster : Lit, 1992. - 135 S.

Aufsatz in einem Buch

Aditi Jain, Arvind Kumar Gupta: A Closed Network of RNA Polymerase Flow Models for Analyzing Intracellular Transport. In: K. Ramachandra Rao, Armin Seyfried, Andreas Schadschneider (Hrsg.): Traffic and Granular Flow '22. - Singapore Singapore : Springer Nature, 2024. - S. 249-256.

Andrii Mironchenko, Fabian Wirth, Antoine Chaillet, Lucas Brivadis: ISS Lyapunov-Krasovskii theorem with point-wise dissipation : a V-stability approach. In: 2024 IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2024. - S. 7896-7901.

Jonas Schießl, Ruchuan Ou, Timm Faulwasser, Michael Heinrich Baumann, Lars Grüne: Near-optimal performance of stochastic economic MPC. In: 2024 IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings. - Milan, Italy : 2024. - S. 2565-2571.

Patrick Bachmann, Sergey Dashkovskiy, Andrii Mironchenko: Superposition theorems for input-to-output stability of infinite dimensional systems. In: 2024 IEEE 63rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2024. - S. 3434-3439.

Mario Sperl, Luca Saluzzi, Lars Grüne, Dante Kalise: Separable approximations of optimal value functions under a decaying sensitivity assumption. In: 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2023. - Singapore, Singapore : 2023. - S. 259-264.

Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne, Christopher Kellett, Karl Worthmann: Model Predictive Control and Distributed Optimization in Smart Grid Applications. In: Michel Fathi, Enrico Zio, Panos M. Pardalos (Hrsg.): Handbook of Smart Energy Systems. - Cham : Springer, 2023.

Andrii Mironchenko, Felix Schwenninger: Coercive quadratic ISS Lyapunov functions for analytic systems. In: 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2023. - S. 4699-4704.

Niko Nagengast, Tizian Scharl, Michael Frisch, Christian Neuber, Holger Ruckdäschel, Hans-Werner Schmidt, Franz Konstantin Fuss: Design for Sustainable Additive Manufacturing (DfsAM) : Preperation and Validation of a Transversely Isotropic Simulation Model for FFF Components Made from Virgin and Recycled Polypropylene Filaments. In: 2023 14th International Conference on Mechanical and Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies (ICMIMT). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2023. - S. 204-212.

Michael Heinrich Baumann: How Skewed are Simultaneously Long-Short Trading Gains?. In: 2023 European Control Conference (ECC). - Bucharest, Romania : IEEE, 2023. - S. 1-6.

Andrii Mironchenko: Live systems of varying dimension : modeling and stability. In: 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2023. - S. 3956-3961.

Lisa Krügel, Timm Faulwasser, Lars Grüne: Local Turnpike Properties in Finite Horizon Optimal Control. In: 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2023. - Singapore : 2023. - S. 5273-5278.

Gaby Folger, Kurt Chudej: Numerical Simulation of a Temperature Dependent Two Strain Dengue Fever Model. In: Jochen Wittmann, Kurt Chudej (Hrsg.): Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Bayreuth 2023. - Düren : Shaker Verlag, 2023. - S. 89-99.

Jonas Schießl, Ruchuan Ou, Timm Faulwasser, Michael Heinrich Baumann, Lars Grüne: Pathwise turnpike and dissipativity results for discrete-time stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control problems. In: 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2023. - S. 2790-2795.

Maximilian Bauer: Räumliche Modellierung von vektorübertragenen Krankheiten. In: Jochen Wittmann, Kurt Chudej (Hrsg.): Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Bayreuth 2023. - Düren : Shaker Verlag, 2023. - S. 113-124.

Jennifer Faj, Tobias Kenter, Sara Faghih-Naini, Christian Plessl, Vadym Aizinger: Scalable Multi-FPGA Design of a Discontinuous Galerkin Shallow-Water Model on Unstructured Meshes. In: Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference. - New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery, 2023.

Christoph Alt, Tobias Kenter, Sara Faghih-Naini, Jennifer Faj, Jan-Oliver Opdenhövel, Christian Plessl, Vadym Aizinger, Jan Hönig, Harald Köstler: Shallow Water DG Simulations on FPGAs : Design and Comparison of a Novel Code Generation Pipeline. In: Abhinav Bhatele, Jeff Hammond, Marc Baboulin, Carola Kruse (Hrsg.): High Performance Computing : Proceedings. - Cham : Springer, 2023. - S. 86-105.

Kurt Chudej, Gaby Folger: Theoretische Analyse eines SEIR-Modells mit Impfung und nichtlinearem logistischen Wachstum. In: Jochen Wittmann, Kurt Chudej (Hrsg.): Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften : Workshop Bayreuth 2023. - Düren : Shaker Verlag, 2023. - S. 101-112.

Michaela Baumann, Michael Heinrich Baumann: Autoencoder vs. Regression Neural Networks for Detecting Manipulated Wine Ratings. In: Juho Mäkiö (Hrsg.): ICCGI 2022, The Seventeenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology. - Venice, Italy : IARIA, 2022. - S. 7-13.

Daniel Zint, Roberto Grosso, Vadym Aizinger, Sara Faghih-Naini, Sebastian Kuckuk, Harald Köstler: Automatic Generation of Load-Balancing-Aware Block-Structured Grids for Complex Ocean Domains. In: Trevor Robinson, David Moxey, Vladimir Z. Tomov (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2022 SIAM International Meshing Roundtable. - Virtual Conference : Zenodo, 2022.

Christina Schwarz, Philippe Leleux, Martin J. Kühn, Ulrich Rüde: Geometrisches Mehrgitterverfahren für die gyrokinetische Poisson-Gleichung mit Anwendung auf Kernfusion. In: Felix Breitenecker, Christina Deatcu, Umut Durak, Andreas Körner, Thorsten Pawletta (Hrsg.): ASIM SST 2022 : Proceedings, Kurzbeiträge. - Wien : ARGESIM Verlag, 2022. - S. 73-76.

Sabine Wulf, Daniel Veres, Ralf Gertisser, Ulrich Hambach, Enikö K. Magyari, Dávid Karatson: Gone with the Wind : Dispersal of Ciomadul Tephra. In: Dávid Karátson, Daniel Veres, Ralf Gertisser, Enikő K. Magyari, Csaba Jánosi, Ulrich Hambach (Hrsg.): Ciomadul (Csomád), The Youngest Volcano in the Carpathians : Volcanism, Palaeoenvironment, Human Impact. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2022. - S. 81-93.

Daniel Veres, Dávid Karátson, Sabine Wulf, Ulrich Hambach, Ágnes Novothny, Ralf Gertisser, Enikő K. Magyari, Frank Lehmkuhl: Palaeogeography : Syn-and Post-eruptive Landscape Evolution Around Ciomadul. In: Dávid Karátson, Daniel Veres, Ralf Gertisser, Enikő K. Magyari, Csaba Jánosi, Ulrich Hambach (Hrsg.): Ciomadul (Csomád), The Youngest Volcano in the Carpathians : Volcanism, Palaeoenvironment, Human Impact. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2022. - S. 95-110.

Timm Faulwasser, Lars Grüne: Turnpike Properties in Optimal Control : An Overview of Discrete-Time and Continuous-Time Results. In: Emmanuel Trélat, Enrique Zuazua (Hrsg.): Handbook of Numerical Analysis : Numerical Control. Part A. - Amsterdam : North-Holland, 2022. - S. 367-400.

Gaby Folger, Kurt Chudej: Numerical Simulation of a Four Serotype Dengue Fever Model. In: Matthias Ehrhardt, Michael Günther (Hrsg.): Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2021 : selected and revised papers. - Cham : Springer, 2022. - S. 61-66.

Philipp Sauerteig, Karl Worthmann, Kurt Chudej: Towards Model Predictive Control for Maintainig a Hard Infection Cap During an Outbreak of Dengue Fever. In: Felix Breitenecker, Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, Andreas Körner, Andreas Kugi, Inge Troch (Hrsg.): Discussion Contributions 10th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling. - Wien : Argesim Publisher, 2022. - S. 99-100.

Tobias Kenter, Adesh Shambhu, Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger: Algorithm-hardware co-design of a discontinuous Galerkin shallow-water model for a dataflow architecture on FPGA. In: Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference. - Geneva : 2021. - S. 1-11.

Chengshuai Wu, Lars Grüne, Thomas Kriecherbauer, Michael Margaliot: Behavior of totally positive differential systems near a periodic solution. In: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). - Austin, Texas, USA : 2021. - S. 3160-3165.

Daniel Veres, Ulrich Hambach, Frank Lehmkuhl: Chronological constraints from tephra in South-Eastern European loess records. In: Thomas Litt, Jürgen Richter, Frank Schäbitz (Hrsg.): The Journey of Modern Humans from Africa to Europe : Culture-Environmental Interaction and Mobility. - Stuttgart : E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2021. - S. 126-131.

Timm Faulwasser, Lars Grüne, Jukka-Pekka Humaloja, Manuel Schaller: Inferring the adjoint turnpike property from the primal turnpike property. In: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). - Austin, Texas, USA : 2021. - S. 2578-2583.

Stephanie Scheidt, Christian Zeeden, Ulrich Hambach, Martin Melles: Palaeomagnetism and environmental magnetism. In: Thomas Litt, Jürgen Richter, Frank Schäbitz (Hrsg.): The Journey of Modern Humans from Africa to Europe : Culture-Environmental Interaction and Mobility. - Stuttgart : E. Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2021. - S. 316-319.

Michael Heinrich Baumann, Michaela Baumann, Bernhard Herz: Are ETFs Bad for Financial Health?. In: Patrycja Chodnicka-Jaworska (Hrsg.): 18th RSEP International Economics, Finance & Business Conference : Conference Proceedings. - Ankara : BC Publishing, 2020. - S. 10-18.

Lars Grüne, Oliver Junge: From Bellman to Dijkstra : Set oriented construction of globally optimal controllers. In: Oliver Junge, Oliver Schütze, Gary Froyland, Sina Ober-Blöbaum, Kathrin Padberg-Gehle (Hrsg.): Advances in dynamics, optimization and computation : a volume dedicated to Michael Dellnitz on the occasion of his 60th birthday. - Cham : Springer, 2020. - S. 265-294.

Lars Grüne: Numerical methods for nonlinear optimal control problems, 2nd edition. In: Tariq Samad, John Baillieul (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Systems and Control. - London : Springer, 2020.

Aneel Tanwani, Debasish Chatterjee, Lars Grüne: Performance bounds for stochastic receding horizon control with randomly sampled measurements. In: Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). - Nice, France : 2019. - S. 2330-2335.

Daniel Veres, Marian Cosac, George Murătoreanu, Ulrich Hambach: Persani Mountains : Karst of Vârghis Gorge. In: Gheorghe M. L. Ponta, Bogdan P. Onac (Hrsg.): Cave and Karst Systems of Romania. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2019. - S. 57-63.

Michael Heinrich Baumann, Lars Grüne: Positive Expected Feedback Trading Gain for all Essentially Linearly Representable Prices. In: 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2019. - S. 150-155.

Ivan Yegorov, Peter Dower, Lars Grüne: A characteristics based curse-of-dimensionality-free approach for approximating control Lyapunov functions and feedback stabilization. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Hong Kong : 2018. - S. 342-349.

Lars Grüne, Peter Dower: Hamiltonian based a posteriori error estimation for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Hong Kong : 2018. - S. 372-374.

Lars Grüne, Manuel Schaller, Anton Schiela: Sensitivity analysis of optimal control motivated by model predictive control. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Hong Kong : 2018. - S. 93-96.

Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett: Complete Instability of Differential Inclusions using Lyapunov Methods. In: 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Tagungsband. - Miami Beach, Florida : 2018. - S. 718-724.

Robert Baier, Elza Farkhi: Discrete Filippov-type stability for one-sided Lipschitzian difference inclusions. In: Gustav Feichtinger, Raimund M. Kovacevic, Gernot Tragler (Hrsg.): Control Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics : Essays in Honor of Vladimir M. Veliov. - Cham : Springer, 2018. - S. 27-55.

Lars Grüne: Dynamic programming, optimal control and model predictive control. In: Saša V. Raković, William S. Levine (Hrsg.): Handbook of Model Predictive Control. - Basel : Birkhäuser, 2018. - S. 29-52.

Robert Baier, Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett: Numerical construction of nonsmooth control Lyapunov functions. In: Pontus Giselsson, Anders Rantzer (Hrsg.): Large-Scale and Distributed Optimization. - Cham : Springer, 2018. - S. 343-373.

Sabine Rosenfeldt, Stephan Förster, Thomas Friedrich, Ingo Rehberg, Birgit Weber: Self-Assembly of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Into Cuboidal Superstructures. In: Natalia Domracheva, Maria Caporali, Eva Rentschler (Hrsg.): Novel Magnetic Nanostructures. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2018. - S. 165-189.

Lars Grüne, Simon Pirkelmann, Marleen Stieler: Strict dissipativity implies turnpike behavior for time-varying discrete time optimal control problems. In: Gustav Feichtinger, Raimund M. Kovacevic, Gernot Tragler (Hrsg.): Control Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics: Essays in Honor of Vladimir M. Veliov. - Cham : Springer, 2018. - S. 195-218.

Lars Grüne, Marleen Stieler: Performance Guarantees for Multiobjective Model Predictive Control. In: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). - Melbourne, Australia : 2017. - S. 5545-5550.

Konrad Berghoff, Steve Keller, Wolfgang Gross, Lisa Gebhardt, Holger Kress: Application of optical tweezers for biochemical and thermal cell stimulation. In: Jesper Glückstad, Darwin Palima (Hrsg.): Light Robotics : Structure-Mediated Nanobiophotonics. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2017. - S. 385-410.

Lars Grüne, Simon Pirkelmann: Closed-loop performance analysis for economic model predictive control of time-varying systems. In: Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017), Melbourne, Australia. - Melbourne : 2017. - S. 5563-5569.

Mario Zanon, Andrea Boccia, Vryan Gil Palma, Sonja Parenti, Ilaria Xausa: Direct Optimal Control and Model Predictive Control. In: Daniela Tonon, Maria Soledad Aronna, Dante Kalise (Hrsg.): Optimal Control : Novel Directions and Applications. - Cham : Springer, 2017. - S. 263-382.

Michael Wilczek, Dimitar G. Vlaykov, Cristian Lalescu: Emergence of non-Gaussianity in turbulence. In: Ramis Örlü, Alessandro Talamelli, Martin Oberlack, Joachim Peinke (Hrsg.): Progress in Turbulence VII : Proceedings of the iTi Conference in Turbulence 2016. - Cham : Springer, 2017. - S. 3-9.

Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett: Feedback Design Using Nonsmooth Control Lyapunov Functions: A Numerical Case Study for the Nonholonomic Integrator. In: Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017), Melbourne, Australia. - Melbourne : 2017. - S. 4890-4895.

Kai Huang: Impulse response of the Bayreuth Festspielhaus. In: Peter Wille (Hrsg.): Fortschritte der Akustik : Plenarvorträge und Fachbeiträge der 23. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Akustik, Kiel. - Oldenburg : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik, 2017. - S. 238-241.

Laura J. Lukassen, Michael Wilczek: Lagrangian intermittency based on an ensemble of Gaussian velocity time series. In: Ramis Örlü, Alessandro Talamelli, Martin Oberlack, Joachim Peinke (Hrsg.): Progress in Turbulence VII : Proceedings of the iTi Conference in Turbulence 2016. - Cham : Springer, 2017. - S. 23-29.

Matthias A. Müller, Lars Grüne: On the relation between dissipativity and discounted dissipativity. In: Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017), Melbourne, Australia. - Melbourne : 2017. - S. 5570-5575.

Philipp Braun, Timm Faulwasser, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett, Steven R. Weller, Karl Worthmann: Maximal Islanding Time For Microgrids via Distributed Predictive Control. In: 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems : July 12-15, 2016 (MTNS 2016, Proceedings). - Minneapolis, Minnesota : 2016. - S. 652-659.

Arthur Fleig, Lars Grüne: Model Predictive Control for the Fokker-Planck equation : analysis and structural insight. In: 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems : July 12-15, 2016 (MTNS 2016, Proceedings). - Minneapolis, Minnesota : 2016. - S. 689-690.

Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett, Steven R. Weller, Karl Worthmann: Model predictive control of residential energy systems using energy storage and controllable loads. In: Giovanni Russo, Vincenzo Capasso, Giuseppe Nicosia, Vittorio Romano (Hrsg.): Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2014. - Heidelberg : Springer, 2016. - S. 617-623.

Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett, Steven R. Weller, Karl Worthmann: A real-time pricing scheme for residential energy systems using a market maker. In: Proceedings of 2015 Australian Control Conference (AUCC). - Barton, Australia : 2015. - S. 259-262.

Michael Heinrich Baumann: Effects of Linear Feedback Trading in an Interactive Market Model. In: American Control Conference (ACC), 2015. - Chicago : IEEE, 2015. - S. 3880-3885.

Christoph Schmidt, Ludwig Zöller, Ulrich Hambach: Dating of sediments and soils. In: Bernhard Lucke, Rupert Bäumler, Michael Schmidt (Hrsg.): Soils and Sediments as Archives of Environmental Change. - Erlangen : 2015. - S. 119-146.

Estela Lapeira, Mounir M. Bou-Ali, Aliaksandr Mialdun, Valentina Shevtsova, Werner Köhler, Matthias Gebhardt, Thomas Triller: Difusioa, Termodifusioa eta Soret koefizienteak kalkulatzeko erabiltzen diren teknika desberdinak. In: Iñaki Alegria, Ainhoa Latatu, Miren Josu Omaetxebarria (Hrsg.): I. Ikergazte Nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz : Kongresuko artikulu-bilduma. - Bilbao : 2015. - S. 545-550.

Matthias A. Müller, Lars Grüne: Economic model predictive control without terminal constraints : optimal periodic operation. In: Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2015. - S. 4946-4951.

Lars Grüne, Anastasia Panin: On non-averaged performance of economic MPC with terminal conditions. In: Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2015. - S. 4332-4337.

Philipp Braun, Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett, Steven R. Weller, Karl Worthmann: Predictive control of a smart grid : a distributed optimization algorithm with centralized performance properties. In: Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2015. - S. 5593-5598.

Karl Worthmann, Marcus Reble, Lars Grüne, Frank Allgöwer: Unconstrained nonlinear MPC : performance estimates for sampled-data systems with zero order hold. In: Proceedingss of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2015. - S. 4971-4976.

Ulrich Hambach: Zunehmende Trockenheit in Südosteuropa während der letzten 700.000 Jahre : Gebirgshebungen als Ursache der Klimaentwicklung?. In: Gabriele Obermaier, Cyrus Samimi (Hrsg.): Folgen des Klimawandels. - Bayreuth : Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth e.V., 2015. - S. 25-32.

Karl Worthmann, Christopher M. Kellett, Lars Grüne, Steven R. Weller: Distributed control of residential energy systems using a market maker. In: Boje,Edward (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress : IFAC-PapersOnLine. - Cape Town, South Africa : 2014. - S. 11641-11646.

Jóhann Björnsson, Peter Giesl, Sigurdur Freyr Hafstein, Christopher M. Kellett, Huijuan Li: Computation of continuous and piecewise affine Lyapunov functions by numerical approximations of the Massera construction. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control Held in Los Angeles, California, 2014. - Los Angeles, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014. - S. 5506-5511.

Huijuan Li, Robert Baier, Lars Grüne, Sigurdur Freyr Hafstein, Fabian Wirth: Computation of local ISS Lyapunov functions via linear programming. In: MTNS 2014 : MTNS 2014 : Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Groningen : University of Groningen Press, 2014. - S. 1189-1195.

Huijuan Li, Sigurdur Freyr Hafstein, Christopher M. Kellett: Computation of Lyapunov functions for discrete-time systems using the Yoshizawa construction. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control Held in Los Angeles, California, 2014. - Los Angeles, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014. - S. 5512-5517.

Lars Grüne, Manuela Sigurani: Construction of event-based ISS controllers on coarse quantizations. In: 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2014). - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2014. - S. 836-841.

Sigurdur Freyr Hafstein, Christopher M. Kellett, Huijuan Li: Continuous and piecewise affine Lyapunov functions using the Yoshizawa construction. In: American Control Conference (ACC), 2014. - Portland, OR, USA : IEEE, 2014. - S. 548-553.

Christoph Schmidt, Alexandra Hilgers: Dataciones por TL. In: Gerd-Christian Weniger, José R. Munos (Hrsg.): Sima de Las Palomas Teba (Malaga) : Resultados de las investigaciones 2011-2014. - Málaga : Ediciones Pinsapar, 2014. - S. 55-60.

Lars Grüne, Frank Allgöwer, Rolf Findeisen, Jörg Fischer, Dominic Groß, Uwe D. Hanebeck, Benjamin Kern, Matthias A. Müller, Jürgen Pannek, Marcus Reble, Olaf Stursberg, Paolo Varutti, Karl Worthmann: Distributed and networked model predictive control. In: Lunze, Jan (Hrsg.): Control theory of digitally networked dynamic systems. - Cham : Springer, 2014. - S. 111-167.

Lars Grüne, Sandra Hirche, Oliver Junge, Peter Koltai, Daniel Lehmann, Jan Lunze, Adam Molin, Rudolf Sailer, Manuela Sigurani, Christian Stöcker, Fabian Wirth: Event-based control. In: Lunze, Jan (ed.): Control theory of digitally networked dynamic systems. - Cham : Springer, 2014. - S. 169-261.

Jan Lunze, Lars Grüne: Introduction to networked control systems. In: Lunze, Jan (Hrsg.): Control theory of digitally networked dynamic systems. - Cham : Springer, 2014. - S. 1-30.

Lars Grüne, Manuela Sigurani: A Lyapunov based nonlinear small-gain theorem for discontinuous discrete-time large-scale systems. In: MTNS 2014 : Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Groningen : University of Groningen, 2014. - S. 1031-1037.

Lars Grüne, Marleen Stieler: A Lyapunov function for economic MPC without terminal conditions. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control Held in Los Angeles, California, 2014. - Los Angeles, CA : IEEE, 2014. - S. 2740-2745.

Lars Grüne: Nominal model predictive control. In: Samad, Tariq ; Baillieul, John (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Systems and Control. - London : Springer, 2014.

Robert Baier, Sigurdur Freyr Hafstein: Numerical computation of control Lyapunov functions in the sense of generalized gradients. In: MTNS 2014 : Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Groningen : University of Groningen Press, 2014. - S. 1173-1180.

Lars Grüne: Numerical methods for nonlinear optimal control problems. In: Samad, Tariq ; Baillieul, John (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Systems and Control. - London : Springer, 2014.

Lars Grüne, Vryan Gil Palma: On the benefit of re-optimization in optimal control under perturbations. In: MTNS 2014 : Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Groningen : University of Groningen, 2014. - S. 439-446.

Andreas Paul Fröba, Stefan Will, Yuji Nagasaka, Jochen Winkelmann, Simone Wiegand, Werner Köhler: Optical Methods. In: Marc J. Assael, Anthony R. H. Goodwin, Velisa Vesovic, William A. Wakeham (Hrsg.): Experimental Thermodynamics. Volume 9. Advances in transport properties of fluids. - Cambridge, UK : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014. - S. 19-74.

Kurt Chudej, Anna-Lena Klingler: Optimal Control of a 3D Flight of a Hang-Glider through a Thermal. In: Ecker, H. ; Steindl, A. ; Jakubek, S. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of 8th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference. - Wien : Institute of Mechanics and Mechatronics, Vienna University of Technology, 2014.

Johannes Michael, Kurt Chudej, Matthias Gerdts, Jürgen Pannek: Optimal Rendezvous Path Planning to an Uncontrolled Tumbling Target. In: Schilling, Klaus ; Schmidt, Marco ; Leutert, Florian (Hrsg.): 19th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace 2013. - Wien : International Control in Aerospace, 2014. - S. 347-352.

Lars Grüne, Mario Zanon: Periodic optimal control, dissipativity and MPC. In: MTNS 2014 : Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Groningen : University of Groningen, 2014. - S. 1804-1807.

Valéry Sitlivy, Mircea Anghelinu, Victor P. Chabai, Loredana Niţă, Thorsten Uthmeier, Thomas Hauck, Ionut Băltean, Alexandra Hilgers, Christoph Schmidt: Placing the Aurignacian from Banat (Southwestern Romania) into the European Early Upper Paleolithic context. In: Marcel Otte (Hrsg.): Modes de contacts et de déplacements au Paléolithique eurasiatique. - Liège : ERAUL, 2014. - S. 243-277.

Arthur Fleig, Lars Grüne, Roberto Guglielmi: Some results on Model Predictive Control for the Fokker-Planck equation. In: MTNS 2014 : 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, July 7-11, 2014, Groningen, The Netherlands ; Proceedings. - Groningen : 2014. - S. 1203-1206.

Andrea Boccia, Lars Grüne, Karl Worthmann: Stability and feasibility of state-constrained linear MPC without stabilizing terminal constraints. In: MTNS 2014 : Proceedings on the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, July 7-11, 2014, University of Groningen. - Groningen : 2014. - S. 453-460.

Oliver Kamps, Michael Wilczek: Statistical description of turbulent flows : a short review in memory of Rudolf Friedrich. In: Alessandro Talamelli, Martin Oberlack, Joachim Peinke (Hrsg.): Progress in Turbulence V : Proceedings of the iTi Conference in Turbulence 2012. - Cham : Springer, 2014. - S. 1-8.

Lars Grüne, Christopher M. Kellett: Strong implication-form ISS-Lyapunov functions for discontinuous discrete-time systems. In: MTNS 2014 : Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Groningen : University of Groningen, 2014. - S. 1023-1030.

Gerd-Christian Weniger, José Ramos, Martin Kehl, Jörg Linstädter, Andreas Pastoors, F. Javier Medianero, Pedro Cantalejo, Salvador Dominguez-Bella, Juan J. Durán, Christoph Schmidt, Alexandra Hilgers, Janet Rethemeyer, Blanca Ruiz, María José Gil, Ignacio Clemente, Priscile Bayle, Vícor Hernández, Susana Jorge, Cristina Capel, Juan Teodomiro López, José Antonio Riquelme, Paul Palmqvist, Maria P. Espligares, Sergio Ros-Montoya, Bienvenido Martinez-Navarro, Maria del Mar Espejo, Antonio Barrena, Juan Jesús Cantillo, Eduardo Vijande, José Maria Gutiérrez, Serafin Becerra y Lidia Cabello: Valoración interdisciplinar y perspectiva de estudio para un proyecto general de investigación. In: Gerd-Christian Weniger, José Ramos Muñoz (Hrsg.): Sima de Las Palomas Teba, (Málaga): resultados de las investigaciones 2011-2014. - Benaoján, Málaga : Pinsapar, 2014. - S. 187-190.

Lars Grüne, Manuela Sigurani: Numerical ISS controller design via a dynamic game approach. In: 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2013. - S. 1732-1737.

Matthias Gerdts, Ilaria Xausa: Avoidance trajectories using reachable sets and parametric sensitivity analysis. In: Hömberg, Dietmar ; Tröltzsch, Fredi (Hrsg.): System Modeling and Optimization : 25th IFIP TC 7 Conference, CSMO 2011, Berlin, Germany, September 12-16, 2011. Revised Selected Papers. - Berlin–Heidelberg : Springer, 2013. - S. 491-500.

Gerold Grünauer, Markus Mayer, Matthias Knapp, Philipp Jäger, Thomas Ebner, Karl C. Wagner, Hans Josef Pesch: Derivation of accurate tensor data of materials in SAW devices by solving a parameter identification problem using an enhanced eigenvalue analysis of an infinite array model. In: 2013 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). - Piscataway : IEEE, 2013. - S. 1700-1703.

Tobias Damm: Euclidean Norm Optimal Realization Revisited. In: Hüper, Knut ; Trumpf, Jochen (Hrsg.): Mathematical System Theory : Festschrift in Honor of Uwe Helmke on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. - Würzburg (Germany) ; Canberra (Australia) : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013. - S. 91-102.

Peter Deuflhard, Anton Schiela: Katz und Maus. In: Katja Biermann, Martin Grötschel, Brigitte Lutz-Westphal (Hrsg.): Besser als Mathe : Moderne angewandte Mathematik aus dem MATHEON zum Mitmachen. 2., aktualisierte Auflage. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien, 2013. - S. 29-40.

Johannes Michael, Kurt Chudej, Matthias Gerdts, Jürgen Pannek: Optimal Rendezvous Path Planning to an Uncontrolled Tumbling Target. In: Schilling, Klaus ; Schmidt, Marco ; Leutert, Florian (Hrsg.): Preprints of the 19th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, 2.-6.9.2013, Würzburg. - Würzburg : Universität Würzburg, 2013. - S. 342-347.

Martin Kehl, Christoph Burow, S. Cantalejo, Salvador Dominguez-Bella, Juan J. Durán, Felix Henselowsky, N. Klasen, F. Javier Medianero, José Ramos, Klaus Reicherter, Christoph Schmidt, Gerd-Christian Weniger: The palaeolithic site Sima de Las Palomas de Teba, Southern Spain : site formation processes and chronostratigraphy. In: R. Baena, J. J. Fernández, I. Guerrero (Hrsg.): El Cuaternario Ibérico : investigación en el s. XXI. - Sevilla : AEQUA, 2013. - S. 285-289.

Philipp Braun, Jürgen Pannek, Karl Worthmann: Predictive control algorithms : stability despite shortened optimization horizons. In: Lambertini, Luca (Hrsg.): 15th 2012 IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization. - Rimini : 2013. - S. 274-279.

Thomas Kriecherbauer, Kristina Schubert: Spacings : an example for universality in random matrix theory. In: Gerold Alsmeyer, Matthias Löwe (Hrsg.): Random matrices and iterated random functions. - Heidelberg : Springer, 2013. - S. 45-71.

Andrii Mironchenko, Jan Kozłowski: Optimal allocation strategies of perennial plants. In: 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013) : Proceedings. - Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE, 2013. - S. 3361-3366.

Lars Grüne, Jürgen Pannek, Martin Seehafer, Karl Worthmann: Analysis of unconstrained nonlinear MPC schemes with time varying control horizon. In: 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : Final Program and Book of Abstracts. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2012. - S. 2605-2610.

Ilaria Xausa, Robert Baier, Matthias Gerdts, Mark Gonter, Christian Wegwerth: Avoidance trajectories for driver assistance systems via solvers for optimal control problems. In: Proceedings on the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2012), July 9-13, 2012, Melbourne, Australia. - Melbourne, Australia : Think Business Events, 2012. - S. 8.

Hans Josef Pesch, Simon Bechmann, Jan-Eric Wurst: Bang-Bang and Singular Controls in Optimal Control Problems with Partial Differential Equations. In: 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2012): Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2012. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2012. - S. 7671-7678.

Hans Josef Pesch: Caratheodory on the Road to the Maximum Principle. In: Grötschel, Martin (Hrsg.): Optimization Stories. - Berlin : Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung, 2012. - S. 317-329.

Hans Josef Pesch, Michael Plail: The Cold War and the Maximum Principle of Optimal Control. In: Grötschel, Martin (Hrsg.): Optimization Stories. - Berlin : Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung, 2012. - S. 331-343.

Lars Grüne, Thomas U. Jahn: Computing reachable sets via barrier methods on SIMD architectures. In: Eberhardsteiner, Josef ; Böhm, Helmut J. ; Rammerstorfer, Franz G. (eds.): Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012) Held at the University of Vienna, Austria, September 10-14, 2012. - Vienna : Vienna University of Technology, 2012. - S. 2076-2095.

Gerold Grünauer, Markus Mayer, Dadgar Javid Gholamreza, Thomas Ebner, Karl C. Wagner, Hans Josef Pesch: Derivation of accurate tensor data of materials in SAW devices by solving a parameter identification problem. In: 2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). - Piscataway : IEEE, 2012. - S. 827-830.

Lars Grüne, Karl Worthmann: A Distributed NMPC Scheme without Stabilizing Terminal Constraints. In: Rolf Johansson, Anders Rantzer (Hrsg.): Distributed Decision Making and Control. - London : Springer, 2012. - S. 261-287.

Lars Grüne, Jürgen Pannek, Karl Worthmann: Ensuring stability in networked systems with nonlinear MPC for continuous time systems. In: 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control : Final Program and Book of Abstracts. - Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2012. - S. 14-19.

Corinna Klapproth, Anton Schiela, Peter Deuflhard: Fast algorithms for the simulation of human knee joint motion. In: C. Hellmich, M. H. Hamza, D. Simsik (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2012), February 15-17, 2012, Innsbruck, Austria. - Anaheim, CA : ACTA Press, 2012. - S. 696-699.

Matthias Witzgall, Kurt Chudej: Flight path optimization subject to instationary heat constraints. In: Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, Felix (Hrsg.): 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 2012). - Wien : International Federation of Automatic Control, 2012. - S. 1141-1146.

Matthias Witzgall, Kurt Chudej: Flight path optimization subject to instationary heat constraints. In: Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, Felix (Hrsg.): Preprints MATHMOD 2012 Vienna - Full Paper Volume. - Wien : ARGESIM, 2012.

Oliver Kamps, Michael Wilczek, Rudolf Friedrich: Lagrangian acceleration statistics in 2D and 3D turbulence. In: Martin Oberlack, Joachim Peinke, Alessandro Talamelli, Luciano Castillo, Michael Hölling (Hrsg.): Progress in Turbulence and Wind Energy IV : Proceedings of the iTi Conference in Turbulence 2010. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2012. - S. 67-70.

Ludwig Zöller, Ulrich Hambach, Thomas Kolb, Olivier Moine, Peter Kühn: Landscape development in the Trebgast Valley north of Bayreuth and its surroundings (Upper Franconia) : ongoing research. In: Ludwig Zöller, Andreas Peterek (Hrsg.): From Paleozoic to Quaternary : A field trip from the Franconian Alb to Bohemia. - Greifswald : Geozon Science Media, 2012. - S. 6-24.

Johannes Michael, Kurt Chudej, Jürgen Pannek: Modelling and Optimal Control of a Docking Maneuver with an Uncontrolled Satellite. In: Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, Felix (Hrsg.): Preprints MATHMOD 2012 Vienna - Full Paper Volume. - Wien : ARGESIM, 2012.

Johannes Michael, Kurt Chudej, Jürgen Pannek: Modelling and Optimal Control of a Docking Maneuver with an Uncontrolled Satellite. In: Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, Felix (Hrsg.): 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 2012). - Wien : International Federation of Automatic Control, 2012. - S. 1135-1140.

Hans Josef Pesch: Optimal control of dynamical systems governed by partial differential equations : A perspective from real-life applications. In: Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, Felix (Hrsg.): 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD 2012). - Wien : International Federation of Automatic Control, 2012. - S. 1-12.

Hans Josef Pesch: Optimal control of dynamical systems governed by partial differential equations : A perspective from real-life applications. In: Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, Felix (Hrsg.): Preprints MATHMOD 2012 Vienna - Full Paper Volume. - Wien : Argesim-Verlag, 2012.

Ludwig Zöller, Ulrich Hambach, Arno Kleber, Thomas Kolb, Olivier Moine: Quaternary valley and slope development in the headwaters of the River Main, Upper Franconia – puzzling ancient stream courses and sedimentary archives.. In: Sauer, Daniela (Hrsg.): From the northern ice shield to the Alpine glaciations : a quaternary field trip through Germany. - Greifswald : Geozon, 2012. - S. 47-65.

Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Thomas Stevens, Biljana Basarin, Ken O’Hara-Dhand, Momčilo M. Gavrilov, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Ian Smalley, Nenad Teofanov: Relating the astronomical timescale to the loess-paleosol sequences in Vojvodina, Northern Serbia. In: André Berger, Fedor Mesinger, Djordje Šijački (Hrsg.): Climate change : Inferences form paleoclimate and regional aspects. - Wien : Springer, 2012. - S. 65-78.

Sebastian Götschel, Martin Weiser, Anton Schiela: Solving Optimal Control Problems with the Kaskade 7 Finite Element Toolbox. In: Dedner, Andreas ; Flemisch, Bernd ; Klöfkorn, Robert (Hrsg.): Advances in DUNE : Proceedings of the DUNE User Meeting, Held in October 6th–8th 2010 in Stuttgart, Germany. - Berlin : Springer, 2012. - S. 101-112.

Vryan Gil Palma, Lars Grüne: Stability, performance and robustness of sensitivity-based multistep feedback NMPC. In: MTNS 2012 : Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. - Melbourne : 2012.

Christian Grußler, Tobias Damm: A Symmetry Approach for Balanced Truncation of Positive Linear Systems. In: Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Held in Maui, Hawaii, 2012. - Maui, Hawaii, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012. - S. 4308-4313.

Michael Wilczek, Rudolf Friedrich: Two-point enstrophy statistics of fully developed turbulence. In: Martin Oberlack, Joachim Peinke, Alessandro Talamelli, Luciano Castillo, Michael Hölling (Hrsg.): Progress in Turbulence and Wind Energy IV : Proceedings of the iTi Conference in Turbulence 2010. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2012. - S. 57-60.

Huijuan Li, Fabian Wirth: Zubov's method for interconnected systems : a dissipative formulation. In: Proceedings on the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2012), July 9-13, 2012, Melbourne, Australia. - Melbourne, Australia : Think Business Events, 2012.

Wilfried Rosendahl, Dieta Ambros, Brigitte Hilpert, Ulrich Hambach, Kurt W. Alt, Maria Knipping, Ludwig Reisch, Brigitte Kaulich: Neanderthals and Monkeys in the Würmian of Central Europe : The Middle Paleolithic Site of Hunas, Southern Germany. In: Nicholas John Conard (Hrsg.): Neanderthal lifeways, subsistence and technology : one hundred and fifty years of Neanderthal study. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2011. - S. 15-23.

Tobias Damm, Jan Homeyer: On Indefinite Damping and Gyroscopic Stabilization. In: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress 2011 Held in Milano, Italy. - Milano, Italy : International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 2011. - S. 7589-7593.

Thomas U. Jahn, Jürgen Pannek: Stability of constrained adaptive model predictive control algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress 2011 Held in Milano, Italy. - Milano : International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 2011. - S. 9272-9277.

Sergey Dashkovskiy, Andrii Mironchenko, Lars Naujok: Autonomous and central control of production networks. In: Michael Hülsmann, Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Katja Windt (Hrsg.): Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics : Contributions and Limitations - Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2011. - S. 27-43.

Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser: Barrier Methods for a Control Problem from Hyperthermia Treatment Planning. In: Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering. - Berlin : Springer, 2010. - S. 419-428.

Michael Wilczek, Rudolf Friedrich: A Langevin equation for the turbulent vorticity. In: Joachim Peinke, Martin Oberlack, Alessandro Talamelli (Hrsg.): Progress in Turbulence III : proceedings of the iTi Conference in Turbulence 2008. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2010. - S. 255-258.

Peter Deuflhard, Ralf Kornhuber, Oliver Sander, Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser: Mathematics cures virtual patients. In: MATHEON - Mathematics for Key Technologies. - Zürich : European Math. Soc., 2010. - S. 7-25.

Biljana Basarin, Dimitri A. G. Vandenberghe, Slobodan B. Marković, Norm Catto, Ulrich Hambach, Srđan Rončević, Djordjije A. Vasiljević, M. Dalmacija: Multiproxi-analysis of a loess-palaeosol sequence at the southern limit of the European loess belt. In: Tamás Lassu (Hrsg.): International Workshop on Loess Research and Geomorphology : Book of Abstracts. - Pécs : University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Geography, 2010.

Stefan Wendl, Hans Josef Pesch, Armin Rund: On a State-Constrained PDE Optimal Control Problem arising from ODE-PDE Optimal Control. In: Diehl, Moritz ; Glineur, F. ; Jarlebring, E. ; Michiels, W. (Hrsg.): Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering : The 14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization. - Berlin : Springer, 2010. - S. 429-438.

Ulrich Hambach: Palaeoclimatic and stratigraphic implications of high resolution magnetic susceptibility logging of Würmian loess at the Upper Palaeolithic Krems-Wachtberg site. In: Christine Neugebauer-Maresch, Linda R. Owen (Hrsg.): New Aspects of the Central and Eastern European Upper Palaeolithic - Methods, Chronology, Technology and Subsistence. - Wien : Verl. der Österr. Akad. der Wiss., 2010. - S. 295-304.

Michel Vosskuhle, Oliver Kamps, Michael Wilczek, Rudolf Friedrich: Statistical properties of velocity increments in two-dimensional turbulence. In: Joachim Peinke, Martin Oberlack, Alessandro Talamelli (Hrsg.): Progress in Turbulence III : proceedings of the iTi Conference in Turbulence 2008. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2010. - S. 37-40.

Werner Köhler, Alexei Krekhov, Walter Zimmermann: Thermal Diffusion in Polymer Blends : Criticality and Pattern Formation. In: Axel H. E. Müller, Hans-Werner Schmidt, Volker Altstädt (Hrsg.): Complex Macromolecular Systems. Band 1. - Berlin : Springer, 2010. - S. 145-198.

Michael Wilczek, Anton Daitche, Rudolf Friedrich: Vorticity statistics in fully developed turbulence. In: Siegfried Wagner, Matthias Steinmetz, Arndt Bode, Markus M. Müller (Hrsg.): High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Garching/Munich 2009. - Berlin : Springer, 2010. - S. 109-120.

Sergey Dashkovskiy, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Sabine Kuske, Andrii Mironchenko, Lars Naujok, Caroline von Totth: Production networks as communities of autonomous units and their stability. In: Rachid Echahed, Annegret Habel, Mohamed Mosbah (Hrsg.): GCM 2010: The Third International Workshop on Graph Computation Models : Proceedings. - Enschede, The Netherlands : 2010. - S. 17-32.

Kurt Chudej, Hans Josef Pesch, Markus Wächter, Gottfried Sachs, Florent Le Bras: Instationary heat constrained trajectory optimization of a hypersonic space vehicle by ODE-PDE constrained optimal control. In: Buttazzo, Giuseppe ; Frediani, A. (Hrsg.): Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering. - Berlin : Springer, 2009. - S. 127-144.

B. Basarin, Dimitri Vandenberghe, Ulrich Hambach, Dj. A. Vasiljević, Slobodan B. Marković, Goran Jović, Tin Lukić: An introduction to the Belotinac loess-palaeosol sequence, Southern Serbia. In: Loessfest ’09 : Abstract book. - Novi-Sad, Serbien : 2009. - S. 110.

Simon Bechmann, Michael Frey, Hans Josef Pesch, Armin Rund: On Some New Adjoining Approaches for State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems. In: Simos, Theodore E. ; Psihoyios, George ; Tsitouras, Ch.: (Hrsg.): Numerical analysis and applied mathematics. Band 2. - Melville, NY : AIP, 2009. - S. 1322-1323.

Kurt Chudej, Hans Josef Pesch, Markus Wächter: Optimal Control of Extremely Fast Aircraft. In: Rodellar, José ; Reithmeier, Eduard (Hrsg.): 15th International Workshop on Dynamics and Control. - Barcelona : International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2009. - S. 119-126.

Reinhard Richter, Adrian Lange: Surface Instabilities of Ferrofluids. In: Stefan Odenbach (Hrsg.): Colloidal magnetic fluids : basics, development and applications of ferrofluids. - Berlin : Springer, 2009. - S. 157-247.

Anton Schiela: An extended mathematical framework for barrier methods in function space. In: Bercovier, Michel ; Gander, Martin J. ; Kornhuber, Ralf ; Widlund, Olof (Hrsg.): Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering XVIII. - Berlin : Springer, 2009. - S. 201-208.

Kurt Chudej, Kati Sternberg, Hans Josef Pesch: Faster Load Changes for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Systems. In: Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, F. (Hrsg.): Proceedings MATHMOD 09 Vienna. - Wien : Argesim-Verlag, 2009. - S. 2406-2415.

Christopher Groh, Nuri Aksel, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Krülle: Grain size dependence of barchan dune dynamics. In: Masami Nakagawa (Hrsg.): Powders and grains 2009. - Melville, NY : American Institute of Physics, 2009. - S. 955-958.

Stephan Gekle, José Manuel Gordillo, Devaraj van der Meer, Detlef Lohse: High-Speed Jet Formation after Solid Object Impact. In: Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008. - Berlin : Springer, 2009. - S. 595-598.

Slobodan B. Marković, Ulrich Hambach, Björn Machalett, Thomas Stevens, George J. Kukla, Ian Smalley, Eric A. Oches, William D. McCoy, Ludwig Zöller, Björn Buggle, Mladjen Jovanović, Ken O’Hara-Dhand, Tivadar Gaudenyi, Manfred Frechen: Danube Loess Stratigraphy : Serbian Viewpoint. In: Reitner, Jürgen M. (Hrsg.): Veränderter Lebensraum : gesternn, heute und morgen. - Wien : Geologische Bundesanstalt, 2008. - S. 201-202.

Simone Wiegand, Werner Köhler: Determination of molecular weights and their distributions. In: John M. Chalmers, Robert J. Meier (Hrsg.): Molecular characterization and analysis of polymers. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2008. - S. 205-254.

Björn Buggle, Ulrich Hambach, Bruno Glaser, Slobodan B. Marković, Irina Glaser, Ludwig Zöller: Long-Term Paleoclimate Records in SE-Europe – The loess paleosol sequences Batajnica / Stari Slankamen (Serbia) and Mircea Voda (Romania). In: Reitner, Jürgen M. (Hrsg): Veränderter Lebensraum : gestern, heute und morgen. - Wien : Geologische Bundesanstalt, 2008. - S. 15-19.

Ulrich Hambach, Christian Zeeden, Michael Hark, Ludwig Zöller: Magnetic dating of an Upper Palaeolithic cultural layer bearing loess from the Krems-Wachtberg site (Lower Austria). In: Jürgen M. Reitner (Hrsg.): Veränderter Lebensraum : gestern, heute und morgen. - Wien : Geologische Bundesanstalt, 2008. - S. 153-157.

Kurt Chudej, Marco Bauer, Hans Josef Pesch, Klaus Schittkowski: Numerical Simulation of a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell by Partial Differential Algebraic Equations. In: Breitner, Michael H. ; Denk, Georg ; Rentrop, Peter (Hrsg.): From Nano to Space : Applied Mathematics Inspired by Roland Bulirsch. - Berlin : Springer, 2008. - S. 57-70.

Kurt Chudej, Kati Sternberg, Hans Josef Pesch: Optimal Load Changes for a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Model. In: Kunisch, Karl ; Of, Gunther ; Steinbach, Olaf (Hrsg.): Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications. - Berlin : Springer, 2008. - S. 769-776.

Björn Buggle, Bruno Glaser, Ludwig Zöller, Ulrich Hambach, Slobodan B. Marković, Irina Glaser, Natalia Gerasimenko: Origin of loess in the (Middle/Lower) Danube Basin (and Dnieper Area). In: Reitner, Jürgen M. (Hrsg.): Veränderter Lebensraum : gestern, heute und morgen. - Wien : Geologische Bundesanstalt, 2008. - S. 11-14.

Ulrich Hambach, Slobodan B. Marković, Christian Rolf, Ludwig Zöller: Paläo- und umweltmagnetische Untersuchungen an Sedimenten der Bohrung Frankenbach. In: Wolfgang Hansch (Hrsg.): 600000 Jahre Zeitgeschichte am Neckar : das Naturschutzgebiet "Frankenbacher Schotter" bei Heilbronn. - Heilbronn : Städt. Museen, 2008. - S. 68-77.

Ulrich Hambach, Slobodan B. Marković, Björn Buggle, Tivadar Gaudenyi, Mladjen Jovanović, Björn Machalett, Manfred Frechen, Christian Rolf, Ludwig Zöller: Vojvodinian loess-paleosol sequences as archive of repeated Pleistocene paleoclimatic changes. In: Kukla, Peter (Hrsg): Geo 2008, resources and risks in the earth system. - Stuttgart : Schweizerbart, 2008. - S. 203.

Christof A. Kruelle, Andreas Götzendorfer, Rafal Grochowski, Ingo Rehberg, Mustapha Rouijaa, Peter Walzel: Granular flow and pattern formation on a vibratory conveyor. In: Andreas Schadschneider, Thorsten Pöschel, Reinhart Kühne, Michael Schreckenberg, Dietrich E. Wolf (Hrsg.): Traffic and Granular Flow '05. - Berlin : Springer, 2007. - S. 111-128.

Kurt Chudej, Hans Josef Pesch, Joachim Rang: Index Analysis of Models. In: Sundmacher, Kai (Hrsg.): Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells : Modeling, Analysis, Simulation and Control. - Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2007. - S. 63-74.

Bernd Wunnemann, Kai Hartmann, Norbert Altmann, Ulrich Hambach, Hans-Joachim Pachur, Hucai Zhang: Interglacial and Glacial Fingerprints from Lake Deposits in the Gobi Desert, NW China. In: Frank Sirocko (Hrsg.): The Climate of Past Interglacials. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007. - S. 323-350.

Ludwig Zöller, Brigitte Urban, Ulrich Hambach: Klima- und Umweltbedingungen während des Eiszeitalters. In: Günther A. Wagner, Hermann Rieder, Ludwig Zöller, Erich Mick (Hrsg.): Homo heidelbergensis : Schlüsselfund der Menschheitsgeschichte. - Stuttgart : Theiss, 2007. - S. 84-112.

Kati Sternberg, Kurt Chudej, Hans Josef Pesch: Optimal Control Strategies. In: Sundmacher, Kai (Hrsg.): Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells : Modeling, Analysis, Simulation and Control. - Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2007. - S. 201-210.

Kurt Chudej: Index Analysis for Singular PDE Models of Fuel Cells. In: Bucchianico, Alessandro di; Mattheij, R. M. M.; Peletier, M. A. (Hrsg.): Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2004. - Berlin : Springer, 2006. - S. 212-216.

Matthias Gerdts, Günter Greif, Hans Josef Pesch: Numerical Optimal Control of the Wave Equation : Optimal Boundary Control of a String to Rest in Finite Time. In: Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, F. (Hrsg.): Proceedings. - Wien : ARGESIM-Verl., 2006.

Kurt Chudej, Kati Sternberg, Hans Josef Pesch: Simulation and Optimal Control of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells. In: Troch, Inge ; Breitenecker, F. (Hrsg.): Proceedings. - Wien : ARGESIM-Verl., 2006.

Hans Josef Pesch, Kati Sternberg, Kurt Chudej: Towards the Numerical Solution of a Large Scale PDAE Constrained Optimization Problem Arising in Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Modelling. In: Di Pillo, Gianni ; Roma, M. (Hrsg.): Large-scale nonlinear optimization. - New York : Springer, 2006. - S. 243-253.

Andreas Götzendorfer, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Granular surface waves in a vibratory conveyor. In: R. Garcia-Rojo, H. J. Herrmann, Sean McNamara (Hrsg.): Powders and Grains 2005 : Proceedings of the International Conference on Powders & Grains 2005, Stuttgart, Germany, 18-22 July 2005. - London : CRC Press, 2005. - S. 1181.

Hamid El hor, Stefan J. Linz, Rafal Grochowski, Peter Walzel, Christof A. Kruelle, Mustapha Rouijaa, Andreas Götzendorfer: Model for transport of granular matter on vibratory conveyors. In: R. Garcia-Rojo, H. J. Herrmann, Sean McNamara (Hrsg.): Powders and Grains 2005 : Proceedings of the International Conference on Powders & Grains 2005, Stuttgart, Germany, 18-22 July 2005. - London : CRC Press, 2005. - S. 1191.

Christof A. Kruelle, Mustapha Rouijaa, Andreas Götzendorfer, Ingo Rehberg, Rafal Grochowski, Peter Walzel, Hamid El hor, Stefan J. Linz: Reversal of a granular flow on vibratory conveyors. In: R. Garcia-Rojo, H. J. Herrmann, Sean McNamara (Hrsg.): Powders and Grains 2005 : Proceedings of the International Conference on Powders & Grains 2005, Stuttgart, Germany, 18-22 July 2005. - London : CRC Press, 2005. - S. 1185.

Hans Josef Pesch, Victor A. Karkhin, A. S. Ilin, Andrey Prikhodovsky, Vasily Ploshikhin, Maksym Makhutin, H.-W. Zoch: Effects of Latent Heat of Fusion on Thermal Processes During Welding. In: Cerjak, Horst (Hrsg.): Mathematical modelling of weld phenomena. Band 7. - London : Inst. of Materials, 2005. - S. 39-62.

Reinhard Richter, Igor V. Barashenkov, H. Knieling, Christian Gollwitzer, Ingo Rehberg: Hexagons and Soliton-like Spikes : Radioscopy of the Rosensweig Instability. In: Agris Gailitis (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Joint 15th Riga and 6th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD : vol. 1. - Rigas Jurmnala : 2005. - S. 285.

Ruben Saldivar-Guerrero, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Nuri Aksel, Lutz Heymann, Oliverio S. Rodriguez-Fernández: Liquid to Solid Transition of Inverse Ferrofluids. In: Agris Gailitis (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Joint 15th Riga and 6th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD : vol. 1. - Rigas Jurmala : 2005. - S. 365.

Slobodan B. Marković, Mladjen Jovanović, D. Mijovic, Mark P. Bokhorst, Jef Vandenberghe, Eric A. Oches, Ulrich Hambach, Ludwig Zöller, Tivadar Gaudenyi, N. Kovačev, Ž. Boganović, Stevan Savić, D. Bojanič, N. Milojković: Loess plateau-geopark. In: Dušan Mijović (Hrsg.): Proceedings of 2nd Conference on the Geoheritage of Serbia. - Beograd : 2005. - S. 184.

Kurt Chudej, Kati Sternberg, Hans Josef Pesch: Numerical Simulation of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells. In: Hofer, Eberhard P. ; Reithmeier, Eduard (Hrsg.): Modeling and Control of Autonomous Decision Support Based Systems : Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Dynamics & Control. - Aachen : Shaker Verlag, 2005. - S. 227-234.

Verena Petzet, Christof Büskens, Hans Josef Pesch, Victor A. Karkhin, Maksym Makhutin, Andrey Prikhodovsky, Vasily Ploshikhin: OPTILAS: Numerical Optimization as a Key Tool for the Improvement of Advanced Multi-Beam Laser Welding Techniques. In: Bode, Arndt (Hrsg.): High performance computing in science and engineering, Garching 2004 : transactions. - Berlin : Springer, 2005. - S. 153-166.

Robert Krauß, Mario Liu, Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Pumping Magnetic Liquid without any Moving Parts, but by Magnetic Stress. In: Agris Gailitis (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the joint 15th Riga and 6th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD : vol. 1. - Rigas Jurmala : 2005. - S. 313.

Carsten Tzschoppe, Franz Rothlauf, Hans Josef Pesch: The Edge-Set Encoding Revisited: On the Bias of a Direct Representation for Trees. In: Deb, Kalyanmoy... (Hrsg.): Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - GECCO 2004. Vol. 2. - Berlin : Springer, 2004. - S. 258-270.

Slobodan B. Marković, Eric A. Oches, Tivadar Gaudenyi, Mladjen Jovanović, Ulrich Hambach, Ludwig Zöller, Pál Sümegi: The Late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence Miseluk. In: Slobodan B. Marković (Hrsg.): Paleoclimatic record of Milankovitch's loess - field excursion guide book of Milankovitch Anniversary Symposium: Paleoclimate and and Earth climate system, September 2, 2004, Belgrade. - Belgrade : 2004. - S. 21-23.

Roland Griesse, Andrea Walther: Using AD-generated Derivatives in Optimal Control of an Industrial Robot. In: Buikis, Andris... (Hrsg.): Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002. - Berlin : Springer, 2004. - S. 127-132.

Ulrich Hambach, Jan Reinders, Christian Rolf, Frank Sirocko: Geomagnetic Palaeo-secular Variation for the last 170 k.y. from Lake Sediments of the Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany) - first Results and Perspectives. In: EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly 2003 : Abstracts of the Meeting. - Nice : 2003.

Christof Büskens, Kurt Chudej, Susanne Winderl: Parametric sensitivity analysis of a realistic concern model. In: Neck, Reinhard (Hrsg.): Modelling and Control of Economic Systems 2001. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2003. - S. 249-254.

Christof Büskens, Kurt Chudej: Parametric sensitivity analysis: A case study in flight dynamics. In: Sachs, Ekkehard ; Tichatschke, R. (Hrsg.): System Modeling and Optimization XX : IFIP TC7 20th Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, July 23 - 27, 2001, Trier, Germany. - Boston : Kluwer, 2003. - S. 189-197.

Roland Griesse: A reduced SQP Algorithm for the optimal control of semilinear parabolic equations. In: Sachs, Ekkehard ; Tichatschke, R. (Hrsg.): System Modeling and Optimization XX : IFIP TC7 20th Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, July 23 - 27, 2001, Trier, Germany. - Bosten : Kluwer, 2003. - S. 239-253.

Hans Josef Pesch, Matthias Gerdts: Simulation of Test-Drives of Automobiles at Driving Limit. In: Jäger, Willi ; Krebs, Hans-Joachim (Hrsg.): Mathematics — Key Technology for the Future : Joint Projects between Universities and Industry. - Berlin : Springer, 2003. - S. 74-83.

Barbara Schindler, Franz Rothlauf, Hans Josef Pesch: Evolution Strategies, Network Random Keys, and the One-Max Tree Problem. In: Stefano Cagnoni (Hrsg.): Applications of evolutionary computing. - Berlin : Springer, 2002. - S. 143-152.

Ulrich Hambach, Jan Reinders: High resolution palaeomagnetic records from MIS 5 sediments: the terrestrial perspective. In: Hansmartin Hüssner (Hrsg.): Sediment 2002 : Kurzfassungen und Programme. - Hannover : Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 2002. - S. 81-82.

M. Meudt, Utz Kramar, Zsolt A. Berner, Doris Stüben, G. Keller, W. Stinnesbeck, Ulrich Hambach, M. Harting: Klima- und Umweltentwicklung des tunesischen Schelfs (Tethys-Südrand) in der späten Oberkreide (Campan bis Kreide/Tertiär-Grenze). In: Birgit Niebuhr (Hrsg.): Geo 2002 : Planet Erde: Vergangenheit, Entwicklung, Zukunft. - Hannover : DGG, 2002. - S. 239-240.

M. Meudt, M. Harting, Utz Kramar, Zsolt A. Berner, Doris Stüben, G. Keller, W. Stinnesbeck, Ulrich Hambach: Late upper Creataceous (Campan to K/T-boundary) paleoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental changes inferred from high resolution chemostratigraphy at the Tunisian Thethys shelf. In: Referate der Vorträge und Poster, 80. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft vom 8. bis 12. September 2002 in Hamburg; Exkursionsführer. - Stuttgart : Schweizerbart, 2002. - S. 108.

Simone Wiegand, Werner Köhler: Measurement of Transport Coefficients by an Optical Grating Technique. In: Werner Köhler, Simone Wiegand (Hrsg.): Thermal nonequilibrium phenomena in fluid mixtures. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2002. - S. 189-210.

Vasily Ploshikhin, H.-W. Zoch, Victor A. Karkhin, Hans Josef Pesch, H.-J. Diepers, I. Steinbach: Multiscale Modelling of Laser Beam Welding. Part I: Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Scale. In: Sepold, Gerd ; Wagner, F. ; Tobolski, J. (Hrsg.): Kurzzeitmetallurgie : Handbuch zum Abschlußkolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms. - Bremen : BIAS Verlag, 2002. - S. 33-40.

H.-J. Diepers, I. Steinbach, Vasily Ploshikhin, H.-W. Zoch, Victor A. Karkhin, Hans Josef Pesch: Multiscale Modelling of Laser Beam Welding. Part II: Microscopic Scale. In: Sepold, Gerd ; Wagner, F. ; Tobolski, J. (Hrsg.): Kurzzeitmetallurgie : Handbuch zum Abschlußkolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms. - Bremen : BIAS Verlag, 2002. - S. 41-50.

Vasily Ploshikhin, H.-W. Zoch, Victor A. Karkhin, Maksym Makhutin, Hans Josef Pesch: Numerical optimisation of the temperature field for the prevention of solidification cracking during laser beam welding using the multi-beam technique. In: Proceedings : papers, keynotes and plenaries of Materials Week 2002. - Frankfurt : Werkstoff-Informationsges., 2002.

Kurt Chudej, Christof Büskens, Tobias Graf: Solution of a Hard Flight Path Optimization Problem by Different Optimization Codes. In: Breuer Michael ; Durst, F. ; Zenger C. (Hrsg.): High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing. - Berlin : Springer, 2002. - S. 289-296.

Christof Büskens, Kurt Chudej, Susanne Winderl: Parametric sensitivity analysis of a realistic concern model. In: Preprints of the IFAC Symposium on Modeling and Control of Economic Systems, 6.-8.9.2001, Klagenfurt, Österreich, Universität Klagenfurt. - Klagenfurt : Universität Klagenfurt, 2001. - S. 21-23.

Christof Büskens, Helmut Maurer: Real-Time Control of an Industrial Robot under Control and State Constraints. In: Grötschel, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems. - Berlin : Springer, 2001. - S. 83-92.

Stefan Seelecke, Christof Büskens, Ingo Müller, Jürgen Sprekels: Real-Time Optimal Control of Shape Memory Alloy Actuators in Smart Structures. In: Grötschel, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems. - Berlin : Springer, 2001. - S. 93-104.

Christof Büskens, Matthias Gerdts: Real-Time Optimization of DAE Systems. In: Grötschel, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems. - Berlin : Springer, 2001. - S. 117-128.

Christof Büskens: Real-Time Solutions for Perturbed Optimal Control Problems by a Mixed Open- and Closed-Loop Strategy. In: Grötschel, Martin ; Krumke, Sven O. ; Rambau, Jörg (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems. - Berlin : Springer, 2001. - S. 105-116.

Christof Büskens, Hans Josef Pesch, Susanne Winderl: Real-Time Solutions of Bang-Bang and Singular Optimal Control Problems. In: Grötschel, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems. - Berlin : Springer, 2001. - S. 129-142.

Christof Büskens, Helmut Maurer: Sensitivity Analysis and Real-Time Control of Parametric Optimal Control Problems Using Nonlinear Programming Methods. In: Grötschel, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems. - Berlin : Springer, 2001. - S. 57-68.

Christof Büskens, Helmut Maurer: Sensitivity Analysis and Real-Time Optimization of Parametric Nonlinear Programming Problems. In: Grötschel, Martin et al. (Hrsg.): Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems. - Berlin : Springer, 2001. - S. 3-16.

Ulrich Hambach, Lutz Reinhardt, Martin Schalkowski, Andreas Etzold, Klaus Krumsiek, Werner Ricken: A time frame for the Middle Keuper - cyclostratigraphy, sedimentology and first paleomagnetic results from the RAUENBERG 1 research well (km1-km4, Upper Triassic, SW-Germany). In: Reinhard Gaupp (Hrsg.): Sediment 2001 : Programm, Kurzfassungen, Exkursionsführer. - Hannover : Dt. Geologische Ges., 2001. - S. 45.

Ulrich Hambach, Klaus Krumsiek: Magnetische Polaritätsstratigraphie in der Kreide. In: Die Kreide in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. - Frankfurt am Main : Senckenbergische Naturforschende Ges., 2000. - S. 51-59.

Anton Schiela, Hans Olsson: Mixed-mode integration for real-time simulation. In: Papers of the Modelica Workshop 2000. - Linköping, Sweden : Modelica Association, 2000. - S. 69-75.

Christof Büskens, Matthias Gerdts: Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems with DAE Systems of Higher Index. In: Optimalsteuerungsprobleme in der Luft- und Raumfahrt. - München : Hieronymus, 2000. - S. 27-38.

Werner Köhler: Thermal-diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering. In: Wyn Brown, Kell Mortensen (Hrsg.): Scattering in polymeric and colloidal systems. - Amsterdam : Gordon & Breach, 2000. - S. 75-115.

Jan Reinders, Ulrich Hambach: A geomagnetic excursion observed in a travertine-complex from Stuttgart-Untertuerkheim (Germany). In: IUGG 99, Birmingham : Abstracts. - Birmingham : 1999.

Peter Schlicht, Eduardo Koutsoukos, Ulrich Hambach, Peter Bentson, Klaus Krumsiek: Limestone–marl cycles from the Maastrichtian of Pernambuco-Paraiba basin (NE Brazil) - evidence for orbital forcing?. In: Dias-Brito Dimas, Joel C. de Castro, Rosemarie Rohn (Hrsg.): Boletim do 5 ̊Simpósio sobre o Cretáceo do Brasil & 1er Simpósio sobre el Cretácico de América del Sur. - Rio Claro, Brasil : Realização UNESP, 1999. - S. 121-124.

Jan Reinders, Ulrich Hambach, Klaus Krumsiek: The loess-paleosol sequence (LPSS) from Koblenz-Metternich : Independent paleo- and rock magnetic dating approach indentifies Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles (DOCs). In: Michael Weidenfeller, Ludwig Zöller (Hrsg.): Loess in the Middle and Upper Rhine Area : Loessfest '99 Field Guide. - Mainz : Geologisches Landesamt Rheinland-Pfalz, 1999. - S. 31-38.

Jan Reinders, Ulrich Hambach, Klaus Krumsiek: The loess-paleosol sequence from Koblenz-Metternich : Independent paleo- and rock magnetic dating approach identifies Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles (DOCs). In: Edward Derbyshire (Hrsg.): Loessfest '99 : Extended Abstracts. - London : Centre of Quaternary Research, 1999.

Ulrich Hambach, Lutz Reinhardt, Thomas Wonik, Guido Port, Klaus Krumsiek, Werner Ricken: Orbital forcing in a low-latitude playa system : evidence from evolutionary spectral analyses (ESA) of geophysical and geochemical data from the Steinmergel-Keuper (Late Triassic, S-Germany). In: Heinrich Ristedt (Hrsg.): Sediment '99 : Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster. - Bonn : Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, 1999. - S. 91-100.

Ulrich Hambach, Martin Schalkowski, Stefan Fehmer, Lutz Reinhardt, Werner Ricken: High resolution rock magnetic investigations of the German Keuper - Implications for sedimentary cyclicity and stratigraphy. In: Gerhard H. Bachmann (Hrsg.): Abstracts : Epicontinental Triassic International Symposium. - Halle (Saale) : Inst. für Geologische Wiss. und Geiseltalmuseum, Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, 1998. - S. 64-65.

Thomas Rose, Ulrich Hambach, Klaus Krumsiek: A High Resolution Rock Magnetic Record of Albian Sediments from NW-Germany - Evidence for Orbital Forcing. In: Juan C. Cañaveras (Hrsg.): Sedimentology at the dawn of the third millennium : Abstracts. - Alicante : Universidad de Alicante, 1998. - S. 672-674.

Peter Schlicht, Eduardo Koutsoukos, Ulrich Hambach, Peter Bengston, Klaus Krumsiek: Magnetic properties of Maastrichtian to Paleocene sediments from the Pernambuco-Paraiba Basin (NE Brazil). In: South Atlantic Mesozoic Correlations, SAMC - Project 381 (IGCP-IUGS) : Abstracts of the Third Annual Conference. - Ushuaia : 1998.

Günther A. Wagner, Fritz Fezer, Ulrich Hambach, Wighart von Koenigswald, Ludwig Zöller: Das Alter des Homo heidelbergensis von Mauer. In: Günther A. Wagner, Karl W. Beinhauer (Hrsg.): Homo heidelbergensis von Mauer : das Auftreten des Menschen in Europa. - Heidelberg : HVA, 1997. - S. 124-143.

Werner Köhler, Rolf Schäfer, E. Bartsch, S. Stölken: Collective and self diffusion of PS microgels in solution as observed by thermal diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering. In: Thomas Palberg, Matthias Ballauff (Hrsg.): Optical Methods and Physics of Colloidal Dispersions. - Darmstadt : Steinkopff, 1997. - S. 132-134.

Johannes Stets, Abdul-Rahman Ashraf, Heinrich K. Erben, Gabriele Hahn, Ulrich Hambach, Klaus Krumsiek, Jean Thein, Paul Wurster: The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Nanxiong Basin (continental facies, southeast China). In: Norman MacLeod, Gerta Keller (Hrsg.): Cretaceous-tertiary mass extinctions : biotic and environmental changes. - New York : Norton, 1996. - S. 349-371.

F. Renth, E. Bartsch, A. Kasper, S. Kirsch, S. Stölken, H. Sillescu, Werner Köhler, Rolf Schäfer: The effect of the internal architecture of polymer micronetwork colloids on the dynamics in highly concentrated dispersions. In: C. Solans, M. R. Infante, M. J. García-Celma (Hrsg.): Trends in Colloid and Interface Science X. - Darmstadt : Steinkopff, 1996. - S. 127-131.

Ulrich Hambach, Jan Reinders: Gesteinsmagnetik an Löß als Proxy für das terrestrische Paläoklima des letzten Interglazial/Glazial-Zyklus. In: Jean Thein, Andreas Schäfer (Hrsg.): Geologische Stoffkreisläufe und ihre Veränderungen durch den Menschen : 148. Hauptversammlung, Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft; Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster. - Hannover : Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 1996. - S. 36-38.

Ulrich Hambach, Cristian G. Panaiotu, Cristina E. Panaiotu: Gondwana origin of the Tisza-Dacia Unit? : Arguments from paleomagnetism. In: Kurt Decker (Hrsg.): Dynamics of the Pannonian-Carpathian-Dinaride system : PANCARDI workshop 1996. - Wien : 1996. - S. 101-148.

J. Schönfeld, M.-G. Schulz, J. McArthur, Ulrich Hambach, H. J. Hansen, W. J. Kennedy, K. L. Rasmussen, M. F. Thirlwall, D. S. Wray: New results on biostratigraphy, palaeomagnetism, geochemistry and correlation from the standard section for the Upper Cretaceous white chalk of northern Germany (Lägerdorf-Kronsmoor-Hemmoor). In: Christian Spaeth (Hrsg.): New developments in cretaceous research topics : Proceedings of the 4th International Cretaceous Symposium, Hamburg 1992 ; Jost Wiedmann memorial volume. - Hamburg : Selbstverl. des Geologisch-Paläontologischen Inst. der Univ. Hamburg, 1996. - S. 545-575.

Ulrich Hambach, Guido Port, Klaus Krumsiek: 'Oroclinal Bending' in den Varisciden : Interpretation paläomagnetischer Ergebnisse aus dem Rhenohercynicum. In: Jean Thein, Andreas Schäfer (Hrsg.): Geologische Stoffkreisläufe und ihre Veränderungen durch den Menschen : 148. Hauptversammlung, Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft; Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster. - Hannover : Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 1996. - S. 37-38.

Ulrich Hambach: Paläo-und gesteinsmagnetische Untersuchungen im Quartär der Grube Grafenrain : Fundplatz des Homo erectus heidelbergensis. In: Karl W. Beinhauer (Hrsg.): Homo erectus Heidelbergensis von Mauer : Kolloquium I. Neue Funde und Forschungen zur Frühen Menschheitsgeschichte Eurasiens mit einem Ausblick auf Afrika : Resümees. - Sigmaringen : Thorbecke, 1996. - S. 41-46.

Thomas Rose, Ulrich Hambach, Klaus Krumsiek: Preliminary results of high resolution magnetic susceptibility measurements on the research cores Kirchrode I and II : Milankovitch forced sedimentation during the Upper Albian. In: Joachim Reitner (Hrsg.): Globale und regionale Steuerungsfaktoren biogener Sedimentation. Band 2. Cretaceous Sedimentation. - Göttingen : Geolog. Inst. d. Georg-August-Univ., 1996. - S. 13-16.

Jan Reinders, Ulrich Hambach, Klaus Krumsiek, N. Strack: Archäomagnetische Untersuchungen von Keramikbrennöfen aus Brühl Pingsdorf. In: Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege : Kurzberichte 1995 ; Zusammenfassung der Vorträge und Poster der Gemeinschaftstagung der Arbeitskreise "Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege" der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft und "Archäometrie" der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker im Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum 27.-29.9.1995. - Bochum : 1995.

Holger Böhm, Gabriele Hahn, Ulrich Hambach, Klaus Krumsiek: Paläomagnetische Untersuchungen. In: Heinrich K. Erben (Hrsg.): Die Kreide-, Tertiär-Grenze im Nanxiong-Becken (Kontinentalfazies, Südostchina). - Stuttgart : Steiner, 1995. - S. 48-56.

Frank Lempio: Difference methods for monotone differential inclusions. In: Alexander Karmann, Karl Mosler, Martin Schader, Götz Uebe (Hrsg.): Operations Research ’92 : Extended Abstracts of the 17th Symposium on Operations Research held at the Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg at August 25–28, 1992. - Heidelberg : Physica-Verlag, 1993. - S. 235-236.

Ulrich Hambach, Augusto Mangini, Günther A. Wagner, Ludwig Zöller: Physikalische Altersbestimmung der Schichtenfolge von Mauer. In: Karl W. Beinhauer, Günther A. Wagner (Hrsg.): Schichten von Mauer : 85 Jahre Homo erectus heidelbergensis. - Heidelberg : Ed. Braus, 1992.

Abraham Ulman, Craig S. Willand, Werner Köhler, Douglas R. Robello, David J. Williams, Laura Handley: Use of a Sulfonyl Group in Materials for Nonlinear Optical Materials. In: Seth R. Marder (Hrsg.): Materials for nonlinear optics : chemical perspectives. - Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 1991. - S. 170-186.

Josef Friedrich, Werner Köhler: Relaxation in Glasses and Proteins. In: Joseph Klafter, Joshua Jortner, Alexander Blumen (Hrsg.): Dynamical Processes in Condensed Molecular Systems. - Singapore : World Scientific, 1989.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich, Richard Fischer, Hugo Scheer: Low temperature spectroscopy of cyanobacterial antenna pigments. In: Hugo Scheer, Siegfried Schneider (Hrsg.): Photosynthetic light-harvesting systems : organization and function. - Berlin ; New York : de Gruyter, 1988. - S. 293-306.

Ulrich Hambach: A Paleomagnetic Study of Pleistocene Travertines from Eastern and Central Spain : Preliminary Results. In: International Workshop Paleomagnetism in the Iberian Peninsula : Abstracts. - Platja d'Aro : Servei Geològic de Catalunya, 1987. - S. 8-9.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich: Slow relaxation of organic low temperature glasses. In: Roger Pynn, Tormod Riste (Hrsg.): Time-Dependent Effects in Disordered Materials. - New York : Plenum Press, 1987. - S. 301-304.

Werner Köhler, Josef Meiler, Josef Friedrich: Structural relaxation processes of amorphous organic low temperature glasses. In: Jean Lascombe (Hrsg.): Dynamics of Molecular Crystals. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1987.

Werner Köhler, Josef Friedrich: Tieftemperaturphotochemie mit polarisiertem Licht. In: Hans Sixl (Hrsg.): Photoreaktive Festkörper. - Karlsruhe : Wahl, 1984.


Mario Sperl, Luca Saluzzi, Dante Kalise, Lars Grüne: Separable approximations of optimal value functions and their representation by neural networks.. - Bayreuth, 2025-02-12. - 20 S.

Lars Grüne, Mario Sperl, Debasish Chatterjee: Representation of practical nonsmooth control Lyapunov functions by piecewise affine functions and neural networks.. - Bayreuth, 2025-02-08. - 9 S.

Mario Sperl, Jonas Mysliwitz, Lars Grüne: On the Existence and Neural Network Representation of Separable Control Lyapunov Functions.. - Bayreuth, 2025. - 11 S.

Julian D. Schiller, Lars Grüne, Matthias A. Müller: Performance guarantees for optimization-based state estimation using turnpike properties.. - Bayreuth ; Hannover, 2025-01-30. - 16 S.

Lars Grüne, Kilian Pioch, Thomas Kriecherbauer, Michael Margaliot: Random attraction in TASEP with time-varying hopping rates.. - Bayreuth ; Tel Aviv, 2025-01-28. - 20 S.

Lars Grüne, Mario Zanon: Stabilization of strictly pre-dissipative nonlinear receding horizon control by terminal costs.. - Bayreuth ; Lucca, 2025-01-09. - 7 S.

Mario Zanon, Lars Grüne: Stabilization of strictly pre-dissipative receding horizon linear quadratic control by terminal costs.. - Bayreuth ; Lucca, 2025-01-07. - 13 S.

Andrii Mironchenko: Modeling and stability analysis of live systems with time-varying dimension.. - Bayreuth, 2025-01. - 9 S.

Ingo Rehberg, Peter Blümler: Halbach 2.0 : Creating homogeneous fields with finite size magnets.. - Ithaca, NY, 2025. -

Julian D. Schiller, Lars Grüne, Matthias A. Müller: Optimal state estimation : Turnpike analysis and performance results.. - Bayreuth ; Hannover, 2024-09-23. - 8 S.

Laura Weigl, Anton Schiela: Newton's method for nonlinear mappings into vector bundles.. - Bayreuth, 2024-06-18. - 31 S.

Frederik Köhne, Friedrich M. Philipp, Manuel Schaller, Anton Schiela, Karl Worthmann: L∞-error bounds for approximations of the Koopman operator by kernel extended dynamic mode decomposition.. - Ilmenau ; Bayreuth, 2024-03-28. - 21 S.

Andrew W. Seidl, Aina Johannessen, Alena Dekhtyareva, Jannis-Michael Huss, Marius O. Jonassen, Alexander Schulz, Ove Hermansen, Christoph Thomas, Harald Sodemann: The ISLAS2020 field campaign : Studying the near-surface exchange process of stable water isotopes during the arctic wintertime.. - s.l., 2024. -

Frederik Köhne, Leonie Kreis, Anton Schiela, Roland Herzog: Adaptive Step Sizes for Preconditioned Stochastic Gradient Descent.. - Bayreuth ; Heidelberg, 2023-11. - 31 S.

Roland Herzog, Frederik Köhne, Leonie Kreis, Anton Schiela: Frobenius-Type Norms and Inner Products of Matrices and Linear Maps with Applications to Neural Network Training.. - Bayreuth ; Heidelberg, 2023-11. - 14 S.

Evelyn Herberg, Roland Herzog, Frederik Köhne, Leonie Kreis, Anton Schiela: Sensitivity-Based Layer Insertion for Residual and Feedforward Neural Networks.. - Bayreuth ; Heidelberg, 2023-11. - 15 S.

Jonas Schießl, Ruchuan Ou, Timm Faulwasser, Michael Heinrich Baumann, Lars Grüne: Turnpike and dissipativity in generalized discrete-time stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control.. - Bayreuth, 2023-09. -

Tobias Sproll, Anton Schiela: Numerical Solution of an Identifcation Problem in Electromyography.. - Bayreuth, 2023-06. - 21 S.

Simeon Völkel, Stefan Hartung, Ingo Rehberg: Comment on "Hysteretic transition between states of a filled hexagonal magnetic dipole cluster".. - Ithaca, NY, 2022. -

Stefan Hartung, Ingo Rehberg: Dynamics of a magnetic gear with two cogging-free operation modes.. - Ithaca, NY, 2020-08-13. - 9 S.

Michael Heinrich Baumann, Michaela Baumann, Lars Grüne, Bernhard Herz: Improving Heterogeneous Agent Models by Avoiding Explicit Discretizations of Stiff Equations.. - Bayreuth, 2020-04-04. - 38 S.

Lars Grüne, Manuel Schaller, Anton Schiela: Exponential sensitivity analysis for Model Predictive Control of PDEs.. - Bayreuth, 2020-01. - 4 S.

Lars Grüne: Why does strict dissipativity help in model predictive control?.. - Bayreuth, 2020-01. - 4 S.

Julián Ortiz, Anton Schiela: A composite step method for equality constrained optimization on manifolds.. - Bayreuth, 2019-03-01. - 27 S.

Anton Schiela, Julián Ortiz: Second order directional shape derivatives.. - Bayreuth, 2019-02-25. - 25 S.

Manuel Schaller, Anton Schiela, Matthias Stöcklein: A Composite Step Method with Inexact Step Computations for PDE Constrained Optimization.. - Bayreuth, 2018-10. - 29 S.

Philipp Braun, Philipp Sauerteig, Karl Worthmann: Distributed optimization based control on the example of microgrids.. - Newcastle, Australia ; Ilmenau, Germany, 2018. - 28 S.

Stefan Hartung, Felix Sommer, Simeon Völkel, Johannes Schönke, Ingo Rehberg: Dotriacontapoles : almost self-assembled.. - Ithaca, NY, 2018. - 5 S.

Sabine Rosenfeldt, Stephan Förster, Thomas Friedrich, Ingo Rehberg, Birgit Weber: Self-assembly of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles into cuboidal superstructures.. - Ithaca, NY, 2018. -

Philipp Braun, Christopher M. Kellett, Luca Zaccarian: Unsafe Point Avoidance in Linear State Feedback.. - Newcastle, Australia, 2018. - 8 S.

Wolfgang Riedl, Robert Baier, Matthias Gerdts: Analytical and numerical estimates of reachable sets in a subdivision scheme.. - Bayreuth ; Neubiberg/München, 2017-05-03. - 15 S.

Constantin Christof, Georg Müller: A Note on the Equivalence and the Boundary Behavior of a Class of Sobolev Capacities.. - Bayreuth, 2017-01. - 27 S.

Philipp Braun, Christopher M. Kellett: On (the existence of) Control Lyapunov Barrier Functions.. - Newcastle, Australia, 2017. - 19 S.

Georg Müller, Anton Schiela: On the Control of Time Discretized Dynamical Contact Problems.. - Bayreuth, 2016. - 35 S.

Robert Baier, Thuy Thi Thien Le: Construction of the Minimum Time Function Via Reachable Sets of Linear Control Systems. Part 1: Error Estimates.. - Bayreuth ; Padova, 2015-12. - 30 S.

Robert Baier, Thuy Thi Thien Le: Construction of the Minimum Time Function Via Reachable Sets of Linear Control Systems. Part 2: Numerical Computations.. - Bayreuth ; Padova, 2015-12. - 16 S.

Lars Lubkoll, Anton Schiela, Martin Weiser: An affine covariant composite step method for optimization with PDEs as equality constraints.. - Berlin, 2015-03-12. - 40 S.

Anton Schiela: A flexible framework for cubic regularization algorithms for non-convex optimization in function space.. - Hamburg-Harburg, 2014-04-04. - 26 S.

Christof Büskens, Matthias Gerdts: Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems with DAE Systems of Higher Index.. - Bayreuth, 2000. -

Susanne Winderl, Birgit Naumer: On a State Constrained Optimal Control Problem in Economics with Four Linear Controls.. - Bayreuth, 2000. -

Working paper

Michael Heinrich Baumann: How Useful is Statistical Skewness of Financial Data in Decision Making?. - Bayreuth, 2023. - 18 S.

Parmenas Njoroge, Michael Heinrich Baumann, Michaela Baumann, Dmitry Shevchenko: Stock Price Reactions to Publications of Financial Statements : Evidence from the Moscow Stock Exchange. - Bayreuth (Germany); Rostov-on-Don (Russian Federation), 2020. - 22 S.

Michael Heinrich Baumann: Das Geld liegt auf der Straße. - Bayreuth, 2020. - 3 S.

Michael Heinrich Baumann, Michaela Baumann, Lars Grüne, Bernhard Herz: Analyzing Heterogeneous Agents Models Avoiding the Explicit Discretization of Stiff Equations (Enlarged Abstract). - Bayreuth, 2019. - 8 S.

Simon Bechmann, Michael Frey: Regularisierungsmethoden für Optimalsteuerungsprobleme. - Bayreuth, 2008. -

Anton Schiela: Optimality Conditions for Convex State Constrained Optimal Control Problems with Discontinuous States. - Berlin, 2007. -

Anton Schiela: A continuity result for Nemyckii Operators and some applications in PDE constrained optimal control. - Berlin, 2006. -

Anton Schiela: Convergence of the Control Reduced Interior Point Method for PDE Constrained Optimal Control with State Constraints. - Berlin, 2006. -

Kerstin Brandes, Roland Griesse: Quantitative stability analysis of optimal solutions in PDE-constrained optimization. - Linz, Österreich, 2006. - 21 S.

Vollständige Zeitschriftenhefte

25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS 2022. - Michael Heinrich Baumann, Lars Grüne, Birgit Jacob, Karl Worthmann (Hrsg.). - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (2022), 30, 516 S.

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